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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. K

    Considering Betta For 5 Gal

    How would you cut out the current? I don't know if you are familiar with it, but the filter is built into the hood, intake sucks the water in, allows it to flow over a horizontal filter media pad, and then it flows to the next station where the biowheel is. As it turns it just rolls off the...
  2. K

    Considering Betta For 5 Gal

    I have often seen beautiful bettas but have stayed away from them since I don't know enough about their compatibility. Tonight I have been researching quite a bit and although I would love to have a gorgeous male in my large com. tank, I don't think it would work (tank contains cory's, sm...
  3. K

    I Need Betta Pictures!

    Wow! Some really beautiful bettas! I haven't really looked into keeping any because I don't know much about them other than they need to be kept separate, but after seeing those I may have to think about a few in the future to have around the house to color things up! Kudos to the...
  4. K

    How Often Do You Feed Your Fish Frozen Bloodworms?

    I feed frozen bloodworms at least every other day because I have a dwarfpuffer who will only eat those, snails or live foods. Since I drop snails in just about every day I only offer the bloodworm every other. The leftovers I split between the rest of the tanks allowing each fish to get 1 or 2...
  5. K

    I Have Panda Fry

    Congrats! Babies are always so exciting. Good luck with your new "grandchildren" :good:
  6. K

    Problems Hatching Baby Brine Shrimp

    My daughter has hatched them from a kit for a science project, but I find it easier when I have platy fry to use the frozen baby brine shrimp. They gobble it right up and grew just fine.
  7. K

    Fish Dying, Need Help - Water Stats

    I am certainly no pro...but even when I did a fishless cycle I never had nitrates that high. My card reads up to 160 ppm, not sure what the NO3 is. I am using Aquarium Pharmaceuticals test kit. With that many fish and that high of nitrates you are probably guessing correctly that that is the...
  8. K

    What To Feed My Aquatic Frog With?

    I have seen mine eat frozen bloodworms, and I also offer HBH frog and tadpole bites. I drop the bites into a shallow clay bowl I have in there and they always disappear. I never actually see the frogs eat them, but since the bites are gone, the frogs are frequently seen climbing in and out of...
  9. K

    Pics Of Puffs

    Here are a couple of pics of my dwarfpuffer Missy.
  10. K


    Do you have caves and hiding places they would feel comfortable spawning in? Mine have spawned twice, although I haven't gotten fry yet. When I have to disturb the tank for any reason she starts eating the eggs. They have spawned in a cave structure that suction cups to the side of the tank...
  11. K

    Can't Choose!

    I have albino, orange laser and bronze em another tank have 4 kuhli's which are cool too. I do get to see my cories playing and active more, but the kuhli's are starting to come around and be out and about more.
  12. K

    Khuli Loach Vs. Snails

    Send your snails to dwarfpuffer will love hunting them! :drool:
  13. K

    Surface Feeding

    Well, I have found what works best for me is to keep a variety around anyway...just start picking up something different that you have read/heard your fish like whenever you can and then you have an array to offer. I have many different types of fish...and haven't found one yet that WON'T eat...
  14. K

    Surface Feeding

    I have 2 german blue will come to the surface and eat most anything...the other waits for stuff to fall midlevel. But both love frozen bloodworms and regular flake, so you might want to try some bloodworm, at least to get some eating being done.
  15. K

    Rescued An Albino Corey

    I know the feeling...I have often said "I need I need a hole in the head" when it comes to rescuing dogs, cats, birds etc.! It has gotten to the point that if a neighborhood kid finds a stray dog...they bring it here, or if the are looking for a lost pet, they come here...
  16. K

    Dwarf Puffer Tankmates

    Even though I have an dp with an attitude who won't accept other dp's, she has never bothered the ghost shrimp or oto, and I purchased the ghost shrimp small hoping they might become food for the dp when we went on vacation so that my neighbor wouldn't have to feed frozen bloodworms!
  17. K

    Hating My Penguin

    I had that problem when I first started my penguin in my 10 gallon turned out the bio wheel was just a little bent out of shape. Once I removed it a few times and twisted and turned I eventually found the right amount of straightening and it turns constantly for me. It has worked...
  18. K

    Ick Or Fin Rot?

    You might also want to try some stress coat for her. I use it for treating my tap, but have also had luck treating fish for ick and fin rot. My daughters tetras got ick...did a quick water change and added stress coat for the whole tank. When my female platy suffered fin damage from my dwarf...
  19. K

    Any Body Use Distilled Water In Their Aquariums?

