Blue Rams

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Fish Crazy
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Sacramento CA
Do blue rams have to be in pairs or can they be by themselves? And if they have to be in pairs can i keep a pair in a 29 gal with a pair of angels?
Blue rams are suppposed to be docile...but beware! I have a male in my 29 gallon who did not tolerate either female I bought, or a female bolivian ram, nor my 2 dwarf gourami's. He picked and picked at them until I finally removed them. I have a pair of kribs in there and he leaves them alone. I recently added 6 gold tetras as dither fish and although he seems to be leaving them alone, one has mysteriously disappeared and I couldn't find it even after removing all decor. I can only assume it died a natural death, or a tortured one, and was eaten by somebody. Am watching the others closely. My females are so docile they are with platys, gouramis, tetras and corys without any problems.
I wouldn't try even 1 pair of angels in a 29g tank.. they are too tempermental.. some can be nice fish, while others can be total terrors..

Some have done it and had no problems, but there are also the others that have had no fun with angels (me).

Why not go with rams and some tetras?
I wouldn't try even 1 pair of angels in a 29g tank.. they are too tempermental.. some can be nice fish, while others can be total terrors..

Some have done it and had no problems, but there are also the others that have had no fun with angels (me).

Why not go with rams and some tetras?

ok but what kinds of tetras?
Blue rams could live by themselves, but i rather get pairs because they show more color in pairs.
Tetras that don't get large and aren't overly aggressive... neons,black skirts, penguin tetra... see what your lfs has and find out if they are aggressive.

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