White Worm In Ghost Shrimp(inch Long Thin Worm)

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Jun 15, 2009
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I have one of my ghost shrimp that has a white worm like strand in it and it seems to be growing. It also has green little balls inside. None of the others have it so I am wondering if something is wrong and if it potentially dangeous to my baby albino african clawed frogs. They have just morphes into froglets a week ago. Any advice woud be appreciated. Thank you
Green things are eggs :good:.

Whiet thing could be anything...without a pic I don't want to guess. But I wouldn't worry, it's probably just food up it's digestive track or more developing eggs.

Frogs will probably eat the shrimp zoe/baby shrimp anyway though, assuming your lucky enough to have a sepcies of ghost shrimp that can breed in freshwater :good:.
Green things are eggs :good:.

Whiet thing could be anything...without a pic I don't want to guess. But I wouldn't worry, it's probably just food up it's digestive track or more developing eggs.

Frogs will probably eat the shrimp zoe/baby shrimp anyway though, assuming your lucky enough to have a sepcies of ghost shrimp that can breed in freshwater :good:.

Thank you very much for the reply. The white thing looks like a picture I found on another site which says it is a worm.

Some on that forum suggested exterminating the shrimp:(
ACFs will eat the shrimp anyway eventually. Possibly a parasite or as stated a build up of food or eggs. I would keep a close eye on it and if the shrimp goes from clear to a pale white colouration think about removing it and exterminating it, for now just leave it be.
not sure actually.. haha i would take the shrimp out of your tank though.. iv seen those at petsmart and they dont seem to survive...
As stated in the other Thread I believe they are horsehair worms, Had them myseld with one of the Rednose Shrimp. it Died Shortly after, before i could treat it.
what would you have used to treat it? It is getting bigger so I do not know if it is too late, I will take that shrimp out tonight
IMO, with anything that may be a parasite, it is always best to quarantine, or even sacrifice the infected shrimp, rather than risk a full infestation of the tank.

Thank you all for your input. My husband ended up exterminating it as hte worm was getting bigger.

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