Stocking Options For A 99l 36" Long 14" High


Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
london, england.
ok so basically the story begins, my free swimming fish had an outbreak of dropsy, which i tried to cure but they gradually all faded and passed(serpae tetras and green tiger barbs), my oto's and corydoras werent effected at all, its been a month now and im just starting to think about restocking, im looking at small fish only as i didnt like the fact the serpaes and barbs were aggresive, they have to preferably be 2 inches and under, ive already got otocinclus, and im going to be rehoming my corydoras paleatus and aeneus, some ive looked at already are corydoras habrosus and pygmea, also hengeli rasboras, and green neons. anyway any ideas would be appreiciated.

Regards, Angus.

Also, im not sure on how many inches of fish i can have, as i dont know if the inches per gallon rule is in US or imperial, could someone please tell me?
Just wondering what the dimensions of your tank are, if its 99 litres but 3ft high its gotta have strange measurements.

The inch/gallon is an iffy subject, its basically a guide to help people but in some cases it should be avoided (eg. large fish but thats another story). I don't think it matters if its imperial or US gallons as I've seen it used for both. If you post what you would like to stock, I'm sure people here will tell you if it will be ok or offer advice to help you get the tank you want.
sorry bout the confusion i realised that id posted that and it looked like 36" high lol its not its 14" high, basically i wasnt asking if some things were ok i was just asking for suggestions on very small fish species, corydoras, rasboras, tetras, loaches, anything small basically, the tank dimensions are 36" L x 14" H x 12" W, i know about the inch per gallon thing not working for bigger fish, and that you can have more small fish than medium sized fish because of their bioload.
I think dwarf pencil fish (Nannostomus Marginatus) are great small fish, and very under-rated. I've got four (going to add a few more soon) and they're lovely to watch. inquisitive and active but not boisterous. And their markings change at night too... which is pretty cool IMO.

Sparkling gouramis (Trichopsis pumilus) are also very nice small fish, thought I had some issues with aggresion. Your tank is bigger though so might be less of an issue.
those pencil fish look really nice, good suggestion :) im not going down the road of agression, as i had serpaes and tiger barbs last time it was a kind of semi aggresive community, so now im trying to go down the most peaceful route possible, im not sure wether i want a centrepiece fish or just to have good numbers of small community fish.
Galaxy Rasboras are a nice small shoaling fish. Amixed shoal of tetras, Neons, glowlights an black neons, to create a more diverse group?
Im really happy with my stocking (see below). All of the tanks look good (IMO). I really like the X-Ray/Pristella Tetras.

You can just see a few in these pics:

ok ive made two decisions, im going to up my otos from 2 (originally had 4 but 2 wouldnt eat and died) to 5 or 10 probably 10, and im going to be stocking 10 pygmy cory's (pygmea) or 10 salt n pepper pygmy cory's (habrosus) now just to decide on free swimmers, im also going to be stocking shrimp, but their bioload is so small it wont really affect stocking, anyone got anymore unusual suggestions?
chocolate gourami's would be a nice little addition, not aggressive, nice and small and v pretty, do best in a low pH though
yeh my ph wont go below 7.5, kh is a steady 12 and havent got a gh test, not really up for peat filtering to be honest, are chocolates ever tank bred?
don't know tbh,

they're fairly delicate little fish and we've only ever had success at a nice low pH (6.5 ish)

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