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  1. Harlequins

    All My Fishes Are Dieing, After 2 Years In My Mature Tank. Please Help

    What is your exact readings for ammonia & nitrite?
  2. Harlequins

    Corys Eye Swollen Fogged And Possibly Blind!

    Apart from your overstocking...i would aim at the kribs attacking the poor cory... kribs are known to remove eyes of corys,mainly because they become aggressive and possessive around the bottom of the tank,especially if they're in breeding mode.
  3. Harlequins

    Nitrite Level

    How did you cycle your tank? was it a fishless cycle adding ammonia?? Nitrite seems excessively high....
  4. Harlequins

    Gold/green Laser Corydoras

    Ebay has gold lasers for sale and rare aquatics sell both,but are pricey
  5. Harlequins


    Lush Cory, fab pic too :good:
  6. Harlequins

    Mopani Bargain

    Yep i second the range :good: good smaller pieces for £1.99 and i got a nice large piece for £12.99 for my big tank a few weeks ago... saved me £££££ compared to lfs large pieces of bogwood :)
  7. Harlequins

    Oxford Aquatic Stores?

    Hey all you Oxford peeps - Is there any good aquatic stores in Oxford ?? especially for cories :hey: :lol: I'm up there Tuesday & wednesday next week for work :)
  8. Harlequins

    I've Won First Prize !

    :lol: - i lost track of what i do have in the garden now :rolleyes: :lol:
  9. Harlequins

    I've Won First Prize !

    Thanks everyone :)
  10. Harlequins

    Yahoo! - New 5 Footer Has Come!

    Thanks all :) I managed to catch the cories at feeding time :lol: Next project is to transform my 4 footer into a breeding tank... thats under way :hey:
  11. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    Here's a video - will try to catch the corys at feeding time tomorrow, they all come out to play lol!
  12. Harlequins

    Yahoo! - New 5 Footer Has Come!

    Corys are in hiding lol! Here's a video - will try to catch the corys at feeding time tomorrow, they all come out to play lol!
  13. Harlequins

    Yahoo! - New 5 Footer Has Come!

    It has 2 x tetratec ex1200 external filters on there, also has a built in filter in hood ...which i haven't decided whether to connect it yet.... :lol: I've just added 12 Cardinals and 6 lemon tetras, also got 3 peppered cories,but they're in the other tank :rolleyes: :lol: They've only...
  14. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    Thanks :) Well i've just added 12 Cardinals and 6 lemon tetras, also got 3 peppered cories,but they're in the other tank :rolleyes: :lol: They've only been in there 30 mins after i acclimatised them and they're shoaling together happily :wub: Here's a pic of tank - still some glare...
  15. Harlequins

    Yahoo! - New 5 Footer Has Come!

    Possibly blue tetras or Cardinals to start with.... they had both in Maidenhead aquatics.... but might end up with something different :rolleyes: :lol:
  16. Harlequins

    Angel Fish Compatability....

    Just wondering if angelfish would be ok with corys,harlequinsa DG and possibly blue tetras or cardinals? Would like a pair but don't want to upset my other fish... New tank is 24" deep,5 ft long, 19 wide... ph around 7.8-8 Thanks :)
  17. Harlequins

    Yahoo! - New 5 Footer Has Come!

    OPted for planted background , has thats all they had :rolleyes: :lol: This is what it looked like after cleaning nearly 3 bags of very dirty argos playsand and backing on on Tuesday :) Now all up and running :hyper: Spent 6 hours yesterday moving the decor,fish and filters,adding...
  18. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    This is what it looked like after cleaning nearly 3 bags of very dirty argos playsand and backing on on Tuesday :) Now all up and running :hyper: Spent 6 hours yesterday moving the decor,fish and filters,adding plants etc etc... :rolleyes: went bed at 1.30am :lol: 9am this morning...
  19. Harlequins

    I've Won First Prize !

    Here's pics of my winning pots etc :) although pics are a bit iffy lol! First Prize lol!
  20. Harlequins

    I've Won First Prize !

    Thank you :) Just uploading the last lot of pics i took 25th July , This lot was judged on the 8th August :) will add them later. :P
  21. Harlequins

    I've Won First Prize !

    Some of you might remember i entered some flower/garden competitions while back, well i just heard i've won first prize of £50 for my front window boxes & baskets from Curo in bloom :hyper: :hyper: - which had 45 entrants!!! well shocked!! lol!! Still waiting regarding the Local Keynsham in...
  22. Harlequins

    Which Is The Best Cory?

    I love all corys... but for being the most cheeky i went for Pandas :lol:
  23. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    Thanks :good:
  24. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    wheres you going? , pm me :P
  25. Harlequins

    Trying To Breed My Cories

    You'll be back...dont give up... :lol: What better ship have you jumped to anyway??
  26. Harlequins


    Its just the done thing to destroy the eggs from cross breeds,there is enough cross breeds in the world without adding more to the cory world...just the way cory lovers feel...
  27. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    Update - :) My new 5 footer has arrived for the new cory home :hyper: - moved the 20 gals out the way for the time being with the growing bronze & albino younsters...they will go in the 4 footer eventually... Here's how far i've got - tank up in situ,need to go shopping for sand & backing...
  28. Harlequins


    if the sterbai & peppereds have cross bred,then personally i wouldn't save the eggs...
  29. Harlequins

    Yahoo! - New 5 Footer Has Come!

    Here's a pic of new tank :) - off shopping later :P It has four doors,but have left them off at mo, has holes need drilling in back of the cabinet for the externals/wires etc... I need to do a leak test,but want to put the backing on first... do you think plain blue backing will look too...
  30. Harlequins

    Yahoo! - New 5 Footer Has Come!

    I received delivery of my new 5 foot tank today 410 litres :hyper: :good: Very nice delivery man used his trolley to get it into the house, very good service,has it was suppose to be kerb side delivery only. After spending a few hours putting the cabinet together with no instructions, and 4...
  31. Harlequins

    Peaceful Shoaling Fish?

    Thanks :) Love the blue/king blue tetras :wub: The new tank comes today.can't wait :hyper:
  32. Harlequins

    The Strange Thing You Find Inside Your Filter

    Congrats on your find....i do hope they survive :good: I've found cory fry and guppys in my filters before now :)
  33. Harlequins

    Trying To Breed My Cories

    When my albinos spawn - they'll all eat the eggs,especially the pandas & DG :rolleyes:
  34. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    Good news...Tank will be here on Monday :hyper: my day i need to clear the space in the kitchen,atm it has the 20 gals on the table, so need to part drain it to move it,to get the table & chairs out,which dont get used anyway :rolleyes: :lol: Then hopefully once the new one is set...
  35. Harlequins

    Trying To Breed My Cories

    Thats the trouble, if you try taking them off too quick,they pop... leave them and they'll more than likely get munched... :rolleyes:
  36. Harlequins

    Its Coming!

    Roll on monday :hyper: :good:
  37. Harlequins

    Its Coming!

    Thanks :good:
  38. Harlequins

    Fraying Fins Of Cories

    Check the ammonia/nitrite if both zero then more than likely the gouramis &/or tiger barbs are nipping their fins...
  39. Harlequins

    Bn's In New Aquarium?

    Just looked these up,they're rather cute compared to standard BN's :good:
  40. Harlequins

    Bn's In New Aquarium?

    Thanks for the info :) There will be wood in the tank anyway :)