Blue Tail Guppies Being Terrorised By Endlers

Right..... here we go again....


Good grief, I think I've done it!!!!!

The dimensions of the tank are 30cm tall (just the water) 40cm wide and 36cm deep (front to back).
Right..... here we go again....


Good grief, I think I've done it!!!!!

The dimensions of the tank are 30cm tall (just the water) 40cm wide and 36cm deep (front to back).
kind of small in length so I guess you can't have the usual 6 cories. Hope they get some courage to be active.
They look nice.
How are the guppies doing?
Harmony reigns!!!! The first picture I accidentally took with the flash, it's the best one but I'm not sure if it's kind to the fish, the second is a bit blurry as they are swift little critters even when the camera is on sport mode!!! I'm sure I saw a thread on photo tips but can't seem to find it now.



Everyone in the tank seems so much more relaxed now the Endlers have gone. The boys don't have to rush around fending them off all the time and get on well together. I think they are very pretty and I'm sure the jaggy tail will grow back soon enough. The Cories are very comical, but unlike the Guppies who rush to the glass when you look in, they are a bit more shy, you have to watch them from a distance and they are really very active. I wonder if I just get 2 more???? Thanks again for your advice. :good:
Such beautiful guppies!
I already miss my guppy colony... they were so adorable, showing off their tails when I went near the tank...
Glad they can now take a rest and re-grow their tails.

That's the problem with cories. They need more company so that they feel safe to let people approach them. Else they shy away. I'm not sure if 40cm tank could hold 5 peppered cories though...

I like hoplos more, even alone they actually do the opposite of cories, they go to the window and follow your finger or look around the room to spot you. But they grow way bigger than cories and need looooong tanks (recommended at least 1 meter long, unfortunately I didn't have a long enough table so I ordered mine's tank as 85cm long).
If this is what you are calling a golden tetra, take the endlers off the list of suspects on those torn fins. These gold barbs are hard on tank mates.
If this is what you are calling a golden tetra, take the endlers off the list of suspects on those torn fins. These gold barbs are hard on tank mates.
I think they mean this:

Or this one more similar to description:
Hi OldMan47 (I do hope 47 isn't old as I'm not that far off!) these are my 'Golden' Tetras on the right, the picture was taken just after I fed them half a block of frozen Daphnia:-

Hi OldMan47 (I do hope 47 isn't old as I'm not that far off!) these are my 'Golden' Tetras on the right, the picture was taken just after I fed them half a block of frozen Daphnia:-

Not sure but those look like pale cardinal tetras... And the paleness might be a problem.
Oh flippin' 'eck!!!! MORE problems?????? To be fair, they don't look very 'Golden' do they. My ignorance is shocking.
Oh flippin' 'eck!!!! MORE problems?????? To be fair, they don't look very 'Golden' do they. My ignorance is shocking.

A cardinal Tetra, however I don't think their red line could decolorate that bad...
Can be Neon Tetra

^ But still yours have a too discolored blue line, maybe something's stressing them out.
or it could be the lighting making them look pale, not sure.
They were all pale in the shop. The seller said they were 'new' Golden Tetras and he'd never seen the likes of them before either. They were free to replace the Cardinals that died after only 3 days, as they look similar and are supposed to be somewhat hardier. I Still have one little cardinal left who we call The Soldier!!! :D
Golden tetras are a real thing hehe, I think that's what you've got so don't worry! I've seen them in my LFS before.
Golden tetras are a real thing hehe, I think that's what you've got so don't worry! I've seen them in my LFS before.
Golden tetra search yield:


Looks nothing like the ones in the picture posted by OP.

Op's tetras look like Neon Tetra, which are actually more fragile than Cardinals. I've had some of those before too, though they didn't look that pale, their blue lines were bright and they had the red bit near the tail.
Thanks Almost, I've seen the normal Golden ones (a little boring IMO) but these were a new type to the shop. I'm wondering if they are some sort of cross breed and the supplier didn't have any Golden so sent these instead????? See, I'm wising up to some of the fish shops stories!!!! :lol:
Hi FishBlast, just goes to show how much you should research before you buy doesn't it? It's a shame as I thought he was trying to make amends giving them to me to replace the Cardinals but you say they are not even as hardy!!! I seriously don't trust the shop now.

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