Does any body still have that colored rock

What do you have on the bottom of youre tank

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  • Colored gravel/rock

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Nov 10, 2003
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Colorado USA
I was just woundereing if im the only one here that still uses that bright colored rock on the botton :rolleyes: , it seems that in al the pictures ive seem that everybody has sand or normal looking rock/gravel on bottom -_-
I've got sand in my 33 glass round stones in my 10 gal and in my three 1-2.5gals is black or natural stone pebbles
Paradise_Gourami said:
I was just woundereing if im the only one here that still uses that bright colored rock on the botton :rolleyes: , it seems that in al the pictures ive seem that everybody has sand or normal looking rock/gravel on bottom -_-
Hey don't worry about it!
It's all about whatever floats your boat.
You're not alone. I love the colored rock and the main reason we have it is because my kids pick out all the stuff (other than fish) for the tank. So aside from the colored rock I have a groovy neon cave, a little gremlin looking dude, a dinosaur that bobs up and down in a cracked egg, some fake looking bright yellow coral, a purple glowing fake anemone thingy, and a no fishing sign (not all in the same tank). If I didn't insist on live plants we would have neon plastic plants as well. :hyper:
Gale, your fish must think they are in a Disco! ;)

I still have it but I don't use it anymore. It's going to my sisters because my nieces fell in love with it. ;)
I have blue and white gravel and these really pretty glass beads as well as big lumps of ice rock and bogwood. I love pretty rocks. But soon I am changing to natural silica sand.
i have 1 10 gal with "natural" gravel and another with colored gravel. my bettas have nice smooth medium sized rocks.
i started with white, but it showed crud too quickly. i tried black, but i couldn't see my panda cories or my black&white marble mollies as easily :p

for my main tanks, i use a "natural" gravel. i like the natural, neutral look. i have brightly colored fish, so it makes them stand out better, and it hides the crud until i clean ;)

but in the right tank setup, the bright gravel can be fun. like gales psychedelic tank :D
I used to have coloured gravel years ago but it quickly fades and looks rubbish.

I now have sand and wouldnt want anything else, the fish love it and it looks superb
i use a bright-ish dark blue gravel. its not overly un-natural, and sometimes i wish i had some natural pebbles, but I like the way it looks when the lights are off in my room and only the tank light is on. i actually have a few 'natural looking' pebbles on top of my blue stuff, which came with my kuhlis, so i tossed them in too.
my 29g has black and white mixed gravel and my 20g has blood red gravel (colors look really good with the deep brown wood and green plants and gold barbs)
Most of our tanks, including the comminities have pale yellow sand, the fish love it, the cories & kribs suck it up and spit it out of their gills & the banjos & violet gobies burrow in it.

The other tanks have black sand. We chose black sand for these tanks because the fish are timid and like dark places such as our Dragon puffers, Brown puffers, Fire eel & Chacahaca.

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