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  1. fozziebear

    Female Platy Keeps Nipping at Male Platy

    breaking up lines of sight in the tank always helps to reduce aggressive behaviour in fish, for example, adding plants or fake plants, adding rocks or wood and hiding places, adding some sort of tannins into the tank to darken the water, or putting in a divider in serious cases. like...
  2. fozziebear

    Partially blnd Betta

    live mysis, daphnia, glassworm, or nauplii, or very large brine shrimp as the smaller ones are not as enticing, i wouldn't feed live bloodworm or tubifex as they will just sit at the bottom. i love how he displays his gill flaps to the camera when you photograph him, so cute, and it is a good...
  3. fozziebear

    What is this?

    filamentous diatoms they are called...
  4. fozziebear

    Fish parasites
  5. fozziebear

    Subwassertang with snail

    I love my snails Brody.... they are part of any natural aquatic eco-system, i have pond snails and malaysian trumpets.
  6. fozziebear

    Algae in my tank.

    I understand why you use it toney, but i have really gone away from the hassle and fuss of any sort of carbon additives, now i'm just using ADA aquasoil, low dose macro and trace ferts, and very high filtration with surface agitation to increase the speed of gaseous exchange to ensure almost a...
  7. fozziebear

    Yet Another New Guy

    Nice tank dude, get some easy plants in there, hornwort cabomba or elodea would be good species to get, around 4 or 5 bunches would be sufficient, i've never used water from a dehumidifier but i've read mixed reviews about it...
  8. fozziebear

    Algae in my tank.

    Thanks for linking that article i will give it a read, my information is probably about 4 years out of date to be fair, always learning in this hobby no matter how much you know, you make some very valid points, what is "acceptable" or "survivable" for a fish may well not be in its best interest.
  9. fozziebear

    My big tank

    Or landscaping companies are great mikey, instead of paying £12.99 per kilogram in your local fish shop, you can pay something like £1.80 to £3 per kg at a local landscaping supplier.
  10. fozziebear

    Algae in my tank.

    You seem a very intelligent guy byron, i appreciate the mental stimulation, much kudos to you. I agree you cannot tell what is going on inside the fish from the outside, but over a longer period of observation of the fishes size, colouring, temperament and behaviours you can get some idea. I...
  11. fozziebear

    My big tank

    Plants, and huge wood! and loads of floaters... this tank is going to be epic, good luck peter!
  12. fozziebear

    Algae in my tank.

    I see where your point from a animal husbandry and a "best of intentions" standpoint, but to compare the use of liquid carbon (which is extremely popular in the planted section of the fishkeeping community and many people have used it without ill effects) to bleach is a bit of a stretch, i...
  13. fozziebear

    Subwassertang with snail

    you could order some monoselenium tenerum from tropica in a 12grow pot, it is lab grown with a guarantee to be free from algae snails and pests, it is the same plant as what you are calling subwassertang.
  14. fozziebear

    Subwassertang with snail

    Anything that will remove snails will more than likely harm your shrimps.... it's a bit of a catch 22 really.
  15. fozziebear

    Algae in my tank.

    how is it not good husbandry? i would not recommend liquid carbon products with shrimp, but they have always been fine with my fish, and the fish have never shown any adverse effects, i always dosed lightly, never using the product too heavily, but i dosed it regularly on a nano tank with no...
  16. fozziebear

    Hi I'm new some good insights on here.
  17. fozziebear

    Yet Another New Guy

    Hi faber12, welcome, first and foremost i hope you have fun with your tank, it's a nice sized one! so to sort of touch on a few of your points, 40ppm of nitrate is fine in my opinion, mine comes out of my tap anywhere from 30-50ppm, if you are worried about your nitrate level you can test your...
  18. fozziebear

    Tropical fish diseases

    diseases of tropical fish by Herbert R. Axelrod (expensive classic book) The interpet manual of fish health (there are a few different editions with varying authors) The A-Z of tropical fish: diseases and health problems by peter burgess and mary bailey (good value but pictures rather than...
  19. fozziebear

    Is my bronze catfish male or female

    Just hover your gravel vac over the top of the sand and don't pick it up into the vac, collect the poop and stuff off the top of the sand, sand is usually too compact to accept larger debris into it like gravels do. The corydoras will do the mixing of the substrate for you, and they will...
  20. fozziebear

    Returning to fish keeping

    Monster tank, what are you planning to put in it peter my man? looks like an exciting project.
  21. fozziebear

    Is my bronze catfish male or female

    Try them on sand when you upgrade your tank, bronze corydoras absolutely love sand.
  22. fozziebear

    Algae in my tank.

    i'm not the biggest fan of long term use of liquid carbon unless the tank is plants only, but it can be very useful to get the upper hand on the algae whilst things are coming to a balance, obviously the tank needs more plant biomass first and foremost, and probably decrease the interval between...
  23. fozziebear

    Fishless Cycling

    Can you put the water in buckets to warm up in the house before adding it to the tank? i would never do more than 50% waterchange with cold tap water, but 50% might be enough to lower your nitrate level, or do 2x 50% water change whilst letting the tank heat up inbetween water changes.
  24. fozziebear

    Black Skirt Tetra shedding?!?

