Getting More Corrys


Fish Crazy
May 19, 2010
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Well here's the situation I have 2 emerald corrys in my aquarium atm and due to the advice of others I will buy 2-3 more corrys because they prefer to be in groups. My tank can support more fish btw. Would I have to buy emerald corrys or can I also buy other types of corrys such as peppered or bronze and will they school with the emeralds?
They usually don't shoal under normal circumstances. It's best to keep Corys in groups of their own species, not a mix and match. They don't all have the same needs, some prefer cooler water temperatures, some get substantially larger than other species.
i have both peppered corys and bronze corys and they shoal together. im sure they would be fine....temps for emerald and pepperes and corys are pretty much the same. tank needs to ideally be around 25 C / 77.0 F or 26 C / 78.8 F
Hi `Peter :)

Just so you are aware of the fact, your emerald corys are probably not corydoras at all but brochis. These are similar but different fish. Yours are B. splendens. Here's a link that should give you a better idea about them.

They will get along fine with bronze or albino C. aeneus or C. paleatus (peppered corys,) but might not swim together as a group.
I have six of the B. splendens and maybe eight C. sodalis in a 20 gallon tank. TBH, they were little and I thought they were bronze corys when I bought them. There are a few guppies in there too. :)
Hey guys thanks for the advice. My fish store had 2 more emeralds left and I brought them=). Got 4 now in the tank and they still kind of nervous since they got introduced.

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