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  1. F

    new fish and one of them was food...

    im glad this has kinda popped up about skunk botias, ive just found out that the mystery fish that i got free with 14 potted plants, was a skunk...and he;s currently in a tank with shrimp too!
  2. F

    Fish Identification needed!

    ummmm interesting to know, 4" is just a wee bit small than one of my cats now....ummmm i wonder???? *thinks to herself* thanks for all the help wolf, judying by the list of bits in pieces youve put there he would be better going in my bigger tank ;)
  3. F

    Does any body still have that colored rock

    i have black and white gravel, i dont like the gravel to be too bright lol!....
  4. F

    Fish Identification needed!

    yup thats him!, wow i feel special to have him now just a quick question though, how big will he get?, and is he safe in a tank with mollies and shrimp, or would he go better in a tank with bigger mollies ( he's currently in my young mollie fry tank), with 5-6" featherfin catfish and two ADF's
  5. F

    Fish Identification needed!

    this is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me to date!.. I brought around 14 bunched plants last night before i left for work, in a little bit of a rush as my mum was waiting outside impatiently!... well as i was placing them in their bucket for finally fitting later on today there...
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    seff-serve fish tanks

    can you imagine the stress that thouse poor fish are going through with people just ramdomly gathering nets and trying to catch them?...not to mention children sticking fingers and hands in as well. we have enough trouble with white spot and other stress induced illness where i work and that...
  7. F

    Does any body still have their first fish?

    i havent got any of the 'first' ever tropical fish that i put in my very small tank....but i do still have one of my orginal 4 female mollies that i put in a year ago. It maybe two, but ive got/had so many babies of the same colouring im not sure, the other two though im sure had a great live...
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    Strange mark on Featherfin Catfish

    hey thanks, i asked my friend who works in the fish house at work and he said the same, he also mentioned that i should catch the catfish and apply some actually to the mark....what do people think of that?
  9. F

    Strange mark on Featherfin Catfish

    I noticed this morning that one of my two featherfins as a strange mark, that i have never seen before on any of my other fish.... It is the slightly smaller one of the two, and on his left hand side, as a small 'white line' about half an inch long. This is the only marking this fish has, it...
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    Male Midas is not eating!!!!?(WITH PICS) now

    how is your fish, did you get him eating the ghost shrimp
  11. F

    Ahhhh, I sucked up my molly!

    poor molly hope she gets better soon! i would pop some stress coat in there, if you can just incase shes feeling a bit stressed by the whole ordeal!
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    HELP! How to rescue fish from nitrate poisoning

    i would say the same, water changes are a must, atleast 50% but no more than 80%... save thouse fishes!
  13. F

    Siamese Twin Guppies...

    now that is interesting, i would really like to see a picture..... im guessing though that the fishies live will probably be short, i reckon its probably only got one heart, and with two bodies to provide for that will be your twins downfall! good luck though!
  14. F

    PoSt YoUr Livebearer pIcTuReS hErE!!!!!

    oooooh im going to have to go and get my camera out now....ive just had some new molly fry born as well!..
  15. F

    weird combo

    i dont know if it is the same process with your shrimp but i have rainbow shrimp in with mollies..... they seem fine, although they dont have an extremely powerful filter, they have a spongefilter. Someone told me they we're best, as with other filters like the fluvals the shrimp can get stuck...
  16. F

    dechlorinators/ water conditioners

    ive personally always used aquasafe, ive just found it good to use.....i cant remember but i think when i first started out i used a different type and my fish still died, but it could have been because of other things rather than just the declorniator!.
  17. F

    Keyhole Cichlids

    hi digital, i already have certain fish in the tank, 1/2 a dozen mollies, 5 flame tetra's and 5 penquin tetra's as well as two medium sized featherfin catfish.
  18. F

    Keyhole Cichlids

    ive got a three foot tank....ive read somewhere that they like hiding space like plants and bogwood.... would you only recommend 2?, i was thinking of getting 4?... when they breed will they become terrorital towards the other pair?.
  19. F

    A returning person!

    hey thanks people! :) glad to be back!
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    A returning person!

    I live in Ipswich, Suffolk and the store i work in is locacted in Martlesham. :)
  21. F

    Keyhole Cichlids

    I'm thinking of getting some of these great fish, i have a community tank consisting of mollies, flame tetras and penquins. I also have two 5/6" featherfin catfish... can anybody tell me if it would be approaite to put these guys in, how many...and if anybody knows of any great sites which...
  22. F

    A returning person!

    Hi Ive been here before, but ive forgotten my old password! name is Samm and im 19 years old!. I work in a pet and aquatic store in the UK...and own three fishtanks!.. hope to be talking to some of you soon!.