I paid £4 for him, i feed him flakes and bloodworms (as recomended by shop person) he's in with my other fish aswell and they all like the same things which makes it easyer.
Im thinking on getting 2 more
Oh cool I would love one when i setup my tank but people have told me its hard to get them to eat and i didn't actually know they eat flakes until now!
i have 3 in my tank, there funny little things, i feed mine frozen bloodworms, i sometimes catch them fighting themselves over food, but there intresting but quite shy/elusive, mine tend to hangout near the filter hiding between it and the tank side
they get too about 2" long, mine are kept with various tetras, some gouramis, a rainbow shark, platys, mollys and some female bettas
they arnt the most active in the day but in the evening i spot them floating/siting/swimming around the bottom of the tank, some times a bit of a pain too feed as all my fish were living on flake foods, then when i got my ADFs and i started feeding bloodworms the fish have got a taste for those so i have too watch that they get food but they are cool and u can sometimes spot them swimming around/heading to the surface for air, they dont need land too sit on as they are fully aquatic which is also good in a community tank.
anything else u want too know, check here
BE CAREFULL THEY ARE DEFINETLY ADFs and not African Clawed Frogs!!!