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  1. G

    Florida Blue Crayfish (procambarus Alleni)

    Everything I've read says they are best left alone in a tank as they will eventually go after everything else in the tank. I'm sure there are exceptions but don't get too attached...
  2. G

    Cherry Shrimp

    When you said you saw a dead shrimp, could that have just been the shell from one that molted? When shrimp grow, they break out of their old shell and live without a shell for a few days while their new shell hardens. The other shrimp eat the old shell as a calcium source. Maybe that is all...
  3. G

    My (mostly) Invert Tank

    Check to see if the "curly shells" are Ramshorn or Trumpet Snails, depending on the way the shell curls. Both of them can be OK or they can be pests if the tank is not kept clean. They multiply based on available food. The ones with the "clear shell" are most likely the common pond snail and...
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    Urgent Fantail

    If you rinse the gravel off really good, then spread it out in a baking pan(s), pour Hydrogen Peroxide over it, let it soak for an hour, then rinse again, then put in oven and bake for an hour or so. Should be pretty sterilized after that. I've used this method in the past with no negatives...
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    How To: Diy Tank Stand And Hood

    Here's my $20.00 (US) 65G DIY Tank Stand with pictures of most steps. This is just the frame of the stand which can then be "decorated" or finished however one chooses. Hurricane Katrina interrupted me finishing this.
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    Pompom Fish...lost An Eye?

    I don't think any round-bodied goldfish should be mixed with long-bodied goldfish, even though some people do it. It's too hard for the round-bodied species to compete for food and they can be harassed too easily and not be able to get away due to their much slower swimming abilities.
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    My (mostly) Invert Tank

    If it's a nerite snail, , then I have read they will not breed in fresh water but can live in fresh water. For that reason, they are not considered pest snails. They also have colorful shells where pest snails normally have plain ugly...
  8. G

    Cherry Shrimp Jumping Ship!

    Purigen is a chemical filtration media... much more advanced over activated carbon. It's white and turns brown as it gets dirty so you know when to recharge it. It can be recharged and reused up to eight times. It is also supposed to be 500 times more effective than carbon so it lasts months...
  9. G

    Spring Clean

    The pond looks much too small for Koi. Koi grow to 36" and need hundreds (300+) of gallons each. You should probably exchange them for some Comets or if you like the look of Koi, get Sarasas or Shubunkins. Just like your aquariums, your ponds PWC's and Filter Maintenance will depend on your...
  10. G

    Does Filtering Water Through Glass Wool Remove Parasites?

    That was my thinking. Any type of mechanical filtration would "catch" larger parasites. I'm just wondering if "glass wool" has something that polypad, etc., does not have.
  11. G

    Snail Species

    Hi Jenni, I answered in your thread that you started. Your snails should be Ramshorn snails... as pictured above.
  12. G

    Thinking Of A Pond...

    I guess if you live in a city like Los Angeles or other severely smog affected city, your tap water could be better (if it comes from an underground aquifer) but without knowing the source of the tap water compared to the air quality of the area, I would lean towards rain water being a better...
  13. G

    Mixing Tropical & Coldwater.

    Can you post pictures? From the way you are describing it, this does not seem like a leak. Maybe condensation or splashing? Or somehow leaking from your HOB filter? Pictures and more info would be very helpful.
  14. G

    Planorbidae Family Snails

    Any of the baby ramshorns that end up in the gravel will usually get out with no problems. They are very strong. I've seen snails move pieces of gravel with no problem. The gravel doesn't weigh very much under water.... just a little more than the water itself. What kind of tank do you have...
  15. G

    Shrimp Safe Meds

    Why do you need to add an antibacterial to your tank? Give us more info. Maybe there is a better solution than throwing meds in the tank.
  16. G

    Outdoor Aquarium

    Is your patio covered? How deep is the tub you are considering? One thing I've seen online are new/used 300G plastic farm water troughs that are 3' deep where you could bury it 2'+ and take advantage of geothermal heating/cooling... since the earth temp at 2' stays very consistently around...
  17. G

    How Easy Isit To Install A Pond Filter?

    I've installed several different types and some DIY ones. Can you take a picture of find a manufacturers label/name on it anywhere... or was it a DIY filter system? Sumps are generally done with aquariums but I guess they could be used for a pond also. Many people go with a bog instead of a...
  18. G

    Does Filtering Water Through Glass Wool Remove Parasites?

    In another forum on this board (Coldwater fish), I was reading this profile link and came across the following snip. I was wondering if any of you have seen this or used this before. Maybe this belongs in the Fish Emergencies section too...
  19. G

    What Species?

    You need to try and get a pic of it with the pecs extended. They sure don't look very big in the pic of yours or on that webpage. Something I found even more interesting on that webpage was this snip... I might have to start a new topic on this as I've never seen that mentioned as a way to...
  20. G

    Well Hi!

