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  1. fozziebear

    Hair Algae Starting To Outbreak! What Can I Do?

    sorry to double post but it wouldnt let me edit my post again, can you also give me a full rundown of what equipment you are using on the tank, lights co2 filter ferts and fish stocking, thankyou.
  2. fozziebear

    Hair Algae Starting To Outbreak! What Can I Do?

    are you sure your new co2 is working properly? basically it goes like this, you have to have an equal level of lighting to co2, if those are out of balance it = algae, id say check your setup make sure its all working, also what are you using to measure your co2 level? most algae problems in...
  3. fozziebear

    Hair Algae Starting To Outbreak! What Can I Do?

    try and lower your lighting, it sounds like you have too much light for your co2 level, up the co2 and drop the lighting and keep on with your dosing, try and remove as much of the algae as you can, whipe the leaves with your finger and thumb to get the algae off, if they are too far gone then...
  4. fozziebear

    36" T5 Reflector Indecisiveness

    remember to keep those cover glasses nice n clean too ;) they can be horrible for cutting out light.
  5. fozziebear


    i think java moss would work better, the thing with riccia is tying it with cotton thread doesnt work so well, its better to net it down, what i used was a showerpuff, if you cut off the string it opens out into about 1 metre of netting, but you have to use a brand new one obviously, also try...
  6. fozziebear


    sounds good aslong as it is kept moist it should be fine, any mosses would work too something like java moss or christmass moss. Regards, Angus.
  7. fozziebear

    Finally My Journal Is Here! 36" 100l High Tech

    i wouldnt say that, i recently put a 55W triplus PC on the tank, and it made the plants pearl really nicely, but it also made the algae go mad so i took it off after a week, im having trouble with staghorn green spot and hair algae, but now my co2 is more stable because of the needlewheel those...
  8. fozziebear

    Best Diffuser Placement.

    you want it as low as possible preferably, the more time the bubbles have to travel the better diffusion, also i would put it infront of your filter outlet as the bubbles will get blown around better
  9. fozziebear

    Finally My Journal Is Here! 36" 100l High Tech

    thanks a lot sam :) i gave it a huge prune today before the water change, pulled up the huge sag/tennelus carpet, there was literally hundreds of plants and plantlets all connected by runners, i basically took out everything except the crypts, amazon sword, and vallis, the hygrophila salicifolia...
  10. fozziebear

    Finally My Journal Is Here! 36" 100l High Tech

    ok so heres the story from the beginning, i basically joined this forum as a fish newbie, only just got a tank and a filter, learnt about cycling with and without fish, cycled with a zebra danio (sorry people :blush: ) anyway ive learnt loads on this forum, gone from using a ugf and having a...
  11. fozziebear


    i absolutely hate the barbaric fishing of whales and endangered sharks, by many countries (china is the worst they do nothing to limit it) its a horrible horrible thing, that i just cant see the point of, these species have been pushed to the brink in the past just leave them be.
  12. fozziebear


    well all those fish are hauled out into an atmosphere they cant breath in, put on ice while still alive etc etc, if you cant face up to where your food comes from dont eat it i say :) im quite at ease with catching a fish and eating it, for some people its gruesome, for me its natures cycle, but...
  13. fozziebear


    do you eat fish fillets? cod in batter? etc etc if not, fair enough, if so, your a bit of a hypocrit tbh.
  14. fozziebear


    everytime i have fished i have eaten all the catch with friends afterwards, i dont agree with fishing for sport, but fishing for food is another matter.
  15. fozziebear

    What Fish Is Just Not For You?

    i dont like big ugly carnivores ;) RTC TSN peacock bass silver dollars pangasius cats red belly piranha all plecs apart from pitbulls and zebras. just my opinion ;)
  16. fozziebear

    Algae On Glass

    make sure your tank isnt made out of acrylic though, from what you have said it sounds like yours is, as glass doesnt scratch from that, razor blades will damage acrylic tanks in a bad way.
  17. fozziebear

    Wall Aquarium

    something small like neons/cardinals, nothing over 2 inches, also i dont think it would be good to put bottom dwellers in it because of the lack of substrate area, basically tetras, rasboras, any small community fish.
  18. fozziebear


    is they are displaying shoaling behaviour it means they are feeling stressed/at risk, its probably just them getting used to the tank, how did you acclimate the fish?
  19. fozziebear

    Getting 215l Tank

    you should definately up the small shoaling fish numbers and cut down on different species, they are much happier and will act much more natural in large groups like 10 or more.
  20. fozziebear

    What Are They?

