Search results

  1. P

    Split Tank

    I definately like the sound of having some otos in there. How many do you think would fit? Cheers, Phil
  2. P

    Split Tank

    Are there any other fish that may be suitable in the other side of the split tank?
  3. P

    Split Tank

    It must have been a stupid question! :(
  4. P

    Split Tank

    I've buying a 5 gal tank tomorrow and have had advice to split the tank and get 2 male bettas. Is it possible to split the tank (maybe not in the middle) and have a male betta on one side and some guppies on the other? If so how many guppies would be suitable? Thanks Ps I really am going to...
  5. P

    Live food for a betta

    I would really like to do the best for my betta and feed it live food. What would be the best to keep and what will I need to keep it in. Would it be best to feed mainly live food or live and some frozen/flaked?
  6. P

    Live food for Betta

    I would really like to do the best for my betta and feed it live food. What would be the best to keep and what will I need to keep it in. Would it be best to feed mainly live food or live and some frozen/flaked?
  7. P

    Best home for a betta

    Are water changes any harder with a divided tank?
  8. P

    Best home for a betta

    I'm swaying more to the rectangular tank and would love 2 bettas :) :) where would I get a tank divider from and how does the filter and heater work? Do I need 2?
  9. P

    Best home for a betta

    I'm planning to get a male betta in a heavily planted tank. I've narrowed my tank search down to 2! I just can't decide! 1 is a hexagonal 5 gal tropical starter kit. It includes the filter, light and heater and uses 1 plug. I know 1 plug isn't reccommended because If it breaks they all break...
  10. P

    Cycling the tank

    I'm just going to ask this now! Where would I get pure ammonia from in the UK?
  11. P

    Cycling the tank

    I'm finally going to buy a 5 gal hex tank for a male betta. I'm going to buy the tank tomorrow but don't know what else I need to start the fishless cycle. The filter, heater and light come with the tank but nothing else. Do I need substrate, plants, and rocks as It would be setup eventually...
  12. P

    Which home is betta for a betta!

    How much water do you change and how often?
  13. P

    Which home is betta for a betta!

    I'm looking at this 13 gallon haxagonal tank which says: "This top of the range aquarium has silver multifunction hood and fitted flourescent light (with on/off switch). Hood also incorporates silent 12v water pump with advanced 3 stage Filtration System: Mechanical, Chemical & Biological...
  14. P

    Betta tank

    I'm looking at this 13 gallon haxagonal tank which says: "This top of the range aquarium has silver multifunction hood and fitted flourescent light (with on/off switch). Hood also incorporates silent 12v water pump with advanced 3 stage Filtration System: Mechanical, Chemical & Biological...
  15. P

    Hexagonal Tank Starter Kit

    I'm looking at this 13 gallon haxagonal tank which says: "This top of the range aquarium has silver multifunction hood and fitted flourescent light (with on/off switch). Hood also incorporates silent 12v water pump with advanced 3 stage Filtration System: Mechanical, Chemical & Biological...
  16. P

    Perfect Betta Home

    Thanks for the compliment :D A 25w internal filter?
  17. P

    Perfect Betta Home

    I'm settled on buying a betta to start with and then maybe some dwarf corys in a 5 to 10 gal tank. I want it to be perfect for the betta. Is there anything I should try to do with the: planting (real or fake, big or small, etc) filter (internal, undergravel, external) rocks (any types, do they...
  18. P

    Friends for Tiger Barbs?

    I would really like a shoal of fish. If I got a betta would a shoal of anything survive?
  19. P

    Will my tank be full

    I’m planning to get 5+ male guppies and 2 or 3 speckled corys in a 12 gallon tank. Is there room for anything else? How many of each would be best? Is a heavily planted tank best with rocks and wood?
  20. P

    Friends for Tiger Barbs?

    What else could I have in a 10 gal tank with 8 tiger barbs and a few small corys? I read that with a shoal of tiger barbs they were not as aggressive as with 1 or 2. Is that correct?
  21. P

    New tank stocking suggestions

    What else could I have in a 10 gal tank with 8 tiger barbs and a few small corys?
  22. P

    Feeding my classroom tank

    I'm just about to buy a 10 gal tank for my classroom and am going to get guppies and corrys. How should I feed the fish everyday? Especially during the holidays! What about when I can't get to or get into the school. Would it be the best idea to take them home over the summer holidays or leave...
  23. P

    2 male 4 female guppies

    Which corys have you got?
  24. P

    2 male 4 female guppies

    Sounds good. What kind of planting have you got?
  25. P

    2 male 4 female guppies

    Have you got any ideas of what I should buy? Male guppies?
  26. P

    2 male 4 female guppies

    I wasn't going to take the fry out but I would have a lot of hiding places in the tank. How many would there need to be before they needed to be given away?
  27. P

    2 male 4 female guppies

    If I were to buy 2 male and 4 female guppies for a 10 gal tank how many would there be in a few months? What could I do with the fry if it gets overcrowded?
  28. P

    2 male 4 female guppies

    If I were to buy 2 male and 4 female guppies for a 10 gal tank how many would there be and what should I do with the fry if it gets overcrowded?
  29. P

    Equipment Needed

    Is it best to buy from a big pet shop or a small specialist? Do you think it would be better to buy all of the equipment individually then?
  30. P

    Equipment Needed

    About £100 to £140 Will that be enough?
  31. P

    Equipment Needed

    1 male betta and 4ish guppies or bettas. What do you think? Phil
  32. P

    Equipment Needed

    I am considering buying guppies or corys with a betta in a 10 gal tank. I haven't bought anything yet and would like some advice for equipment I will need as I don't want to buy a tropical starter kit. I need to know about: Hood Condensation Tray Lighting Filter Pump Heater Gravel Plants Rocks...
  33. P

    Clown Fish Tank Setup

    Fair point. What would you suggest in a 10 gallon tank in a year 1 classroom?
  34. P

    Clown Fish Tank Setup

    I previously posted about wanting freshwater tropical fish in my classroom. I had some great replies but have recently been considering the possibilities of marine fish. I would ideally love a pair of clownfish. I'm looking at tropical starter kits like "Fish R Fun" kits. Does anyone know if...
  35. P

    Suggestions for classroom tank

    Thanks for your suggestions. I'm thinking about a 10 gallon tank because thats all that will fit! I like the idea of a shoal of smaller fish. How about Guppys? Thanks
  36. P

    Suggestions for classroom tank

    I'm a teacher in England and would love to have a small tropical tank in my classroom. Would a small heated tank be ok for a single fighting fish? Or are there any other suggestions for bright colourful fish I could use either by themselves or in pairs. Thanks. Phil
  37. P

    Clownfish for classroom

    I am a teacher and would like to buy a smallish tank and have 1 or 2 clownfish or other brightly coloured, interesting fish. Are there any suggestions for tank size and fish type? Would it be easier to buy a marine starter kit or buy each of the items separately? What exactly would I need...