I've Won First Prize !


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
Some of you might remember i entered some flower/garden competitions while back, well i just heard i've won first prize of £50 for my front window boxes & baskets from Curo in bloom :hyper: :hyper: - which had 45 entrants!!! well shocked!! lol!!

Still waiting regarding the Local Keynsham in Bloom :)
Thank you :)

Just uploading the last lot of pics i took 25th July , This lot was judged on the 8th August :) will add them later. :p
Some of you might remember i entered some flower/garden competitions while back, well i just heard i've won first prize of £50 for my front window boxes & baskets from Curo in bloom :hyper: :hyper: - which had 45 entrants!!! well shocked!! lol!!

Still waiting regarding the Local Keynsham in Bloom :)

nice one. well done there.
Well done, you did a great job on your gardens....must admit it made me start catolouging all the various plants :rolleyes: , yep the horticulturilst in me never sleeps :lol: .
Well done, you did a great job on your gardens....must admit it made me start catolouging all the various plants :rolleyes: , yep the horticulturilst in me never sleeps :lol: .
and i started thinking which ones my tortoises would have eaten :lol: lovely garden though, many congrats,

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