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  1. T

    need help with gouramis

    Alright... Now the one with the wound in his fin has some fungus...
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    need help with gouramis

    I have four corys and a zebra danio in there too, that's it. Thanks for the help :)
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    need help with gouramis

    I noticed a couple days ago that one of my two dwarf gouramis has a little chunk out of the bottom edge of his fin... Didn't look too bad so I figured I'd just watch it. Well, it's been long enough I think and it hasn't gotten any better. On top of that, my other gourami has a nice little wound...
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    Sick killing method, STOP!

    :nod: seems like it would be better to whack its head on something hard than to stomp on it
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    Sick killing method, STOP!

    Read this:
  6. T

    Sick killing method, STOP!

    Just lop its head off... That seems like the quickest way to me...
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    Stronger laws on animal murdering?

    Yeah, definitely. My friend used to live way out in the middle of nowhere, next to some people who had a problem with people who weren't "their type" or something. They must've really been hillbillies, because my friend isn't even that well off lol... Anyways, apparently they were complete...
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    Schooling Fish

    Most tetras will school together--for a long time, I had a little school of all different kinds of tetras, in my community tank. Right now I have a couple congo tetras, a rummy nose tetra, a zebra danio, two black skirt tetras, and two dwarf gouramis. (I know, I know, I should have more than one...
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    Aquarium lighting

    Don't use any fancy colored lights... Mine is just plain old white. Don't know about that fish eyesight thing though.
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    filter questionnn

    I change mine once a month. You don't have to soak them in tank water, since they are not intended to house bacteria colonies like the filter media itself. However, you have to rinse them out with clean water very well, to get most of the black dusty stuff out. If you don't, it will filter too...
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    I have a log book but I always forget to log stuff in it... I used to write water parameters, how much tank water I changed, whether I changed the filter carbon, stuff like that. Also it's a good idea to make a page for every fish you buy--write the species, size, date of purchase, date of death...
  12. T

    I still dont have a straight answer ...

    Everything I've read says not to use salt on corys. Probably a good idea to be safe. One time, my panda cory got ich, and I took him to the aquarium store to ask them what to do since I couldn't use salt. Well, the lady there told me that salt was alright, and proceeded to add some salt to the...
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    weird pH test

    It doesn't mention anything about how long you need to wait for it before you can read it in the instructions... It just says to put three drops in the tube, cap it, and turn it upside down a couple times. I assume that means it's almost instant...
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    it means that the water is probably pretty hard, which I guess is what you already found out, but it seems like it would be more than 8.0 if it was "loaded with minerals"
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    pH varies from fish to fish but I saw a tank of discus at the LFS that said they required something like 5.2 :blink:
  16. T

    My khuli Loaches pics...... and some advice!

    Yeah, they seem really tough to me... One time I was rinsing out an aquarium decoration in the sink (probably not a good idea, but this was a long time ago when I was a complete noob), and I didn't realize there was a kuhli loach in there. So when I turned the water on, a kuhli loach came flying...
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    Once or twice a week, I give them a slice of parboiled zucchini... Don't know about that chicken thing though :blink:
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    how big is he?
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    Arowanas are awesome but they get to be freaking huge :blink: My LFS had one that was probably two feet long... And you have to weigh the top of the tank down with something heavy, because in the wild they jump out of the water to catch insects... And you should probably feed them live fish...
  20. T

    weird pH test

    So the other day when I tested my water, the pH was at like 6.2 or so, but when I was changing some water, I left the water in the little test tube, and when I was done working on the tank it had gone up to around 6.6. :blink: Does it really take that long (15 or 20 minutes) for the pH testing...
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    oh my god look at the size of these fish!!!!!!

    arowanas are huge, so are red tail cats... Red tail cats are just awesome though
  22. T

    stupid carpet cleaning lady

    It wasn't too late, and they weren't just tired sluggish... They didn't look healthy--labored breathing, less vibrant colors, etc etc. As for how it could affect the tank... You could smell the stuff she had used on the carpet, I figured the fumes could have somehow gotten in there... I could be...
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    Algae eaters and bottom feeders

    I kept an angel in my community tank with a lot of tetras for years with no problems. Funny thing was, I tried putting another angel in there one time and he tore it apart... i guess it depends on your fish. Anyways, corys are always good. They won't clean up algae, but they're cute and get...
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    stupid carpet cleaning lady

    Yesterday I we had the carpets cleaned, I asked the lady if it would hurt the fish tank at all, and she said no... Well that happened at around 1:00 in the afternoon, and by dinnertime the fish were all looking a little off color. My rummy nose tetra's nose wasn't looking very red, and they were...
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    Raise your hand...

    LMAO I talk to my fishies a lot too! I tell them to knock it off when they're being mean, mostly, but sometimes one of them comes up to the glass and I feel like he's talking back... At least now I know I'm not the only one :P
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    here are some more

    he's adorable :wub:
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    Mine doesn't have that... Then again, my dad built it himself so... But I've seen plenty of stands at the aquarium store that don't have that overhang thing...
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    When you set the tank up, did you cycle it, or just leave it set up for a few weeks? A pH of 8 is a little high, but then I've never had guppies so it could be alright for them. Also, if your fish was sick, he'd probably be acting sluggish rather than swimming erraticly...
  29. T

    kribensis with a tumor or something? help please!

    What's the temperature in your tank? Could be mouth fungus... This looks like white cottony stuff stuck to his mouth and the area around it. If it's not mouth fungus, I don't know what else it could be. I guess it could be a tumor of some sort, in which case your best option would probably be...
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    June Pet of The Month Nominations

    No, I think this is where people who've already been nominated post their pictures so the mods can see and put up a poll for them... That or I'm grossly misinformed :huh:
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    The two animals I want

    the chickens are so cute :wub: they look like pom-poms with legs and beaks :kewlpics:
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    June Pet of The Month Nominations

    here's my horse Charlie: and a link to the thread:
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    Another moron that can't control her dog...

    Labs can be a bit, shall we say, high strung. I love them myself, especially chocolate labs, but they are not the easiest dogs to keep control of. "Why get a big dog if you can't control it?" Because you saw it in the pet shop when it was a little pup, and it was just so cute you had to buy it...
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    Is he "Special" or Sick?

    Damn, I don't have windows media player... From what you guys are describing, sounds like my old platy... I made the mistake of over cleaning my tank and had to re-cycle it, and this poor platy got really really sick... He didn't look like he could control very well where he was going, looked...
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    If you're just starting out with this, I'd get some tetras or livebearers (guppies, mollies, swordtails, platys), and a few corys... Be sure you have enough space though. If you're getting a really small tank, bettas are nice. The general rule of thumb as far as stocking goes is one inch of...
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    Pictures of my animal for POTM :)

    My horse is bigger ;) He's very cute :wub:
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    old vet needs new tricks

    Don't use products that supposedly lower ammonia or nitrite--it does get rid of it temporarily, but within a day or so it will be right back where it was before, like you described. In fact, it's probably worse to have the nitrite high, then get rid of it, then have it go back up than it is to...
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    hospital tank

    Also it's a good idea not to use real plants in a hospital tank...
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    Got an empty tank

    Get new gravel, new filter media, new decorations... And rinse everything out very thoroughly.
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    All of my animals love me right now

    Buy some Frontline... I don't like using it on account of it being rather toxic but damn that sounds bad... It's kind of expensive too :/