Snails, How To Get Rid Of?!

Assassin snails breed much more slowly than other snails, and they're useful, so if you do find yourself with too many you should be able to easily sell them.
cool website! how long did it take for them to arrive, may buy a golden apple snail :D
cool website! how long did it take for them to arrive, may buy a golden apple snail

A day or so, i put the pot they come in into the tank, they say sometimes they take 24 hours to leave, mine went out straight away! :)
I seem to slowly be breeding snails in my tank, I was wondering of the best way to get rid of them? Obviously I pluck them out when I can see them, but for every one I take out 2 more appear! I have been tempted to find out about assasin snails, but would I then just have a different breed of snail breeding in my tank? Khuli leaches are out too, I just dont fancy them in my tank. Many thanks!

you will NEVER get rid of them, unless they die off by themselves which is very unlikely, chances are it will keep getting worse and worse,

the only way is to empty the tank and let everything sit DRY for awhile, probably a month or so
I had a really bad infestation in my old 60 ltr- pulled loads of them out by hand every day, including the eggs, and eventually the tank was clear. My dad's 140 ltr was even worse over run and so he bought 5 assassins. Not a single pest snail survived, and he now has dozens of assassins which are really lovely looking snails. So I'd say there is a good chance you can completely eradicate the problem, you just have to be patient :)
I used lettuce, new piece every day for about a week and lift it out with snails the next morning. There are still a few left but they are definitely managable, now I get all the bigger ones out by hand when doing a water change and squish the tiny ones.
I had about 100 snails, i added 3 assassin's, 1 month later not another snail left in my tank
A question - what do the assassins feed on once the pest snails have gone?
I had loads of tiny snails (ramshorn-shaped, barely a millimetre across), breeding out of control. About 8 months ago I bought 7 dwarf chain (botia) loaches. Thety seem to keep the snails under control without eliminating them completely and the loaches are great fun to watch. Now I hardly ever see the snails except a few when I'm vacuuming the gravel.
Over feeding your fish can add to snail problems, I've done it myself a few times.

They are attracted to lights like moths.

Try turning the tank light off when its dark and leave a lamp in front of the tank for an hour or so and scoop the the little devils off the front glass with a net.
My Assassin snails live on the same food as my fish, flakes and frozen bloodworm and frozen daphnia. My assassins are scavengers and clean up any bits of food left at the bottom of the tank.
i don't much like the idea of buying assassin snails to kill other snails and then have them breeding themselves (even if they are better looking).

Do assassins self breed (i.e. if I get one, will it still have kids)?
i have a tropical tank with various different sorts of fish, i found that putting peeled cucumber in my tank was the easiest way to remove the snails. the snails go inside the cucumber and then all you do is lift the cucumber out. cucumber does not harm the fish some of the fish i have eat it. i did check this at my local tropical fish shop, they too did tell me this. another thing you can do is buy a snail trap to put in your tank. hope this will help.

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