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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Willbacon23

    Betta tank kicking my butt....

    I meant for a 30 litre not a 30 gallon apologise for confusion to reduce flow! In the tank I’ve got frogwort elodea and amazon sword at the minute.
  2. Willbacon23

    Betta tank kicking my butt....

    I’m going to get the new filter tommorow
  3. Willbacon23

    Betta tank kicking my butt....

    Probably 2 weeks ago and i idid it just now as well. I may get a filter for a 30L aquaroum for example due to lower flow and only having a betta in the tank
  4. Willbacon23

    Betta tank kicking my butt....

    Hey guys, as some of you may know after changing my tanks around my betta 18G has had a huge nitrite spike with a large increase in nitrates as well. I did yesterday a 65% water change and today a 85% water change but it still says nitrites and nitrates are remaining at the same level despite me...
  5. Willbacon23

    Emerald DwarfRasbora thoughts- Microrasbora erythomicron

    I think hyper high flow is exactly what I need having a spray bar! I will look into ember tetras as well as that could be really interesting. I always like to stay caution w my stocking. In my 25 gallon currently due to some swaps with my brother it’s gojng to comprise of 8 Pygmy cories 6...
  6. Willbacon23

    Emerald DwarfRasbora thoughts- Microrasbora erythomicron

    Wow they’re so cool! I ll research into their care guide etc if it can fit my tank. In my 25 I’ve currently got 9 cories and (soon to be 8 glowlight danios) so have to make sure I can fit a school of 8 in but seems amazing
  7. Willbacon23

    Newbe trying to cycle first tank

    Hello hope you enjoy the Forum- starting with a 190L is a huge fun endeavour wish I could do the same! I feel you may be a tad impatient at the minute but your research and method is quite advanced! I wish you all the luck and there’s lots more knowledgeable people on this forum who will be able...
  8. Willbacon23

    Emerald DwarfRasbora thoughts- Microrasbora erythomicron

    I do still love CPD and they are my dream nano fish but I feel adding 20 which is what they really require to feel safe and to diffuse aggression just isn’t possible at this time
  9. Willbacon23

    Emerald DwarfRasbora thoughts- Microrasbora erythomicron

    I love already read this more jus ppls own experience of them etc!
  10. Willbacon23

    Emerald DwarfRasbora thoughts- Microrasbora erythomicron

    Has anyone ever kept this little fish before? My lfs keeps them and am wondering what an ideal group size would be with other fish, needs etc etc. And most importantly what thy were like!
  11. Willbacon23

    Huge nitrite spike in betta/ shrimp tank

    I think maybe I left the dead shrimp in maybe for too long
  12. Willbacon23

    Huge nitrite spike in betta/ shrimp tank

    I’ve taken out shrimp that’s the only change
  13. Willbacon23

    Huge nitrite spike in betta/ shrimp tank

    Yes 100% it had been cycled with no nitrites or ammonia for 3 weeks
  14. Willbacon23

    Huge nitrite spike in betta/ shrimp tank

    That’s really annoying, I ll suspend feeding maybe and get another bottle of tetra safe start
  15. Willbacon23

    Huge nitrite spike in betta/ shrimp tank

    Both tanks have been cycled, the tank in which the betta has moved into has been cycled for around 4 months, the filters output is buffered now but that can’t affeft the actual workings surely
  16. Willbacon23

    Huge nitrite spike in betta/ shrimp tank

    It’s an 18 gallon long, I moved over all decorations and filter, no change to filter media, the filter was put in the other tank within 10 minutes of change I just don’t understand what’s happened
  17. Willbacon23

    Huge nitrite spike in betta/ shrimp tank

    Yesterday I swapped my community tank with my betta tank due to a need for larger space. Yesterday my betta shrimp tank seemed fine however this morning I saw lots of shrinks near the surface and around the filter. I decided to move the shrimp to my community tank due to fear the betta was...
  18. Willbacon23

    And the best corydoras is...

    Same kind of size as corydoras anaeus- around 2-2.75 inches
  19. Willbacon23

    And the best corydoras is...

    Mine are incredible! I’ve got 4 in basically a corydoras only tank and I already want more, they’re so playful it’s crazy
  20. Willbacon23

    And the best corydoras is...

    Corydoras trilianatus...and I’m afraid you can’t argue otherwise. Perfect size, perfect temperament and playfulness and look beautiful. If you habent tried I’d definitely give them a go so amazing
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  22. Willbacon23

    My new Betta/ shrimp set up

    I’m from london my local stream is the river Thames
  23. Willbacon23

    A question about bettas behaviour

    Perfect thanks
  24. Willbacon23

    My new Betta/ shrimp set up

    Actually I’ve had it before we call it elodea in the UK. I’ve neber had luck with it! It always Dies on me I use fertiliser and root tabs such a shame
  25. Willbacon23

    My new Betta/ shrimp set up

    I ll look into that I’ve never heard of it
  26. Willbacon23

    My new Betta/ shrimp set up

    I will for sure! Ive also aready ordered some other floating plants for the tank as well!
  27. Willbacon23

    A question about bettas behaviour

    My main worry is by buffering the output will it lead to any breathing problems for the betta as I’ve reduced flow so much so it can swim easily
  28. Willbacon23

    A question about bettas behaviour

    Your tank looks really cool! He’s only got shrimp in the tank. I think he may be as well I’d say only 4% of the tank has any kind of medium flow in it with the rest being very low
  29. Willbacon23

    My new Betta/ shrimp set up

    Nope I have no pleco in that tank! It’s just a betta and a shrimp tank :) I have a tiny albino bristlenoee pleco in my 25gallon and it was a leftover pleco breeding tank so decided to turn it into a shrimp cave
  30. Willbacon23

    A question about bettas behaviour

    So I have recently put my betta in a 18G long and have spent around an hour and a half messing with the layout to reduce the flow within the tank, mainly by putting sponges next to the output flow to absorb some of the flow which has worked successfully. There is now In my 18G L only one small...
  31. Willbacon23

    My new Betta/ shrimp set up

    Hey guys, todsy was the day I had to move my tanks aroundtaking around 4 hours with planning etc. I’m so happy with my new 18 gallon betta tank and managed to overcome the excessive flow using untidy buffers as shown I really like a planted betta tank and have created many clever hiding places...
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  36. Willbacon23

    Additional stocking for 25 gallons- CPD?

    Perfect thank you so much!
  37. Willbacon23

    Additional stocking for 25 gallons- CPD?

    Having done more research I’ve read they require gentle currents. I have a spray bar attached to my filter and am wondering whether this will be too fast for pencilfish or hatchetfish?
  38. Willbacon23

    Additional stocking for 25 gallons- CPD?

    Perfect. I think initially I’m going to add 9 hatchet fish and the 6 glowlight danios and see how my tank fares from then! Thanks so much for the help
  39. Willbacon23

    Additional stocking for 25 gallons- CPD?

    Th those look amazing! I think I’m leaning towards hatchetfish. Being conservative I’d suggest my tank is no less than 85L of “space” when accounting for gravel slight gap of air etc etc so with compatibility I’m sure will be tine. I’ve just been stressed before about overstocking as have had...
  40. Willbacon23

    Additional stocking for 25 gallons- CPD?

    I have elodea, java fern, Anubias, floating plants, moss balls and java moss and dwarf Sagittaria. I never knew that about compatible fish that’s so interesting. As long as my fish aren’t stressed I can’t wait to increase numbers!