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    Is My Ram Depressed?

    yeah give it a few days.i have 2 rams a male & female and they go everywhere and then the female will ram the male but they get on really well.maybe if it does not work out then you could try adding a female.

    Whats Your Cleaning Routine

    sorry for all the post lol just interested whats your cleaning rountine. i normally clean my tank every thursday.i clean the inside of the glass with an algae sponge.then i remove 50% of the water whilst syphoning 1/2 of the gravel every other week.i then take out the plants and rocks 1 by 1...

    Feeding Your Fishies

    Bloodworm is best not fed more than once a week; it's not actually very nutritious. good to know i will just feed it to them once a week then.

    Feeding Your Fishies

    how many times a day do you feed your fish? do you feed them the same each time or different foods ? i feed mine twice a day bloodworm in the morning and pellets in the evening.

    Trying To Persuade The Fiance Getting A Bigger Tank Is A Good Idea?

    maybe just go buy one but at the same time buy her something really nice too.

    All Pond Solutions External Filter?

    anyone have one of these? how good are they? was thinking of getting one.

    What Other Fish Do You Have With Your Bolivian Rams?

    what other fish do you have in with your bolivian rams?? and how big is your tank??

    Any Ideas On What To Add To This Stocking?

    after thinking about it i dont want any corys now.not too keen on the hatchetfish or pencil fish but thanks for the suggestions tho guys :D any other ideas?? if i added a honey gourami would i really have to remove my 2 rams??

    When Best To Feed New Fish?

    when do you think its best to feed new fish when introduced to new tank?? ive always waited 24hrs but some say 48hrs.although i feed after 24hrs i always feed lightly tho.
  10. BLUFOX

    Any Ideas On What To Add To This Stocking?

    how about 6 sterbai corys and 1 honey gourami or dwarf gourami?? would this work?
  11. BLUFOX

    Any Ideas On What To Add To This Stocking?

    i have a 125 litre fluval roma. so far i have 2 bolivian rams and 8 cardinal tetras.all are getting along fine.what else would you add to this?? just looking for some ideas really. :)
  12. BLUFOX

    Advice Needed

    i fishless cycled it with pure ammonia tested today and ammonia and nitrite at 0 has been for 4 days now.nitrate at 10. so i want to get a dwarf gourami next so will i be ok to get it in 2 weeks time providing water is good??
  13. BLUFOX

    Advice Needed

    my tank has newly cycled and i added 2 bolivian rams 2 days ago.i was told on another site that you can add quite a few fish at the start as the filter has enough bacteria to cope.ive never done this before and only added them today i added 8 cardinal tetras.i cant afford to add...
  14. BLUFOX

    Help Me Sex My 2 Bolivian Rams

    i always thought bolivians were shy?? my 2 come right up to the glass and swim right in front of you.they both have only been in there 2 days.they only hide when my hands in the feeding them on bloodworm in the morning and soaked pellets in the evening.stats are all good and my nitrate...
  15. BLUFOX

    Help Me Sex My 2 Bolivian Rams

    im taking the strip thermometer off now as we speak.its leaving a horrible sticky film on the glass tho.will give it a good scrub off. what do you think off the filter??
  16. BLUFOX

    Help Me Sex My 2 Bolivian Rams

    i dont go by the strip thermometer was on the tank when i got it and havent taken it off. it has a fluval 3 plus filter soon to be upgraded to external and yes i have cycled it with pure ammonia for 4 weeks.and yes i do have a test kit.api liquid.thanks for the concern but i know what...
  17. BLUFOX

    Help Me Sex My 2 Bolivian Rams

    hi there could you help me sex my 2 new bolivian rams ive tried but not sure
  18. BLUFOX

    Did I Add Too Much Ammonia?

    im nearly 3 weeks into my the last week my ammonia has been dropping to 0 in tho the ammonia has spiked to 0.50ppm??? did i add too much ammonia?? will this ruin the cycle?? also i noticed that the nitrite has started dropping a little.
  19. BLUFOX

    The Teddy Tank

    what a stupid idea
  20. BLUFOX

    Advise On Stocklist?

    will do thanks
  21. BLUFOX

    Advise On Stocklist?

    in what order shall i add them?? as my tank should (hopefully) be cycled next weekend
  22. BLUFOX

    Advise On Stocklist?

    been researching the fish i like and i have come up with this stocklist.can you tell me if these fish would be ok. this is for a 125 litre tank dimentions 80x35x45 cm my ph is 7.6 10 cardinal tetras 2 bolivian rams 5 panda cory 1 red dwarf gourami or honey gourami
  23. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

    ooops my bad i ment to say the people agree with prime ordeals advise sorry .as i use the other site more i just wanted there input on it
  24. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

    heres the site and my thread the thread whats going on with my cycle
  25. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

    thankyou all for your you can see what i mean when i say it can get confusing due to the different advise.but obviously i will follow the advise i want to.i am a member of this forum and another.all of the people on there have agreed with what Mikaila31 is saying. also they said that...
  26. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

    well i just did what you said and banged #2 bottle and gave it a good shaking and the results are between 20 & 30 so not sure what was going on yesterday so at the moment i dont need to do a water change is that right? at what point would i need to? i will post my results here everyday so you...
  27. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

    well im just gonna test the nitrate 1 more time and it post back just to make sure.
  28. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

    ok thanks for all your help i understand now.i have been adding the correct amount of ammonia for the last 2 days ive been adding 2ppm. i last put some it at 10am yesterday morning.i put 2ppm in. here are my test results today ammonia - 0 nitrite - off the chart nitrate - about 30 its a little...
  29. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

    i know how the cycle very certain on that.the only thing i was confused about was being told to do a water change what its not needed in my situation.although i am greatful for any advise but you also do get told many different things.just on this thread different members are telling me...
  30. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

    how much should i dose too? 2ppm maybe? no the nitrites off the chart im very confused by your dont do any water changes while you're cycling. You want nitrates while you're cycling, that's what is going to eat your nitrite! The only reason you would do a water change would be if...
  31. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

    its been 24hours since i added the ammonia and its at 0. so do i just carry on dosing the ammonia now.
  32. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

    i did put 1 cap full of nutrafin cycle the day i set the tank up, but havent used it since as ive heard its using the liquid api test kit.its still in date also. when i got the tank the filter was mature but i did clean it under the tap so i doubt any of the bacteria will still be...
  33. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

    isnt it a bit early tho as its only been cycling for a week? it normally takes between 4-6 weeks i thought?
  34. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

  35. BLUFOX

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?

    ive been cycling my fluval roma 125 litre tank for 1 using the add and wait method using pure ammonia. this morning i tested the ammonia and it was at 0.50ppm.i then added so more ammonia and tested it 2 hrs later and it had gone up to 2ppm.i then added some more to get it between...
  36. BLUFOX

    Krib Tankmates

    what fish live peacefully with kribs?
  37. BLUFOX

    Does This Stocking Sound Ok To You?

    i thought both the gourami and rams can live in a ph between 6 & 8???????????
  38. BLUFOX

    Does This Stocking Sound Ok To You?

    i have a fluval roma 125 litres measurements 80 x 35 x 45 cm i plan to have 2 bolivian rams 1 pearl gourami or three spot gourami 6 neon tetra 6 harlequin rasboras 6 panda cory would these be ok?
  39. BLUFOX

    I Still Cant Believe It!

    no id rather cycle it with pure ammonia.its better than doing lots of water testing and water changes and saves all the worry.