Advice On Treating Tank Please.


New Member
Apr 11, 2012
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West Sussex U.K
Hi, I had a problem over the weekend with a new Cory and it's subsequent death then this morning I noticed that one of my dwarf gouramis had a small amount of fungus (cotton wool type stuff) round her mouth. Due to one thing and another, I was unable to get her any meds until now but while I was in the shop my husband rang to say he was home and the fish had died.
I asked the assistant in the shop if I should still dose the tank anyway with the eSHa 2000, he mumbled something about possibly worth a try and it wont do any harm!!!!
I am so annoyed and saddened it seems just as you get some harmony in the tank, you introduce something new and it upsets the whole equilibrium. I just cant justify the expense of a QT.

So really, my question is, shall I dose the tank with an anti-fungus or leave be? Happy to do watever WC's you think necessary too.
Personally... I would do a course just to be safe, it wont hurt and might help :) win win
Oh dear, my boy Gourami has a tiny bit on his mouth and isn't looking too happy:-( Not sure if the lone guppy has it too. The tank is not a happy tank. They are all pretty still in the bottom half. Will the cories be ok with the copper? Actually, they seem the brightest of all of them!! I have added day 2's half dose, how long after day 3's dose do I have to wait to do a water change and/or add a carbon cartidge? I have a Fluval U2 filter. Thanks again for any advice.
I learned the hard way as well about quarantining fish. The cost of medication is about as much as a small 10 gallon tank, and the loss of fish more than a filter. I would reccomend a 50% water change after a three day course of treatment, but there are other products for bacterial/fungal infections more effective than copper. Add the carbon to remove residual, then remove again for retreatment.
:-( I lost my guppy. The gourami is soldiering on even though he has a patch over his eye today. The mouth has cleared up which means he is able to eat again, all-be-it only a little of what he usually scoffs!!! Have done day 3 of the dosing and will do a 50% w/c tomorrow. What would anyone advise if the gourami is still poorly? Will I re-medicate? Everyone else looks ok. Could you advise me on what would be a better med for future please. Thanks again for your advice.

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