Guppy Birthing Probs


Fish Fanatic
Apr 24, 2007
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Bolton UK
Hey all,
Got a pregnant female Guppy having major probs birthing.
She's been going at it since I got home, if not all day.
She's got her head facing bottom of tank with tail in the air.
I can see she is constantly trying to push the fry out, but with no success.
Is there anything I can do to help?
All tank parameters are fine before anyone asks. Temp is 26.5 degrees.
have you got a trap?

If so, put her in it and up the temp to 28C and place trap near the heater.
Yes mate as soon as noticed popped her in a trap. Will up the temp and let you know how we get on - I'm like the expectant father once more haha!! :blush:
Turn the lights out in the tank and put a cover over it, and leave her iin peace for a while :)
Just got back to pc and I'm already on the same wavelength pal.
I would also keep the noise in the house minimal. If she dosent make it and she dosent push the fry out. You can gently try squeezing her belly to have the fry pop out. I've done that once before, and it worked. Just dont squeeze too hard, or they'll die.
I would also keep the noise in the house minimal. If she dosent make it and she dosent push the fry out. You can gently try squeezing her belly to have the fry pop out. I've done that once before, and it worked. Just dont squeeze too hard, or they'll die.

I really do not 100% recomend that at all.
Well, if she were to die, and the babies were still alive inside her, why not? I'd rather if i pushed too hard, they had an instant death, and suffocating, or being destored from the fishes stomach acid, and the moms already dead, so she cant feel it. If she was still alive, then i wouldnt recommend it either.
Well, if she were to die, and the babies were still alive inside her, why not? I'd rather if i pushed too hard, they had an instant death, and suffocating, or being destored from the fishes stomach acid, and the moms already dead, so she cant feel it. If she was still alive, then i wouldnt recommend it either.

Just read again and realised what you said about doing it if she does not make it, thought you meant when she was alive lol, sorry m8.
Well the poor miss didn't make it.

I didn't have any time to squeeze/cut open this morning.

I'm loving the random - keep the noise to a minimum - it amazes me how many people on here think the rest have absolutely no common sense at all - I was thinking some Tropical Forest noise played directly into the tank to relax her lol :lol:
I was thinking some Tropical Forest noise played directly into the tank to relax her lol :lol:

PMSL :shout:
Sorry for your loss ..
Amazingly there are 2 fry in the breeder. They are the tiniest things I've ever seen. 3mm long and 1/4mm wide heads.


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