Cory Is Cut

Keep the water in tip top condition and the fish should recover perfectly well, if the cut is not too bad. You can sometimes get secondary infections, like fungus, on wounds; if the fish develops that, then you'll need to treat it with a medication.
Oh, and try and find out what the fish cut itself on, so it doesn't happen again!
Yup. :nod:
Daily 25% water changes will help.  Watch for fungus, etc. but I wouldn't add any 'meds' unless absolutely necessary.
Thanks so much guys!! I have not a clue what he cut himself on... Wood? Maybe?
I had a cory cut his tail ray a tiny bit, it developed a very mild fungal infection on it. It was so small I didn't medicate, kept an eye on if and be got over it himself :)
What Coryspecies are we talking about. Paleatus ??? They seem to have cuttings more.
You could put in some Indian Almond leaves

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