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    Stupid Plants Keep Dying!

    You have to make a big investment to have live plants in your tank, such as lighting your supposed to have lighting ,fertilizers, frequent water changes, and maybe Co2 injection systems
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    Lfs Story

    Thats pretty amazing, when i was at a LFS chain a couple of days ago they sold a small normal pleco to a lady with a 10 gallon and the employee said it would do fine in it for its whole life in that tank?
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    Don't know much about saltwater fish but i was searching ebay and came across a saltwater barracuda for sale. Just wondering if that was commom, and if anyone else has one here? Heres the link to ebay.Barracuda For Sale
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    Male Ram Is Pale

    Thanks, well i took a picture with my camera phone of my suspected male ram, but the quality is horrible so you probably won't be able to tell. But i'll post it anyway
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    Camera Phone

    Yeah here my tank right now, looks bad cuz i only have a camera phone, but i will be getting an awesome digital camera for christimas :D First pic of the whole tank Blue Ram Another one
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    Male Ram Is Pale

    I know for sure both my rams are german blue rams but they look a lot different. The one that i think is a male has big sort of sailfin in the back way bigger than male rams i saw in the pictures below, and the female is colorful but doesn't have a big sailfin. I don't have a digital camera yet...
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    Male Ram Is Pale

    My male german blue ram has recently become sort of pale. His blue coloring is no showing up and he seems to stay in the same place all day. All my other fish are fine including my female ram who is very colorful. What do you think is wrong with him.
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    Basic Info On Corys

    Thanks for the info, i think i'll be picking up a group of 5-6 soon. Substrate shouldn't be a problem because it is sand. Also the substrate and water are very clean because i do weekly water change with a gravel vaccum. But your sure my red-tailed black shark will get along with them?
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    Basic Info On Corys

    Hey i would like a clean-up crew for my tank, so i was thinking about corys. I've never kept them before but always been interested in them. Do you think i could keep a small school of them in my 40 gallon? and what are some basic care facts on them. :)
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    New Fish

    I gave up my threadfin rainbow, I saw one at a store and couldn't resist buying it cuz they look really cool, but it was the only one and didn't know there schooling. My Red-Tailed Black Shark constantly picked on it, so ended returning it, and because couldn't find any more and the people...
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    How Do Treat New Drift Wood?

    I soaked mine in my bathtub for a day. I would recommend it because the water is like yellow are its soaked in there for like 24 hours. Also there shouldn't be any organism in it(I think) at least there weren't any in mine?
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    Ethics Of Buying Cardinal Tetras

    I have cardinals and have no moral objection against it since they can be tank bred. Most likely very few are wild caught nowadays. Also that article could of been written a long time ago. Also are you sure your seeing cardinals, and not neons. Because i found it very hard to find cardinals and...
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    55 Gal Stocking

    Issue with tiger barbs with angels and gouranmis. The tiger barbs would tear the there fins apart. Also its not good to keep neons with angels.
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    Lighting System

    Well i think i solved my problems sort of. Compact Fluorescent Lamp I'm looking at the 34 inches that are 96 watts. But my tank is 36 inches so it won't fit. How can i imporvise?
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    Harliquin Rasbora

    Same for Angels. Mine are a little bigger than quarter size now
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    Harliquin Rasbora

    Do you think that angels would eat Harliquin Rasbora's?
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    Lighting System

    Correct me if i'm wrong. So these can't replace my lighting system completely? Cuz that what i'm looking for. I don't have the room on my tank for two lighting sytems
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    Will These Fish Mix

    Once I added neons to my tank first when i was a n00b. None of them lasted the night, I wouldn't recommend them till your tank is well established.
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    Lighting System

    I don't think my lighting system is giving enough lights to my plants so I went to my LFS and looked for some new lights. I found something for planted tanks that says it simulates natural light or something but its only 30 Watts and its for a 36 inch tank. Following the basic lighting rule i...
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    29 Gallon, And Fish In 10 Gallon

    Dig the blue sand in the first tank. Also that ornage and black platy is awsome :nod:
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    Swim Like An Eyptian....

    Same for me, I've never really liked tank ordanments but that setup is awesome! :D
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    My New Fish

    Nice angel mine looks just like yours :fun:
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    Funny Pic

    That picture is of course fake:D , but i didn't photoshop it i was searching arowanas and i found it on an old thread on the site. :hyper:
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    Funny Pic

    Hope You Like It.
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    Sae Question

    SAE should do fine. Though I used to have some CAE in my old tank and they got to be really agressive and terriorial. They also get a lot bigger that SAE
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    How Long, Tall, And Wide Is A 55g?

    I hard to tell because they vary a lot
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    African Cichlids

    I've kept africans in the past. But you are first going to need a big tank what size are you planning to get?
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    The reason i wanted to know was i saw this awesome picture of one on the forums Pic of Muppy and it didn't look like just another normal molly
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    I Have Added Sand

    Well when I first added mine I had absloutely not cloudliness at all. Before adding it to your tank your supposed to wash it in cold water just to clean it off a little. I bought some special sand that is weighted so none of it floats and you can use a gravel vaccum on it.
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    Just Measured Tank

    I wouldn't trust tank calculators because when I type mine tank into one it always says my tank is 50 gallons. So i don't think that they are accurate.
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    15gals Okay For Malawis?

    I used to own cichlids and I wouldn't recommend it for any malawis. They are very agressive so IMO no.
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    I hear people on this forums talking about muppies (molly X guppy hybrid) and just wondering if anyone has actually seen one? Owned one? Or bred one? Cuz i've never seen them anywhere.
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    Neon Tetra Shoal?

    I have cardinals tetras with sharks and angels and the tank is very peaceful. But it is heavily planted and lots of hiding places. But i always here that angels love eating neons?
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    Latest Plec.

    I saw a tiger pleco at my LFS at it was $30, too expensive for me
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    Fitghing Fish

    Don't have an opinion on the fighting but that red betta is amazing.
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    Saw some Glofish, those zebra danios that are red and supposed to glow. Thought they were pretty cool but 9.00 a piece. I was thinking of getting a few but Just wondering whats your opinion on them? :look:
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    Giant Corydora

    I really can't tell from the picture but i wasn't like the normal ones where it was like 3 inches. This was one was huge in mass but only about 5-6 inch.
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    Giant Corydora

    Yesterday I went to the pet store and saw a giant cory. Thought they were really cool and just wondering if anyone kept them? :nod: