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  1. M

    I Think My Peppered Cories Are Mating!

      can't see any signs of eggs on the glass. Oh well, maybe they were just practising.
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    I Think My Peppered Cories Are Mating!

    I have  3 Cories, and I think 2 male and one female, this morning 'female' was doing unspeakable things to one of the smaller 'males'   and then all 3 of them have been zooming round the tank. It looks like 'she' is trying to get away from them and hide in the plants.   Now I don't have a...
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    Advice On Treating Tank Please.

    :-( I lost my guppy. The gourami is soldiering on even though he has a patch over his eye today. The mouth has cleared up which means he is able to eat again, all-be-it only a little of what he usually scoffs!!! Have done day 3 of the dosing and will do a 50% w/c tomorrow. What would anyone...
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    Advice On Treating Tank Please.

    Oh dear, my boy Gourami has a tiny bit on his mouth and isn't looking too happy:-( Not sure if the lone guppy has it too. The tank is not a happy tank. They are all pretty still in the bottom half. Will the cories be ok with the copper? Actually, they seem the brightest of all of them!! I have...
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    Advice On Treating Tank Please.

    Thank you. I shall do it now.
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    Advice On Treating Tank Please.

    Hi, I had a problem over the weekend with a new Cory and it's subsequent death then this morning I noticed that one of my dwarf gouramis had a small amount of fungus (cotton wool type stuff) round her mouth. Due to one...
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    Snails, How To Get Rid Of?!

    I used lettuce, new piece every day for about a week and lift it out with snails the next morning. There are still a few left but they are definitely managable, now I get all the bigger ones out by hand when doing a water change and squish the tiny ones.
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    Sick New Peppered Cory.

    Thanks for your reply Snazy, firstly, I had the presence of mind NOT to add the salt after remembering I had read that it burns Cories. When I get new fish, I generally do (as I did yesterday) a 50% water change before I go and get them so they get put into as fresh a tank as possible. I have...
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    Sick New Peppered Cory.

    Hi, NitrIte 0 NitrAte 10 (planted tank) Ammonia 0 48 lt tank, 4 gold tetras (this is what they were sold as in the shop but I have my doubts, look like neons but with pale blue stripe) 2 dwarf gouramis 4 peppered cories (2 new yesterday) And my 3 singletons of 1 cardinal, 1 guppy and 1...
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    A Note On Water Changes - Why Big Numbers Are Important

    Got it. I thought the dechlorinator was to protect the fish. Makes perfect sense now how come the tank doesnt go into a cycle everytime people do massive water changes. Thanks.
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    Am I A Horrible Person? :(

    I know how you feel, I only have a little tank and due to bad advice from the fish shop for stocking at the beginning now have 3 singletons, one guppy, one glow-light and one cardinal, it would make so much more sense to take these back to the shop and get 3 more golden tetras or 3 more peppered...
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    A Note On Water Changes - Why Big Numbers Are Important

    Understood but...... How come if we're not supposed to rinse the filter with tap water due to messing with the funky stuff that keeps the water happy are we allowed to dump in 80% of the stuff and expect the filter to cope? Just asking..... I do large water changes weekly
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    I Was Only Away For 5 Days!

    Thanks again Balajake! Just done another 70% in my tank, there is just the slightest tinge of yellow and pink on the ammonia and nitrite tests but I will still do another big change tomorrow. I have given the java moss a big trim up and the grass. I have also tweaked out the tops of the other...
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    I Was Only Away For 5 Days!

    Oh Good Grief!!! Just been to check on my sons Minnows (he had already checked them and said they were fine) and found so much uneaten food on the bottom. Have checked all the food pots and yes..... it would appear she has fed them what I have fed them in the last 6 MONTHS!!! The minnows have...
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    I Was Only Away For 5 Days!

    Hello, as it says, I went away for 5 days and left mum to pop in and feed the fish and the cat. I have returned to a dead Glo-light, could barely see in the tank for algea and had Nitrite of 0.3 and ammonia of 0.6. I did an immediate 50% water change but I still have a pink tinge with the...
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    How Are They Still Alive?

    It's interesting isn't it? My Mum's next door neighbour used to have a 5 foot tank and I'm certain he never did regular w/c's either. But to me, the whole husbandry of cleaning and maintaining my tank is what makes keeping fish a hobby and interesting. I don't think this gentleman probably ever...
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    How Are They Still Alive?

    Evening everyone, With my job, I get to go into lots of people's houses, on Monday, I happened to be in an elderly couples house and noticed there was a 4 foot tank. In it were about a dozen fish, (still new so couldn't ID them) they seemed healthy enough, swimming normally but the tank looked...
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    What's This On My Cardinal?

    But at least the filter's 5 months old, so it's got to be cycled by now. And if it didn't do that yet, then it would be pretty weird. Still, the fish have shown no signs of stress and my snails seem to like roaming the sand and aren't staying at the top, so the water parameters should be good...
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    High Ammonia Levels In My New Tank

    Hi Kellydee, I'm new too, and I did exactly the same, the shop gave me 'beneficial bacteria' (which doesn't work) and said after two weeks the fish could go in. I lost 2 lots of Cardinals, 7 in total with 1 remaining, having been told by the shop it was my tap water which killed the first...
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    What's This On My Cardinal?