    Sounds like you need to choose your friends better. ;)
  21. G

    Cherry Shrimp

    I recently started keeping Cherry Shrimp as well and a couple of my females are carrying eggs. My understanding from all that I've read is that the eggs will be not always be fertilized. Apparently, when fertilized, they will change colors... I think from green to orange and then they will be...
  22. G

    Cherry Shrimps And Black Crystal Shrimps Together

    Check for where the species originally came from and see if they lived in similar ecologies or even in the same biotype. This will tell you more about whether they are compatible and whether they will cross-breed. My understanding is the (very red) Cherry Shrimp was "man-made" through...
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    Miss My Cray Fish

    I'm sure there are exceptions where people successfully keep carnivorous or omnivorous crawfish and crabs in community tanks, IMO it's a disaster waiting to happen. Most of these critters are nocturnal so they are out hunting for food while the fish are sleeping and less likely to be able to...
  24. G

    Spring Clean

    Basic pond maintenance, a water change, filter system and some live plants will be much better for your pond's ecology and would probably eliminate the greenwater. I don't think you need a UV filter.
  25. G

    Real Puzzler

    Something with the Jewel internal filter systems that I recently learned about: The way they are siliconed to the back inside corner of the tank, which leaves a small gap, can cause excess detritus/mulm to build up between the filter housing and the tank glass, causing water quality issues...
  26. G

    Mixing Tropical & Coldwater.

    Water temperature is just one of the things that will stress out fish if it's not the correct temperature. We know that stressing fish have a lower immune system. While mixing them can be done, one or the other will suffer from stress, be more sickly, etc. There are many other fish, which are...
  27. G

    Thinking Of A Pond...

    Ummm. I think ponds being topped off by rainwater is much better than topping them off with tap water. Rainwater and runoff caused by it is also used in your drinking water. Pure rainwater is much, much, much cleaner, as far as less chemicals, than nearly anything that comes from a public...
  28. G

    Real Puzzler

    Yep. Goldfish don't really have a "normal" stomach where food would sit very long to be processed so it's pretty much, what goes in is what comes out, color wise. If you feed them green pea "meat" (pinch the green peat and trash the skin), they will poop green. :D
  29. G

    Best Snails For Fw Tank With Sand

    LFS = Local Fish Store CPS = Chain Pet Store
  30. G

    Pregnant Shrimp

    In all of my reading up on Cherry Shrimp, it seems that most shrimp have a gestation period of 4-6 weeks.
  31. G

    Where Is Best To Buy Shrimp?

    I'm not sure how busy Aquabid is over on your side of the pond but you could start there... It's like eBay just for fish stuff.
  32. G

    Happy Easter Everybody!

    I know... but I only frequent the Cold Water forum and the Inverts forum so I thought I would say it in those two only. I don't have time to visit all of the other forums. :rolleyes:
  33. G

    Pompom Fish...lost An Eye?

    To help us help your your fish, we will need to know a bit about your fish and set up. Please take the time before posting to copy and paste this into your thread and answer as many questions as you can. If you dont have test kits then most pet stores can test a sample of water for you. Always...
  34. G

    Happy Easter Everybody!

    The topic title says it all but I'll say it again... Happy Easter everybody!
  35. G

    Happy Easter Everybody!

    The topic title says it all but I'll say it again... Happy Easter everybody!
  36. G

    Best Snails For Fw Tank With Sand

    MTS - Malaysian Trumpet Snails will burrow in the sand during the day and keep it from becoming compacted - scroll down a little on this link for more info... You can often get them for free from your LFS or CPS. They do not breed like...
  37. G

    Aclimatising Shrimp

    Like acclimation for any other new thing added to your tank, it's best to check the water parameters of your water compared to the water they are use to living in. The bigger the difference, the longer the acclimation period. It's best to use a quarantine tank for new fish/critters/plants...
  38. G

    Thinking Of A Pond...

    If you decide to go with a small pump and fountain, which will aid in airation, you can also make a DIY pre-filter which will also double as mechanical/biological filtration. Here is one of my blog articles that also has my general plans and links to other DIY pre-filters. You can often find...
  39. G

    Clear Type Bubbles On My Fishtanks Glass!

    That picture that Tokis linked to does not show it clearly but male ZD's have a golden/yellow tint to them and are more "colorful" than the females which are more of a plain black/white color. I agree that the females are a little fatter and sometimes much fatter. Isn't it funny how nature...
  40. G

    Dealing with pest snails!

    I would just use the old fashioned "grab the pest snail out of the tank trick". I don't have a problem with a few but if they ever get out of control.. usually due to overfeeding your fish... then just cut back on feedings or start smashing the shells of the snails and some of your fish may...