    looks like you have fry to me, what kind of fish are you keeping? and have you seen any courting behaviour?
  21. fozziebear

    Storing Plants

    just leave them floating in the tank untill you have to send em off. for posting just wrap them up in wet newspaper/kitchenroll and put em in a plastic bag or a sandwich bag with a ziplock or one of those plastic takeaway tubs.
  22. fozziebear

    Stocking Options For A 99l 36" Long 14" High

    yeh my ph wont go below 7.5, kh is a steady 12 and havent got a gh test, not really up for peat filtering to be honest, are chocolates ever tank bred?
  23. fozziebear

    Stocking Options For A 99l 36" Long 14" High

    ok ive made two decisions, im going to up my otos from 2 (originally had 4 but 2 wouldnt eat and died) to 5 or 10 probably 10, and im going to be stocking 10 pygmy cory's (pygmea) or 10 salt n pepper pygmy cory's (habrosus) now just to decide on free swimmers, im also going to be stocking...
  24. fozziebear

    Brine Shrimp Hatcher

    you need a fine mesh/coffee filter to wash the brineshrimp off in, then just put them in.
  25. fozziebear

    Stocking Options For A 99l 36" Long 14" High

    those pencil fish look really nice, good suggestion :) im not going down the road of agression, as i had serpaes and tiger barbs last time it was a kind of semi aggresive community, so now im trying to go down the most peaceful route possible, im not sure wether i want a centrepiece fish or just...
  26. fozziebear

    Stocking Options For A 99l 36" Long 14" High

    wow no one? hehe i thought you'd all chirp in on this.
  27. fozziebear

    Stocking Options For A 99l 36" Long 14" High

    sorry bout the confusion i realised that id posted that and it looked like 36" high lol its not its 14" high, basically i wasnt asking if some things were ok i was just asking for suggestions on very small fish species, corydoras, rasboras, tetras, loaches, anything small basically, the tank...
  28. fozziebear

    Stocking Options For A 99l 36" Long 14" High

    ok so basically the story begins, my free swimming fish had an outbreak of dropsy, which i tried to cure but they gradually all faded and passed(serpae tetras and green tiger barbs), my oto's and corydoras werent effected at all, its been a month now and im just starting to think about...
  29. fozziebear

    Aqua One External Filter Feed Lines Build-up

    algae in external filters pipes is common you can get long pipe brushes to clean them if you want, and also you should only use the shutoff valve on the output to slow down the flow, not on the input as it creates clogging issues.
  30. fozziebear

    Mystery Plant...what Is It?

    its definately not parviflorus i have that and it looks totally different, my guess would be Echinodorus Quadricostatus (pygmy chain sword) not to be confused with E.tennelus (dwarf chain sword)
  31. fozziebear


    looks like a potatoe bass to me (i dunno if that is the common name for that type of grouper) also that manatee has some horrible propeller damage, such a sad thing to see on such a beautiful animal.
  32. fozziebear

    Substrate And Moving...?

    why not just use a standalone substrate, something like the ADA aqua soil, Eco complete, or Flourite.
  33. fozziebear

    Rimless Aquarium Ideas?

    you can get seamless acrylic tanks.
  34. fozziebear

    The Valliserna Jungle

    thats AMAZING much improved, i think you ordered just enough vallis :)
  35. fozziebear

    74l Journal

    hahaha i got my tanks volume wrong about 4 times, dont worry about it, not like your stocked already or anything, do you have any ideas on fish?
  36. fozziebear

    74l Journal

    i would still add some more plant mass if i were you, if wouldnt hurt, and it doesnt have to be planted, you could get something like pennywort, or egeria those both have anti algae properties i think, they release a chemical which supresses certain algaes, if not those just get some floating...
  37. fozziebear

    74l Journal

    if the HC is pearling the lighting is fine, ive tried lilaeopsis brasiliensis, and i have never had any luck with it, it can be extremely difficult, L.Mauritiana is an easier option, but does grow slightly taller, also for the otocinclus they can be very hard to get to eat the first few days, so...
  38. fozziebear

    74l Journal

    i actually like the green background, and the fact it is shaded/blended, its not a solid colour block, could work very well, id also try the same effect with the blending but with a blue background that could look even better.
  39. fozziebear

    Tank In Direct Sunlight

    i think if you had co2, ferts and enough plant mass a sunlight only tank could work, ive read on other forums about people in warmer parts of the world making outdoor tropical tanks with plants, but i think you would definately need co2 and to dose EI otherwise it would just become one big algae...
  40. fozziebear

    Which Water Conditioner

    i use a 2ltr bottle of hagen nutrafin aquaplus 14,99 from ebay.