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  1. Orodreth

    Post Your Funny Fish Pictures.

    I don't know if its classed as funny, but I found it amusing :hyper: It is one of my Platies.
  2. Orodreth

    Silver Tip Tetras

    I have Silver Tip Tetras and they do like to be in bigger groups. Also, as said above, it means that the aggression they have is divided amongst the group and so one is not singled out. I actually have thirteen (only asked and paid for ten) but I think anything from six up is a good number to...
  3. Orodreth

    Are They Okay?

    They must have just been on an extended adjustment period because now they've spread over the whole tank and look completely relaxed. Thanks. :good:
  4. Orodreth

    Are They Okay?

    I recently purchased six Ember Tetras. I wanted something that stayed small and kept in a nice little shoal and I really like them. Since putting them in they seem to all hover together in one place which is in the current of the filter outlet. The only time they seem to move is when food...
  5. Orodreth

    Small Fry

    I found a baby in one of my tanks not long ago that I believed was at risk from being eaten so I grabbed her and put her in a breeders net in my largest tank. I was just wondering at what size do you think she will be safe to be set free? The fish in my profile can be found in that tank (minus...
  6. Orodreth

    Best Luck/worst Luck!

    Hey, I was looking at information today on various fish I would like and for some reason I started thinking about which species I seemed to do well with and which I didn't. I thought I would then ask, just out of interest, which fish people would say they had had most luck with (long life...
  7. Orodreth

    Dead Fish

    I haven't seen any, I will keep an eye out and if they have I'll let you know.
  8. Orodreth

    Giving Birth

    Yesterday one of my Platys gave birth. So far I have only seen one baby, I don't know whether that's all she has had or whether the rest were eaten - either way, one is alive right now. Since then she does not seem to have given birth to any more, she is still very fat and often has her tail...
  9. Orodreth

    Dead Fish

    Just tested the water: Ammonia - 0ppm Nitrite - 0ppm Nitrate - 40(ish)ppm pH - 7.5(ish) - about normal So, I have no idea what may have killed him.
  10. Orodreth

    Back Ground?

    I would assume a darker background would feel more secure. I also think darker looks better, but that justs aesthetics.
  11. Orodreth

    One-eyed Fish!

    'Arrr Captain Oto! I like it! :rolleyes:
  12. Orodreth

    One-eyed Fish!

    Okay, thank you for helping to put my mind to rest :good: . It certainly won't make me love him/her any less! In fact, it might do the opposite. :wub:
  13. Orodreth

    Dead Fish

    I found one of my Platys floating dead on the surface today. He seemed completely fine the last time I saw him and I've had him for about two months. This doesn't overly worry me (sad though) because I know these things happen. What worried me was that he had been severely savaged, skin was...
  14. Orodreth

    Back Ground?

    Yes, as said, a background can make the fish feel much safer. When I set up my tank, I had a few Platys to begin with and all they did was hide under some bogwood, I added a dark background and they started to some out more not long after, and at first hung out at the back.
  15. Orodreth

    One-eyed Fish!

    Hey, I bought two Otocinclus today and after I had just placed them in the tank I noticed that one of them is missing an eye! :-( I don't really know what I'm posting to ask...I'm just worried that it could be infected or something? It doesn't seem injured...just has a sort of empty eye...
  16. Orodreth

    Platy Birth

    Okay, thank you :good:
  17. Orodreth

    Platy Birth

    My Platy is giving birth as I type (never had babies before!) do I need to keep the lights in the tank off? Thanks
  18. Orodreth

    How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

    My Fish - 9 Danios 9 Platys 10 Neon Tetras 12 Silver Tip Tetras 4 Sterbai Corydoras 4 Kuhli Loaches 1 Bristlenose Catfish My Total = 49 Running Total = 2615
  19. Orodreth

    Apple Snail Eggs?

    Ooh, thank you. I thought I had seen something on the forum a while back (that's the reason I assumed Apple Snails) but I looked down the list and couldn't find it. Thanks :good:
  20. Orodreth

    Apple Snail Eggs?

    Hey, I just found this: I am assuming it is a group of Apple Snail eggs, is that right? Do they normally come to anything or is it likely they won't hatch? If they will is there anything I need to do to them? I've never had any before. Thank you.
  21. Orodreth

    Whats The Dearest Fish You Have Ever Bought?

    My most expensive fish will blow your minds! It was £12 :hyper: :blush: He is my Bristlenose Catfish. Maybe in the future when I get another tank I'll get something a bit more, although I'm a little scared I'll kill it.
  22. Orodreth

    Snails In !

