This Old Spouse
TOTM Winner May 2013
Have you thought about making a spawning mop? I'm trying it now in my tank to get my peppers to reproduce. Had lots of eggs but no fry as of yet. This is my latest attempt. I made the mop from black yarn, soaked it in old tank water for a couple days, and hung it in the tank. She laid eggs on the glass between the glass and the mop, and they weren't eaten and didn't fuzz out. Before I left on vacation I noticed the eggs were empty so I believe they hatched. I just put a big wad of java moss in there too in case the fry did actually hatch and needed a place to hide out. I'm going to be watching this closely. I don't do anything special as far as feeding or cold water changes as I don't believe it makes sense to vary the conditions beyond the norm so much that they don't know what the "norm" is after a time.