    Check to see if any of the fish have enlarged abdomens or spiky scales poking out, might be a disease called dropsy.
  25. fozziebear

    How Long The Bacteria Can Live In The Filter When There Is A Power Cut

    As far as i know its 4 to 6 hours untill the main part of the colony will start dieing off, but from experience i have been as long as 12 hours with no longer lasting problems, always carried out a large 50% water change after any power outages.
  26. fozziebear

    Help with Growth

    It is fungal growth, pretty harmless just doesn't look very nice, ive known otos, nerite snails, tiger barbs and shrimp to feed on it, you can also remove it manually with a toothbrush and then do a large water change.
  27. fozziebear

    Algae in my tank.

    the faster growing plants look in good health and unaffected by the algae whereas the slower growing plants look deficient in nutrients and have an algae problem. my advice would be to increase your plant biomass in the tank by adding some more fast growers, start dosing some sort of light...
  28. fozziebear

    Carpet Plant

    i have grown lilaeopsis mauritiana too, i had 1 pot of that and 1 pot of brasiliensis, basically the L, brasiliensis just didnt grow and got swamped by algae, whereas the mauritiana grew loads of runners and was a really nice reddish colour, this was in a 100L with eco-complete, DIY co2, and 50w...
  29. fozziebear

    Unsure How To Keep Plants Alive

    it looks plenty bright, try out making a diy co2 kit, you'll notice the difference!.
  30. fozziebear

    New To Planted Tanks

    because the roots will try to grow through the filter plate and that will give you dead spots on your UGF resulting in reduced performance, also i have seen they dont root as fast in a tank with a ugf as opposed to a tank with just an internal, i have seen this on my own tanks.
  31. fozziebear

    Anybody Know The Name Of This Goby?

    scientific name: Stiphodon atropurpureus
  32. fozziebear

    Snail Problems

    id say dont use any type of chemicals to kill snails its gonna ruin your tank, also the easiest most humane way is to lure em onto a bit of lettuce or cucumber and they either squish em or put em in the bin, you should NEVER release anything from your aquarium into your local water courses, or...
  33. fozziebear

    Unsure How To Keep Plants Alive

    id recommend adding another 10 to 20w tube ideally of a lower kelvin rating something the 5000k to 7000k range, also look into diy co2 its really inexpensive and so easy to do, your plants will also thank you for it a lot, if you feel you need to add more nutrients id go for just a trace mix...
  34. fozziebear

    Water Conditioners: Heavy Metal Removal?

    hobby test kits for metals like iron and copper are very innacurate and cant really be trusted unless you have calibrated them against a sample with a known PPM.
  35. fozziebear

    Upsizing From A 3foot To A 6 Foot

    now there is a lottt of debate over this issue, i myself use eco-complete planted substrate which is half sand that settles on the lower layer, now i have never had a problem with getting anaerobic pockets, i get some bubbles forming but they havent done any harm at all, a lot of people i know...
  36. fozziebear

    New To Planted Tanks

    all types that like to be tied down could grow, such as java fern, anubius, and moss varieties, other than that your gonna struggle with plants that need to root because your using a UGF.
  37. fozziebear

    Unsure How To Keep Plants Alive

    ok first what is your tank size, stocking levels, and filtration, also are you adding any form of CO2? id say dont go for the nutrafin plant ferts they are a bit pants, the best is probably either tropica plant nutrition or tropica plant nutrition plus.
  38. fozziebear

    Java Fern Problems...

    thats black brush algae, it takes a while to develope, so it wouldnt of just come while it was in the post, it wont give you algae issues if your tank is mature and algae free, it should slowly die off, other than that you can trim off all the affected leaves before putting it in the tank.
  39. fozziebear

    Upsizing From A 3foot To A 6 Foot

    i thought you couldnt use sand with a ugf? as the filter plate gets clogged? id say just regular normal playsand is the best to use, also you dont vacuum it like you do with gravel, with sand you just wave the vac over the surface to stir up the dirt and poop, then suck it up once its in the...
  40. fozziebear

    Why Is My Neon Tetra Turing White

    if its that same fuzzy white patch then i think its fungus, if it looks like your fish has been sprinkled with seasalt, it is ich.