Fish Fanatic
Just came home from work to find one of my julii cory's eye is extremely swollen, fogged up and looks like bacteria attached, possibly related i also found 1 of my 2 angels dead stuck inside a small rock, the cory seems happy enough at present, I am also going through a bacterial bloom from switching filters, my water stats are ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 15, in the pictures do this look like another fish attacked it or some kind of virus? The tank is 125l roma, he is in with other cories, small zebra loach, small yoyo loach, a panda garra, 1 angel was 2, 2 cribensis, 2 silver sharks, 2 bolivian rams.
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I have also been adding seachem stability to help with the bacterial bloom and the filter change and prime during water changes, every other day.