    Hi Fishblast, only saw your message first thing this morning so did another 25% change there and then! The Husband thinks I've gone water change mad but I got it done in around 10 minutes flat with hardly any spillage!!! The Nitrite level is now............... 0!!!!!! :D I was trying and...
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    Ro Versus Tap Water

    Wish my fish were as hardy as yours K. You obviously know what you're doing. I'm trying to learn as quick as I can. :blush: Anyway...... just filling my kettle earlier, it's one of those filter ones which drips through before you turn it on, then looked at my Bri**a water filter, with a flash...
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    What's This On My Cardinal?

    Right, 25% water change, the tap safe doesn't tell me to let it stand so I presumed I could use it right away, stats post change are: Ammonia = 0 :D Nitites = Less than 0.1. Tiny, tiny tinge of purple to the water but defo not up to 0.1 which is the lowest reading the kit gives me. Nitrates...
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    What's This On My Cardinal?

    I know now. :no: But please believe me that if I knew then what I know now.......... There was a water change immediately after those readings, I shall do another one tonight then, I was going to do it tomorrow after collecting the RO water but I think I'll just use tap. How long does the tap...
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    What's This On My Cardinal?

    1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc) 2. A full description of the fishes symptoms. 3. How often you do water changes and how much. 4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water. 5. What tank mates are in the tank. 6. Tank size. 7. Finally Have you...
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    What's This On My Cardinal?

    Hello, having just regained harmony and health in the tank, my one remaining Cardinal (The Soldier) seems to have some sort of parasite..... I know now that they shouldn't be on their own but also know that the reason his mates died was because I tried putting them in a fairly new set-up...
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    Ro Versus Tap Water

    Thanks Tony, I'll look for a GH/KH test kit and see what that says, but to get them used to the tap water I think I'll use RO every other week for a while and then gradually increase the tap water..... unless of course the results of the GH/KH tests are ridiculous. Redbone, as a newbie to this...
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    Ro Versus Tap Water

    Thanks Chtheo, I've just done a 20% water change with the tap water. I can't see that eventually having 50/50 tap and RO can be anything but good for them. The fella in the shop told me that it was probably due to the tap water that the Cardinals croaked, but I have read countless times here...
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    Ro Versus Tap Water

    Good morning, tested the tap water just now, it has been sitting for over 20 hours and these are the results: PH, 7.5 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 0 Nitrate, 5 So, with these results in mind, is there any reason why I shouldn't use tap water every other week? I poured the required amount into the...
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    Ro Versus Tap Water

    Brilliant, I shall do a full test of the tap water in the morning. Thank you.
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    Ro Versus Tap Water

    Thanks Fluttermoth, so I'll test the ph again tomorrow after letting it stand, would you mind advising me then on RO v Tap once we have a reading? Usually do my water change on a Saturday but I'm sure they wont mind waiting another day. Also are there any other tests I should be doing? After a...
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    Ro Versus Tap Water

    Hello again and thanks for the replies, Here's a thing, I tested my water today ( nitrAte 10, nitrIte <0.1, ammonia <0.6 barely above 0, ph 7) then thought I'd test the ph of the water from the tap, it's between 7 and 7.5. Our water is VERY chalky, leaves scum on tea and furs up the kettle...
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    Ro Versus Tap Water

    Hello, I do hate to moan about my lfs but they seem to have told me soooo many fibs. I know I should have done more research before blindly wading in with my request for a little aquarium for Christmas. After immediately seeing a 15 litre tank is ridiculous for keeping fish and quickly replacing...
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    Blue Tail Guppies Being Terrorised By Endlers

    Hi FishBlast, just goes to show how much you should research before you buy doesn't it? It's a shame as I thought he was trying to make amends giving them to me to replace the Cardinals but you say they are not even as hardy!!! I seriously don't trust the shop now.
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    Blue Tail Guppies Being Terrorised By Endlers

    Thanks Almost, I've seen the normal Golden ones (a little boring IMO) but these were a new type to the shop. I'm wondering if they are some sort of cross breed and the supplier didn't have any Golden so sent these instead????? See, I'm wising up to some of the fish shops stories!!!! :lol:
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    Blue Tail Guppies Being Terrorised By Endlers

    They were all pale in the shop. The seller said they were 'new' Golden Tetras and he'd never seen the likes of them before either. They were free to replace the Cardinals that died after only 3 days, as they look similar and are supposed to be somewhat hardier. I Still have one little cardinal...
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    Blue Tail Guppies Being Terrorised By Endlers

    Oh flippin' 'eck!!!! MORE problems?????? To be fair, they don't look very 'Golden' do they. My ignorance is shocking.
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    Blue Tail Guppies Being Terrorised By Endlers

    Hi OldMan47 (I do hope 47 isn't old as I'm not that far off!) these are my 'Golden' Tetras on the right, the picture was taken just after I fed them half a block of frozen Daphnia:-
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    Blue Tail Guppies Being Terrorised By Endlers

    Harmony reigns!!!! The first picture I accidentally took with the flash, it's the best one but I'm not sure if it's kind to the fish, the second is a bit blurry as they are swift little critters even when the camera is on sport mode!!! I'm sure I saw a thread on photo tips but can't seem to find...
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    Blue Tail Guppies Being Terrorised By Endlers

    Right..... here we go again.... Good grief, I think I've done it!!!!! The dimensions of the tank are 30cm tall (just the water) 40cm wide and 36cm deep (front to back).
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    Blue Tail Guppies Being Terrorised By Endlers

    Hey look at me, even doing this on my phone now!!! (Your reply email comes to my phone) If you think 6 is what I need and they will not overstock the tank, then 6 I shall get. Thanks so much for your time.