Urgent Fantail


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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I posted months ago and we decided my fantail had got cauli disease. Of course the growth has got worse I have just looked at the photo I posted months ago. I just cleaned him right out and one of the blisters popped. Is there any medication I can get from the lfs/ I love him he is a character, but lately he has been quieter. Thanks. Photo took about ten minutes ago.
That is a weird shape. It looks smooth and its not round so it might not be cauli disease.
I think you should get it to a vet so he/she can do a biopsy of it or at least see if its a tumour or a cyst.
Phone around first and try and find one willing to treat goldfish.
it could be a cyst as bits of it keep bursting..I rang my vet and they dont want to be bothered. Going to aquatic centre soon might look for some meds.thanks
Its a bit old this address but this is a fish vet in your area, you could try and see if there is someone there willing to look.
A.J.C.Rhodes, Jeremy Wright, 95 Queens Park Parade, Kingsthorp, Northampton, NN2 0RZ. 01604 712070
No Alan Rhodes is still there, didnt realise he was a fish expert. Will think about it, in next street to me :rolleyes:
If its a cyst you could try an external and internal bacterial med on the fish, if its a tumor though its untreatable.
Thanks got some meds from aquatic centre...and they had ct bettas to die for....but I resisted....actually they had some lovely fish all over the place.. :drool:
My lovely fantail developed sb a couple of weeks ago. What with sb and the cyst which was pulling him to one side..I decided not to use any more meds. I cleaned him our last Friday and he tried to swim upright...but failed...he wouldnt eat and has finally died....I must say I am quite relieved...going to keep away from fancy goldfish for a bit....so prone to disease particularly sb
Sorry to hear that. It looks realy nasty.

Good Luke treating him..
sorry you lost him, but it looked quite bad.
Thanks...it was much worse when he died, the cyst really big...I want to disinfect his tank...going to throw away all gravel but what can I use to sterilise it.....or should I just throw it?
If you rinse the gravel off really good, then spread it out in a baking pan(s), pour Hydrogen Peroxide over it, let it soak for an hour, then rinse again, then put in oven and bake for an hour or so. Should be pretty sterilized after that. I've used this method in the past with no negatives... except for a slight burning smell. I put the pans of gravel outside to cool off. The gravel stuck together a little bit but went back into their individual pieces when shaken.
Thanks...it was much worse when he died, the cyst really big...I want to disinfect his tank...going to throw away all gravel but what can I use to sterilise it.....or should I just throw it?

Bleach kills just about anything. I'd recommend throwing away the gravel, but if you really want to sterilize it just soak it in a 50/50 bleach solution (strong to make sure you really kill everything!), rinse it off really well, and then soak it in some water with lots of dechlorinator in it. Should be good to go for fish after that.
think I will throw the gravel I tend to use marble pebbles for my bettas anyway and I will bleach the tank and leave outside to air.. :good:
If you have money to spare then I would just throw away the gravel. No use in chancing anything happening to other fish when you can buy brand new. Sorry to hear about your goldie, i remember hearing about him when i posted about my betta have a tumour.

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