Search results

  1. Voxcharm

    How Do I Care For My Molly Fry? Sorry, I know I said let's leave it there but just wanted to share my point with links; other reliable sources of info saying 10 gallons+ is appropriate for mollies. As I said...
  2. Voxcharm

    How Do I Care For My Molly Fry?

    I've seen sailfins around that size too. These are 3 short fins, the biggest is 4cm, I just measured her. I agree they are intrinsically linked but I disagree that 3 mollies in a 12 gallon is in humane. That really is open to opinion as you will find many people saying 10 gallons is sufficient...
  3. Voxcharm

    How Do I Care For My Molly Fry?

    Ohhh this is what really upsets me about animal forums. This is why many people are put off using animal forums and thus refrain from seeking valuble advice from them. I appreciate the opinions. I really do. But I asked how to care for my molly fry not anything else. I have healthy, happy...
  4. Voxcharm

    How Do I Care For My Molly Fry?

    Thanks for that info, Ill up the feeding. Had been doing daily 20% on the tank itself and turkey basting waste out of trap. I don't have any intention of keeping them into adulthood, 8 adult Mollys in a 50 litre would most definitely be overstocking, but id like to raise them to re homing size...
  5. Voxcharm

    How Do I Care For My Molly Fry?

    So I have my first batch of molly fry,   they were born while I was away, most probably on sunday (2 days ago) and I came back to find them.   Managed to find 5  and transferred into a floating fry trap. No idea how many were born, although the molly mummy I suspect is quite a young one who's...
  6. Fry.JPG


  7. Voxcharm

    Cory Is Cut

    I had a cory cut his tail ray a tiny bit, it developed a very mild fungal infection on it. It was so small I didn't medicate, kept an eye on if and be got over it himself :-)
  8. Voxcharm

    Male Molly Attacking Female (Not Mating)

    I had this, I ended up re homing my male sailfin as I was so sick of him hassling one particular female for sex and being aggressive with the other two females. Weird. Well he left his mark and his favourite female gave birth this week. I now (fry aside) have just females and I'm glad of it. I'm...
  9. Voxcharm

    Two Red Honey Gouramis And One Female Betta?

    Sounds like a plan. Thanks for all your info.
  10. Voxcharm

    Two Red Honey Gouramis And One Female Betta?

    Noted. Ill maybe go with two female honeys then, or two males. I will try the female betta but of course won't risk even overnight if it looks hostile. Will update this thread when I do. (Wont be for around a fortnight yet though.)
  11. Voxcharm

    Two Red Honey Gouramis And One Female Betta?

    Thanks shelster for that. I do have a back up plan in that a female betta could be put in my cory tank if all goes bad. I may just give it a try and keep a close watch seeing as i do have that back up. With regards to the pair of honeys (which it may turn out, as you mentioned to be the sole...
  12. Voxcharm

    Cory Acting Strange

    I agree with techen above. I have 6 aeneus (2 are albino) and all mine do this from time to time. I'm pretty sure it's when a grain of sand gets somewhere it shouldn't. Kinda like a dog scratching or shaking. Just a reaction to a small irritation, nothing to worry about in my opinion unless they...
  13. Voxcharm

    Two Red Honey Gouramis And One Female Betta?

    What are people's thoughts on 2 red honey gourami with one female betta in a just under 10 gallon (US gallon) very well planted tank?? It's a new tank that's nearing end of fishless cycle. Reckon ill be stocking in around a week. I've done so much research and as always the research can...
  14. Voxcharm

    Ordering Online. Is It Humane?

    Noted. Thanks. As I say this seller seems to have excellent feedback and only ships overnight. I will however ask about individual bagging because I'd be concerned at potentially aggressive species being shipped in same bag together. Thanks.
  15. Voxcharm

    Rocks From The River

    I boil small pieces of wood. My boyfriend came home to me doing it once and thought I'd gone insane ;-)
  16. Voxcharm

    What Is Your Favourite Tropical Fish?

    Cories. (I have Corydoras Aeneus) I LOVE them, they have so much character and always go about together. They are relatively hardy. Very active. Their cute little rounded shape makes them look like a puppy or a Guinnea Pig. They're the best :-)
  17. Voxcharm

    Guppies And Bettas?

    Been doing loads of research on this myself. No experience but all my obsessive research has concluded male guppies and male bettas is a no no. Female betta may be less inclined to be aggressive towards male guppies with their flowy colourful tail (that male betta would potentially attack due...
  18. Voxcharm

    Ordering Online. Is It Humane?

