My Platy Has Only 2 Babys What Is The...

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black molly3

Fish Herder
Feb 8, 2006
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there in a breeding trap at the moment. Is there anything i can feed the in order for them to stay alive.
For example different foods.
i have introduced them to frozen dried brine shrimp already. what elce can i feed them.
black molly3
Baby brime strimp, and crushed flakes.
Baby brime strimp, and crushed flakes.
You got it right...I have raised 3 batches of platy fry with frozen baby brine 2X daily, finely crushed flake 1X daily until they get bigger...then baby brine 1X, crushed flake 2X until you see they can take whatever they want.
thanks for your advise.
is there anything elce i can do to keep them alive.
iv put some plants in and they seem yo like that, they always hide at the top.

black molly3
tar every one for your tips.
but is the anything elce i camn do instead of feeding them different types of food.
I have put a bubble filter in there will that help.
ALSO how can you tell when plattys are pregenant because my one has all
of a sudden went fatter. does this mean she is pregenant.
i hope it does because im looking forward to having fry.

one problem though, i have a sucking loach and an albino cleaner will
they eat the fry before i get a chance to net them.
i also have seapee (s.p) tetras will they eat them.
black molly3
tar every one for your tips.
but is the anything elce i camn do instead of feeding them different types of food.
I have put a bubble filter in there will that help.
ALSO how can you tell when plattys are pregenant because my one has all
of a sudden went fatter. does this mean she is pregenant.
i hope it does because im looking forward to having fry.

one problem though, i have a sucking loach and an albino cleaner will
they eat the fry before i get a chance to net them.
i also have seapee (s.p) tetras will they eat them.
black molly3

Hi, i'm not an expert but i think you should make sure the fry have somewhere to hide where no other fish can get to, just incase you dont get to them straight after there born....from my experience with plattys they are quite fat anyways so not sure if yours is pregnant...i'm only a beginner so dont take my word for it...
iv got pleanty of places for them to hide.
i have a shell which is only big enough for baby fish to go in.
i have a variaty of plants in there and will be glad to put pics up of it when i
find my USB for my camara.

im realy sure she is pregenant.
on the box of brine shrimp it says it conditions fish for breeding.
should i feed her this all the time to condition her.
BTW i bought a yellow and black female platy and a sunset female platy today
so now i have 3 female platys and 2 male platys will this increase the chances of
them breeding.
black molly3 :)
me platy is getin fater.
does this mean she is pregnant.
i have just got rid of my male yellow and black platy because
the other redwag platy(which i think is the father) keeps chasing it away because
the yellow and black platty was disturbing them. the red wag was defending the female.
is thhis natural behavior

black molly3
Yes, she's probably pregnant. In which case the behavior from the male is natural. Don't fool yourself into thinking he's defending her, he's probably trying to stress her out so she can have her fry. Also, how many males and females did you have? If it was those 4 only, there's your problem. Males are mating machines, and if there is only one female, the dominant male will most likely not share. I see you got more females, which is good, but more would be preferable. 1-2 more at least. To spread out the mating urge and therefore, stress on the females.

There is no need to "condition her" as you put it. Those foods are good to give her strength for giving birth, but you don't need to condition her for breeding. Feeding that every meal may also make her bloat or constipate.

I also suggest you take a look through the pinned topics and FAQs. I think you'll find a lot of your answers there. Good luck! :)
one of my female platys died so i gave my cousin the male which was causing all the problems.
So now it is only 2 females and 1 male is that better.
should i only feed my fish flake from now on then.
do you have any idea when she will have them.
my friends platty wasnt as fat as mine and she has had her fry.
dose this mean she is heavily pregenant.
thanks for the advise.
keep it coming!!! :D
she has gone quite fat and the babys in the breedinig trap are doing just fine.
iv noticed the male has started chasing her around a lot more.
is he stressing her out so she will have the fry or is he just mating with her.
It's hard to say...if she's pretty near birth, it may be for stress reasons. If she's not that close, it may just be the male's mating urge.

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