Female Platy Keeps Nipping at Male Platy


New Member
Feb 24, 2018
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So, I got a new micky mouse platy (female) into my tank a couple of days ago. She has been nipping at the male platy when even he gets near her. This has stressed him about quite a bit and its got me worried. Could any1 help ? :(

UPDATE: 17l amm 0, nitrite 40, nitrite 0, 2 female plates, one pregnant and the micky mouse , 1 wagtail male
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Livebearers can be quite nippy and aggressive; even the females.

Even though you've seen them mating, you could still have problems. How big is your tank? how many fish, of what species, do you have? How is your tank decorated, and have you been testing the water?

If you could answer those questions, we can help you spot any potential issues and, hopefully, help you make sure your tank stays peaceful :)
breaking up lines of sight in the tank always helps to reduce aggressive behaviour in fish, for example, adding plants or fake plants, adding rocks or wood and hiding places, adding some sort of tannins into the tank to darken the water, or putting in a divider in serious cases.

like fluttermouth said listing your tank specifications stocking etc etc will help get you the answer you are looking for.

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