    You both make an excellent point, that unless you buy directly from a breeder at his or her house, any fish you buy will have been subjected to stressful shipping at some point and probably much worse in bulk to a LFS. Perhaps ill consider only using eBay from now on, there's certainly a bigger...
  19. Voxcharm

    Ordering Online. Is It Humane?

    Hey guys So my new tank is nearing the end of it's cycle and ill be adding fish in about 1-2 weeks. I have my heart set on either a single female betta and a small shoal of something compatible and nano sized or two dwarf gouramis. If I go with the female betta plan I am struggling to find any...
  20. Voxcharm

    Using Rain Water In Tank

    You'd probably be alright in NZ with you having closer to a 'rainy season' so you could do a flush of the water butt first very easily. In UK it's more little bits of rain all year around. But guess that means on the plus side I could add small amounts all year round. Sure beats using Evian...
  21. Voxcharm

    Using Rain Water In Tank

    Found these two previous threads: Looks like mixed opinions. I will do a standard ph test on rain tomorrow but may be worth doing...
  22. Voxcharm

    Using Rain Water In Tank

    Hey Interested to hear people's experience of using rain water. I am conscious of being as Eco friendly as possible and have heard good things about using rain water for water changes particularly if your tank ph tends to be on higher side. (My 50 litre/12 US gallon tank tends to sit at around...
  23. Voxcharm

    Slate As Tank Decoration

    Have roof slate in my tank, just gave it a good boil and scrub first. Growing java moss on mine :-)
  24. Voxcharm

    How Does A Fish Just Disapear From The Tank?

    I feel bad for the fish. He must have jumped out within a minute or so of putting him in. I have a hood for the tank, but I was fussing around with the tank and didn't have the hood on for a little while.    I feel horrible that he must have suffered on the ground and I didn't even notice.   I...
  25. Voxcharm

    How Does A Fish Just Disapear From The Tank?

    This happened to me with a little cory a couple of weeks ago. Still none the wiser. Everyone on my thread said most likely is fish died and was eaten or is decomposing somewhere. I also turned tank UPSIDE down looking for him. Checked filter etc. no sign. Also been super obsessive about stats in...
  26. Voxcharm

    Ich? Bacterial? Help!

    I'm starting to think that's it. Thanks Fish Fanatic. As I said there's some Indian almond leaf in there anyway so ill give it a couple of days and then quarantine treat with the phenoxyethanol (LoveFish anti fungal treatmenr) only if it gets any worse. * I mean LauraC94. Lol
  27. Voxcharm

    Ich? Bacterial? Help!

    Thanks guys, so now actually having looked at a fish clearly RIDDLED with ich in a Pets at Home tank (unquarantined) I don't think it is ich. (Though that description of how to treat it is awesome for future ref thanks eaglesaquarium) the spots on this poor molly in the shop were totally raised...
  28. Voxcharm

    Ich? Bacterial? Help!

    Hey guys Re post from general topics but really need help. Bit of a newbie and not having a good week with my cories after mysteriously loosing one of them. But noticed on one of the albinos a single white spot on the tail. No spots on any other fish or anywhere else on this fish. Sorry the...
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  30. Voxcharm

    Is It Ich?

    Hey guys Bit of a newbie and not having a good week with my cories after mysteriously loosing one of them. But noticed on one of the albinos a single white spot on the tail. No spots on any other fish or anywhere else on this fish. Sorry the photo isn't great but you should be able to work it...
  31. image.jpg


  32. Voxcharm

    Cory Catfish Disappeared

    NB just took apart the filter and he's definitely not in there. A couple of bloody baby pond snails were though. @Ny82 thanks, and noted, ill keep an extra obsessive eye on my levels and up my changes if I see any levels creeping up. If I don't find the body it'll be so creepy!
  33. Voxcharm

    Cory Catfish Disappeared

    Thanks for these two replies. It's a well planted tank and I have even (much to my displeasure) uprooted my beautiful java ferns. Checked deep inside the shells. The only place it could possibly be is totally buried under the sand, but I've even tried to root through most of that! Re filter its...
  34. Voxcharm

    Cory Catfish Disappeared

    Hey, New to this forum. This morning instead of there being five of my corydoras aeneus (3 albino and 2 bronze) there was only two albino. Now there seems to be an awful lot online about this occurrence of disappearing fish especially with corys and I'm aware that sometimes you just have to...