I have been researching danios for my new tank. I really like zebras, pearls, turquoise and hikari BUT I'm not sure I'll have room for 5 or 6 of each...............so is it ok to have 3or 4 of each of these or do I have to choose 2 types and have 5 of each??
Well I don't know the actual answer to this, I can only give you my own experience. When I first bought my Danios the LFS person told me they were fine to mix so I bought a mixed group including Zebras, Pearls and Leopards. They instantly began shoaling together and any I've had since have done so too, they seem perfectly happy as a mixed group.
I think you should be okay with doing it. I have 2 Long Finned Zebra danios, a regular zebra danio, and 2 Blue long finned zebra danios. So i think the combination should work, after all their all from the danio group.