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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M

    Acf Gender?

    It is the same with Albinos.
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    White Ghost Shrimp

    How long after they turn white are they suppose to die as I bought 9 and one of them was milky white and it it still active and it has been a month. I had not done no research on these as they were to feed to my ACFs. My son loved them too much so they are with the baby ACF that our couple...
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    White Worm In Ghost Shrimp(inch Long Thin Worm)

    Thank you all for your input. My husband ended up exterminating it as hte worm was getting bigger.
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    White Worm In Ghost Shrimp

    Thank you very much for your advice. I took him out and my husband disposed of him as the worm was getting bigger and I was afraid it was going to bust out:(
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    White Worm In Ghost Shrimp(inch Long Thin Worm)

    what would you have used to treat it? It is getting bigger so I do not know if it is too late, I will take that shrimp out tonight
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    White Worm In Ghost Shrimp

    Thank you I will google it
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    White Worm In Ghost Shrimp(inch Long Thin Worm)

    Thank you very much for the reply. The white thing looks like a picture I found on another site which says it is a worm. Some on that forum suggested exterminating the shrimp:(
  8. M

    White Worm In Ghost Shrimp(inch Long Thin Worm)

    I have one of my ghost shrimp that has a white worm like strand in it and it seems to be growing. It also has green little balls inside. None of the others have it so I am wondering if something is wrong and if it potentially dangeous to my baby albino african clawed frogs. They have just...
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    White Worm In Ghost Shrimp

    I have one of my ghost shrimp that has a white worm like strand in it and it seems to be growing. It also has green little balls inside. None of the others have it so I am wondering if something is wrong and if it potentially dangeous to my baby albino african clawed frogs. They have just...
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    Acf Eggs

    Thank you for the respone. They keep getting jiggy with it. It is the third time in the last 2 weeks the female has layed eggs. I even get to see them as the male will not stop even when watched, he holds on tightly. I have a couple of small 3mm tadpoles swimming around. She layed new eggs...
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    Acf Eggs

    I was wondering how one can tell if the eggs are viable or if they are dead. My male was holding on to the female for close to 48 hours without letting go and now we have eggs all over the aquarium. I do not mind if they eat them as I took on these frogs from a collegue and I really do not...
  12. M

    Can Acf Eat Superworms

    My female managed to swallow it but the male spit it out. I will not be trying it again as I was worried they would drown as it took so long to swallow. The superworm got hard and rigid. They enjoyed the crickets way more.
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    Can Acf Eat Superworms

    I just drop the live crickets in and the movement of the crickets on the surface of the water atttracted the ACF and as my son said they swam up from underneath and chomped on them like a shark would....My son thinks it is the coolest thing. The Dwarf one might enjoy very small crickets. I...
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    Can Acf Eat Superworms

    I have some superworms for my Gecko and I was wondering if it as ok to feed some to my African clawed frogs. They loved the crickets but I do want to feed them the superworms until I have confirmation that it will not hurt them. This is only for a treat and not ment as a regular meal.
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    Advice On African Clawed Frog

    Frozen bloodworms is all they are being fed right now. I was just looking for other things they could eat and was wondering which fish they can it. Do they like krill, silver sides,... I know some feed them aquatic turtle food and also sinking fish food. Thank you very much for the info
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    Advice On African Clawed Frog

    thank you very much for the reply. I will not be adding anything but maybe a few guppies to the tank. I only have the 35 gallon tank that is inoccupied but I figured they will not mind a bit of extra space and my son will enjoy wathing them eat just as he enjoys the gecko eating bugs. I will...
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    Advice On African Clawed Frog

    Hello, I have been reading as much as can about the African Clawed Frogs but I still have questions and was wondering if any one with these frogs could answermy questions. A collegue of mine has 2 albino ACF in her classroom. One only has one eye. She has had them for 3 years and they are...