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  1. Gazo

    Hatching Corys

    Lol, so many different methods and ways eh. Conclusion, just do what works best for you!!! :nod:
  2. Gazo

    Hatching Corys

    Microworm is a no no as far as I'm concerned. It just hasn't worked for my babies ever and I was a worm breeder and ebay seller.
  3. Gazo

    Hatching Corys

    I've tried a few different methods and food stuffs, but the best results and strongest fry are grown simply from crushed up tabimins. Try it and watch them grow!! :good:
  4. Gazo

    Cories W/ Clown Loaches?

    Clowns and Corys are fine together. I have Pandas, Trillis, Melanistius, Adolfoi and Napoensis all in with my Clowns and they all play together just fine, even cuddling up at times!!!
  5. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    Right peeps these little critters are ready to be enjoyed by someone else. There are 17 in total about 1inch long. Growing nicely on microworms and now on JMC Catfish pellets as well. They are always on the go. If anyone wants to come to Bolton and pick these up or swap for another Cory type...
  6. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    Been away for some time peeps, but pleased to announce that I have 14 or so 2cm long Juv Peppers now. Plus I think the Bronzes have matured a little quicker than anticipated as eggs all over that tank!! Anyway, probs gona sell/swap the Peppers in a month or so if anyone interested? :good:
  7. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    Well guys I've been on another planet what with overdoing it somewhat over the bank holiday and busy with work. Anyway a quick update. All the plastic breeder fry disappeared within 2hrs lol. The ones I moved to the net are doing well and just showing signs of getting bigger on a fantastic diet...
  8. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    I've already cleared the debrit with the pipette. As for feeding I have my microworms - check out my Ebay auctions - on standby!!! :good:
  9. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    Well the little mites hatched tonight - woohoo I've had success :good: Pipetted 20 into a net breeder - no probs at all drewry, thanks for the tip - left the rest in the plastic breeder. Lets see how it all pans out eh :D
  10. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    I think we're on the same wavelength cos I was thinking about the pipette method. Will let you all know how it goes over the weekend - fully expecting hatch central tonight.
  11. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    More progress, the black dots are now moving inside the egg shells......cant be much longer now. My only concern is that the eggs are in a breeding trap rather than a net and I'm fearful they may escape through the slits into the main tank - anyone any thoughts on this and how to move them when...
  12. Gazo

    Can Anyone Id These?

    That is hilarious, Pandas indeed - I think you should name and shame the shop where you got them from!!!! :nod:
  13. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    Got home today and have removed a few fungus ridden eggs, but more amazingly I can definately see black dots for the first time ever in most of the eggs - excitement levels in my household have just risen somewhat hehe :good:
  14. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    Where are you from Cooper? I see you around, but never know where you're from as not on your profile or posting tag.
  15. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    They are now at 22degrees - eggs in trap in same tank.
  16. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    No success so far, so I'm hoping some of these 60 will finally hatch for me.
  17. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    Peppers lol. The Pandas are still Juvies, but getting bigger every week now! Well I have collected over 60eggs and I reckon the 2 females easily laid double this amount - think they have stopped now.
  18. Gazo

    Eggs At Last

    I've just moved my 16 (found 2 more since original post lol) Peppered Corys to a different tank - about 2degrees less and better quality water - they haven't stopped spawning for 24hrs. The tank is right here next to my pc, so I get a full show of them all going crazy. This is the 4th time now...
  19. Gazo

    Guppy Birthing Probs

    Amazingly there are 2 fry in the breeder. They are the tiniest things I've ever seen. 3mm long and 1/4mm wide heads. AWWWWW
  20. Gazo

    Are They Serious...

    And it wasn't Cory splits I was talking about either Sue, but his bigger batches of say tetras - you have to buy in groups of 25 or 50 - I wanted approx 15 of about 5 different types, but the answer was a resounding no!!
  21. Gazo

    Guppy Birthing Probs

    Well the poor miss didn't make it. I didn't have any time to squeeze/cut open this morning. I'm loving the random - keep the noise to a minimum - it amazes me how many people on here think the rest have absolutely no common sense at all - I was thinking some Tropical Forest noise played...
  22. Gazo

    Guppy Birthing Probs

    Just got back to pc and I'm already on the same wavelength pal.
  23. Gazo

    Guppy Birthing Probs

    Yes mate as soon as noticed popped her in a trap. Will up the temp and let you know how we get on - I'm like the expectant father once more haha!! :blush:
  24. Gazo

    Guppy Birthing Probs

    Hey all, Got a pregnant female Guppy having major probs birthing. She's been going at it since I got home, if not all day. She's got her head facing bottom of tank with tail in the air. I can see she is constantly trying to push the fry out, but with no success. Is there anything I can do to...
  25. Gazo

    Are They Serious...