    Since my tap is hard I mix it 2 to 1 with RO to soften it up a bit and keep a lower ph. So far (3 months) all has been fine....I check ph every week and don't have any swings.
  20. K

    Blue Rams

    Blue rams are suppposed to be docile...but beware! I have a male in my 29 gallon who did not tolerate either female I bought, or a female bolivian ram, nor my 2 dwarf gourami's. He picked and picked at them until I finally removed them. I have a pair of kribs in there and he leaves them...
  21. K

    Shrimps Eating Bloodworm

    I have seen my ghost shrimp eat them.
  22. K

    Aquatic Frogs

    Watch walmart....our walmart had albino clawed frogs labeled as dwarf frogs!
  23. K

    Aquatic Frogs

    I have 3 adf's with my dwarf puffer, Missy. And I did do the research to make sure we got the right ones first! The kids wanted them, they are one of the few critters that can live with a dp because dp's will nip the fins off of fish, and they like a lot of the same foods. I have seen mine...
  24. K

    Pics Of My Kribs Spawning

    Unfortunately all of the eggs fell off...but she is coloring right up again so maybe better luck next time!
  25. K

    Fluval 1 Or 2?

    I originally bought it for a 10 gallon and the only fish it sucked in were platy fry which was easily corrected by covering the intake with mesh. I had small tetras, a couple of platy's and their fry in it. Dwarf puffer was there for a short period of time until other tank was ready. As for...
  26. K

    Fluval 1 Or 2?

    I have a fluval 2 in a 20 gal tank and it works just fine.....and yes the flow rate can be adjusted, maybe not as much as some people would like, but the 2 has an adjustment that slides L>R. I chose the 2 over the 1 because you could add extra filtration pads, I use a carbon pad in the middle...
  27. K

    Pics Of My Kribs Spawning

    Thanks! Is it pretty unusual to actually see this since they spawn inside of things...or is it pretty normal that people get to see this happening? I really didn't think they would keep it up once I stuck my face to the glass!
  28. K

    Pics Of My Kribs Spawning

    While working next to my tank today I actually got to see my kribs spawning because they used a fake cave structure I had in their that sticks to the side of the tank. It didn't bother her any that I was there, the camera shook them up a little, but I got some great (I think) shots.
  29. K

    Anybody Live In Cleveland Usa

    Let me know how you liked it...we were back again today! Hubby set up a 75 gallon for african cichlids and wants to pretty much stock it fully with juveniles that are way too small for the tank now, but when full grown will fill it out, so he bought a couple more today. We also stopped in...
  30. K


    Yes, it did look like that, only dark body, dk brown to black, and bigger teeth. It kept it's teeth together as it opened and closed its mouth. Can I assume there are color variations other than the beautiful yellow you showed me? It may just be that its teeth were too big...are these the...
  31. K

    Dwarf Puffers, What All Potential Owners Should Know

    Even with frequent water changes a 3 gallon may be too little for an active happy dp. I had my Missy in a community tank ( I was sold her as a com fish for a snail know MUCH more about dps!) When I had to separate her she went into my daugters 5 gallon and lost a lot of her...
  32. K


    What I saw as a pic of a dogfish shark was nowhere near what it was! It had an odd shaped body sort of like another type of fish that I saw that looked like it was a cute little dog...only this had a dark colored body and these HUGE teeth in it's mouth. Not fang type teeth either...this guy...
  33. K


    I saw what was called a dogfish by the store personnel today....about 6" long and constantly kept opening its mouth to show us large bright white teeth. It was really cool looking and I am interested in finding out more about it but am not turning much up on a search. Any links or information...
  34. K

    A (not So) Active Cory Cat

    what are you feeding it? My cory's go nuts over brine shrimp pellets and OMEGA ONE veggie rounds. I specify omega one because I also have Hikari algae wafers and TetraMin tropical tablets and they definetly prefer the Omega One.
  35. K

    Anybody Live In Cleveland Usa

    Have you checked out RMS yet? Or what about Aquarium Adventure in Parma? Aquarium adventure is my absolute favorite, but RMS has alot of stuff I haven't seen elsewhere and Mike answers all of my emails, which is how I know he will get my sparkling...
  36. K

    Dwarf Puffer Question

    I have to also agree with keeping the dp alone Missy didn't take to well to her new tankmate even with rearranging and adding plants and hiding places, plus she was moved from a 5 gallon to a 10 gallon at the same time I got the new dp. I was waiting for her new home to cycle...and the...
  37. K

    Distilled Water

    I also use a mix of R/O water and tap water to achieve the ph levels I want and so far have not had any issues with ph swings. 2 different privately owned fishstores where I was VERY impressed with the tanks on agreed with me that this is a safe, easy way to keep lower ph levels since our tap...
  38. K

    Platy Fry

    Mine did great on frozen baby brine shrimp and finely crushed flake.
  39. K

    Could I Have 3 Dwarf Puffers And An Otto In A 15ukgal?

    A 15 gallon tank should be fine for 3 dwarf just may run into territory issuess with ANY dp no matter how large the tank is. Check out www.#### for any other questions you may have, it is a great website full of dp lovers!
  40. K

    My Platy Has Only 2 Babys What Is The...

    You got it right...I have raised 3 batches of platy fry with frozen baby brine 2X daily, finely crushed flake 1X daily until they get bigger...then baby brine 1X, crushed flake 2X until you see they can take whatever they want.