Search results

  1. Oscar Betta

    Confused On Which Cycle To Do First?

    I read about the nitrogen cycle, the fishless cycle, and the fish-in cycle. Which one am I suppose to do first? I plan on getting a 20 gallon tank pretty soon with some cories, neons, and a few other fish.
  2. Oscar Betta

    A Couple Of Video's

    Are those your tanks? They look great!
  3. Oscar Betta

    Armchair Capello's

    Lol your guys' goalkeeper screwed you there.
  4. Oscar Betta

    Multiple Corys

    He's probably OK but look for any other strange activity. And yes make sure you get about 3 or 4 more. Corys shoal so they need to be kept in groups. It would be better if you got the same type too.
  5. Oscar Betta

    He's Gone :(

    Sorry about your loss. :( RIP Princess
  6. Oscar Betta

    Armchair Capello's

    Go USA! :P
  7. Oscar Betta

    20 Gallons Stocking Suggestions

    Ok thanks for the suggestions guys! I just mainly want another fish in there that's not to hard to take care of.
  8. Oscar Betta

    20 Gallons Stocking Suggestions

    Come on, anyone?
  9. Oscar Betta

    20 Gallons Stocking Suggestions

    If I get a 20 gallon tank and get 10 neon tetras, and around 5 albino cory cats what other fish can I fit in their? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  10. Oscar Betta

    Betta With Possible Ich?

    I don't see anything on him but if you start seeing a lot of it up his temperature by about 3-4 degrees. Also make sure you do lots of water changes.
  11. Oscar Betta

    10 Gallons

  12. Oscar Betta

    10 Gallons

    Would that be ok for my corys? Because I want for them to have plenty of room to sweep the bottom.
  13. Oscar Betta

    Betta With Possible Ich?

    Where is the pic? It's not on here.
  14. Oscar Betta

    10 Gallons

    I'll try to find room for a 20 gallon tank. I'll check if it fits where I was going to put the 15 gallon tank.
  15. Oscar Betta

    Been Playing With The Camera Again

    Wow they look great! Very nice colors.
  16. Oscar Betta

    Hmpk Dragon Female

    Very nice betta! Looks very healthy and love the colors!
  17. Oscar Betta

    10 Gallons

    I was going to put my 10 tetras and 5 albino corys in a 15 gallon tank but I can't find any at my pet store. The closest is 10 gallons. Would this be too little for them to live in or can I buy the 10 gallon tank and put them in it?
  18. Oscar Betta

    Can Any Other Fish Fit?

    Yeah but that would be risky because the betta and the tetras wouldn't get along that good.
  19. Oscar Betta

    Can Any Other Fish Fit?

    Could any white clouds fit?
  20. Oscar Betta

    Getting More Corrys

    Yeah but how many do you have of each?
  21. Oscar Betta

    Can Any Other Fish Fit?

  22. Oscar Betta

    Getting More Corrys

    They usually don't shoal under normal circumstances. It's best to keep Corys in groups of their own species, not a mix and match. They don't all have the same needs, some prefer cooler water temperatures, some get substantially larger than other species.
  23. Oscar Betta

    Can Any Other Fish Fit?

    Yeah, but what kind can I add?
  24. Oscar Betta

    New Betta Sorority

    Looks good! Nice bettas!
  25. Oscar Betta

    Can Any Other Fish Fit?

    I'm going to get a 15 gallon tank with around 10 neon or cardinal tetras (haven't decided yet) and 4-6 albino cory cats. Can any other fish fit in it without over stocking? I was thinking maybe a few African Dwarf Frog's could fit, but I already have a few.
  26. Oscar Betta

    My New Friends

    Nice fish! (and frogs)
  27. Oscar Betta

    Giant Corydoras

    Are they like these?
  28. Oscar Betta

    I Have A 10 Gallon Tank, How Many Fish Can I Have

    Are they all in the 10 gallon tank right now?
  29. Oscar Betta

    I Have A 10 Gallon Tank, How Many Fish Can I Have

    You could keep a few ADF'S in there but none of the others. For 10 more gallons you could fit a goldfish or 2.
  30. Oscar Betta

    Quick Question

    :angry: lol
  31. Oscar Betta

    Goldfish With Swim Bladder

    Yes, there is a cure for swim bladder. Try feeding it peas. And I would also reccomend feeding them these pellets too. They have peas in their ingredients...
  32. Oscar Betta

    Quick Question

    Oh yeah, check this out too- And yeah how big is your tank because it depends on that.
  33. Oscar Betta

    Quick Question

    Ohhhh lol. Ok you can try using snails or cory cats. Those are my recomindations.
  34. Oscar Betta

    Quick Question

    You can buy an algae scrubber from your local pet store. They should probably have one. You can also just use a sponge.
  35. Oscar Betta

    Mini Bettas?

    Looks like a scam. Those are just young bettas not "mini".
  36. Oscar Betta

    My Miracle Fry!

    Nice save! :good:
  37. Oscar Betta


    Like the others said, separate them. A male betta shouldn't be kept with another female unless you are breeding.
  38. Oscar Betta

    Does My Betta Have Fin Rot?

    Yeah, that's what I meant by some people not having it work for them.