    Thats hilarious. I've bought different fish from this guy - great quality packaging though I must say. The only down side to him is that he wont split fish, you have to buy in bulk!! :crazy:
  26. Gazo

    Breeding Cory's

    Come on Bex after all our talks and ur still letting the side down!! :good:
  27. Gazo

    C. Napoensis Eggs!

    I was a member of MENSA as a young 13yr old - IQ was 177 back then - no idea what went wrong haha!! :lol:
  28. Gazo

    C. Napoensis Eggs!

    I'm so jealous of you all for having successful spawns! I can never understand that neoncory, its a if he/she speaks another language! :hyper:
  29. Gazo

    Breeding Cory's

    Bex if all else fails get yourself over to BAS and I'll help you choose some nice new Corys!! :good: :P
  30. Gazo

    Cory Tank Split

    I hear what you are saying Colin, but my research leads me to believe there is more to it with regards to temperature and pH, hence why I have come here to ask the likes of the Cory breeders for their input. Also, they seem to put their stock in small tanks and have plenty of success with...
  31. Gazo

    Cory Tank Split

    Hey peeps. Right, I've got my 140l (30G UK) tank ready for my master plan. The plan is this weekend to get some playsand for substrate and move 4 groups of Corys in there and move the current occupants (Guppys and Danios to the 120l to aid in the cycling and the Clown Loaches to the 180l). Then...
  32. Gazo

    Guppy Fin Rot Help

    Keep forgetting to put my water stats Wilder! ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, and ph 6.8 - very consistant over all my tanks!! Got my mother to pick me some Myxazin up from BAS after she had finished her teaching job and leave it behind my wall. Have treated the little mites to their first...
  33. Gazo

    Can Corrys Hybridize?

    I'm sure there are other forums that would entertain this sort of discussion much better guys, can we get back to the original topic without the "clap-trap" please?
  34. Gazo

    Guppy Fin Rot Help

    I've recently purchased some 3/4 black guppys and 2 special German strain pink/whites. However, after a week 10 of the 14 and the male German have suddenly died after developing what I can only think is fin rot as their tails all suddenly started to waste away - no pics as at work I'm afraid...
  35. Gazo

    There Here

    Drewry, they are good. My Adolfoi are really starting to colour up now along with the Melanistius - brilliant orangy/bronze gleam on their heads!!
  36. Gazo

    Can Corrys Hybridize?

    I apologise too if I stepped over any lines. Ah now we are getting somewhere. Unfortunately, this is what the world classifies it as and the media (from whatever source this takes) is making us believe it is. I personally, don't see it as a mutation or a defect (maybe I got too involved in my...
  37. Gazo

    Can Corrys Hybridize?

    You jumped on my post if I remember correctly?!? The insistance that things be sourced and that my knowledge has to be verified is ridiculous. I'm not a teacher, I have been taught and gained my knowledge through various other methods too - how and where is not something I can instantly remember...
  38. Gazo

    Can Corrys Hybridize?

    Wikipedia!!! :P Why to I have to state my source?!?!? This isn't some kind of school essay where I'm going to get done for plagerism lol I don't just mindlessly state my case. I have a pretty good knowledge of a hell of a lot of subjects, so not all of it can be sourced anyway apart from in...
  39. Gazo

    Can Corrys Hybridize?

    How about GENETIC MUTATION? :good:
  40. Gazo

    Can Corrys Hybridize?

    Fact! Fair skin and freckles isn't a defect, now you're being silly. Genetics - exactly, a deformity in the genetic structure. THIS IS SCIENCE!!! Black skin isn't a deformity, now you're being very silly. Short legs????????? :hyper: This is a debate that will rumble on for years and years Sue...