need help with gouramis


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2003
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in front of the computer
I noticed a couple days ago that one of my two dwarf gouramis has a little chunk out of the bottom edge of his fin... Didn't look too bad so I figured I'd just watch it. Well, it's been long enough I think and it hasn't gotten any better. On top of that, my other gourami has a nice little wound near his lower jaw. They both seem perfectly healthy other than that. So my questions are:

1. Do I have cause to be worried? Or should I just watch it and make sure it doesn't get any worse?

2. Should I be using any kind of mild antibiotic (like Melafix or something)? I don't have a hospital tank set up at the moment, which could be a problem if I need to treat them with something...

3. How did they get those? Other fish biting them? I've had them for a couple months in my 50 gal. with some congo tetras and black skirts... Everybody seems alright with each other but maybe I'm just not seeing everything. :dunno:
Gouramis can be very aggressive towards each other - especially if trying to breed so they are the likly cause not the tetras (any other fish in with them?).

If your water is in good condition then they should heel fine by themselves (keep up with regular water changes) - I personally don't like the idea of adding meds unless absolutely necessary - just keep an eye out for any secondry infections and act then....


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