    Yes, as said, if you have live plants. That is where I got mine from which have since become what I like to call an infestation :blink: Mostly common ones although I have recently noticed some Ramshorn looking ones which I didn't put in personally either.
  23. Orodreth

    Feeding Snails

    My Apple Snails seem to really like Algae Wafers and courgette is a favourite as well.
  24. Orodreth

    Congo Shrimp

    Sorry it's a bit vague, when I saw them I was in a bit of a hurry :rolleyes: They were larger than amano shrimp, they were about the size of some Rock Shrimp that were next door to them which probably at about the 2" mark. To be honest I'm not sure about the fans and pincers, they sort of...
  25. Orodreth

    Congo Shrimp

    I was out today looking for different kinds of Shrimp as the selection round here is quite limited, and I saw a tank labelled 'Congo Shrimp'. They were quite large and dark in colour (black I think) and they looked really mean so I didn't fancy putting any in my own tank. I was just wondering...
  26. Orodreth

    White Spot Or Other Problems

    Yeah, you are right of course. I'm still fairly new to this and places like Pets At Home never tell you this stuff, they just sell you the fish. I was just hoping there might be some kind of treatment. If not then purchasing a hospital tank is the way to go :good:
  27. Orodreth

    White Spot Or Other Problems

    Hey, I do not actually have a disease in my tank but a friend of mine has just had an outbreak of White Spot which he is now treating. I was wondering what I would do if it ever happened to me as mine contains Shrimp, Snails and Clams. I have searched the internet and have not really come...
  28. Orodreth

    2 Q's About Cory's

    My Corys definitely like being in a group, I have four and more often than not they are all together (well actually one of them goes off on his own occasionally to a different end of the tank...just a bit of a rebel I guess :P ) I do wonder if this is not actually enough and I may get myself a...
  29. Orodreth

    Betta And Platys

    I have my rather small tank (think it's just under 10 gallons) which at the moment I have got two Platys living in, they had to go in there due to bullying that was taking place (between Platys) and now they seem so much happier - eating more and very colourful. I had been thinking what to put...
  30. Orodreth

    Online Plant Shop?

    I also bought mine from Greenline and have to agree that they were very good and all the plants were in great condition upon arrival :good: .
  31. Orodreth

    Ages.... Who And What Age....

    I'm 23. Been keeping fish for only about 3 months and I have 44 of varying kinds (MTS kicked in quick with me, couldn't help myself :hyper: ).
  32. Orodreth

    Decided To Pick This Up Again...

    I don't know for a fact how big Clown Loaches get but I was warned off them for my 40 gallon and since then I have seen some rather large ones that would have been way too big for it so I'm very glad I didn't. :)
  33. Orodreth

    Ideas Please?

    Hey, thanks for replying. Yeah, I thought the things in there should too. The Platys, however, seem highly uninterested in it although the Shrimp and Snail do but each of them is only small :hyper: . It's not a huge amount, just a light covering in a few places and most of it seems easily...
  34. Orodreth

    Ideas Please?

    Okay, my smallest tank which is about 8 gallons, I believe, currently houses one pregnant Platy and her husband, and two Shrimp. Oh and a Snail. I have noticed a slight build up of Algae lately, on the glass and on some of the leaves (the plants are real). I was just wondering if anyone could...
  35. Orodreth

    The Last Fish(es)!

    Do you think the tetras (mainly the silver tips) would harass gouramis?
  36. Orodreth

    The Last Fish(es)!

    Okay, my tank is basically at stocking level however I was hoping to add just a single fish or a pair of fish as something slightly larger or more showy than the rest, a sort of centrepiece fish I suppose. It's 155 litres and contains Platys, Neon Tetras, Silver Tip Tetras, Sterbai Corys and...
  37. Orodreth


    It is 155 litres/40 US Gallons.
  38. Orodreth

    Kuhli Loaches

    Yes, thanks for checking though :good: I plan on getting a minimum of 4 but probably a couple more.
  39. Orodreth

    Kuhli Loaches

    I was thinking about getting some Kuhli Loaches and I was just wondering whether they will attack snails, shrimp or clams etc?
  40. Orodreth

    Mixing Danios

    Well I don't know the actual answer to this, I can only give you my own experience. When I first bought my Danios the LFS person told me they were fine to mix so I bought a mixed group including Zebras, Pearls and Leopards. They instantly began shoaling together and any I've had since have...