Any Ideas On What To Add To This Stocking?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
ashford, kent
i have a 125 litre fluval roma.

so far i have 2 bolivian rams and 8 cardinal tetras.all are getting along fine.what else would you add to this??
just looking for some ideas really. :)
nice group of 8 corys for the bottom?

a plec that is <6" at adult size? There's a good list on the Plec sub-forum, one of the pinned topics.
how about 6 sterbai corys and 1 honey gourami or dwarf gourami?? would this work?
yup, should work just find. Just keep an eye on the rams and the gourami. There is potential for them to take a dislike of the new arrival, but generally they are well behaved. I've kept several dwarf gourami with rams and never had a problem......but some people have.

check the water temp that sterbais need to have. Some corys like particularly warm or cooler water than standard trop. tanks, but I can never recall which ones!
C. sterbai sound good to me, but rather than sticking to six, I would go for ten. Remember to rearrange the tank floor furniture after temporarily pulling out the Bolivian Rams, then adding the catfish, then returning the cichlids. This way, you reduce the odds of the Rams not accepting new fish to their territory.:good:

You could do a Honey/Dwarf Gourami, but personally I would suggest another 4-6 Cardinal Tetras and then think about either some top dwelling Pencilfish or some Hatchetfish.
couple more Bolivians in my eyes, they like to be in groups, even though they hate eachother most of the time.
couple more Bolivians in my eyes, they like to be in groups, even though they hate eachother most of the time.

is that what you've found with yours? I've not really seen much angst between mine.....a bit of chasing, the very rare piece of lip-locking but generally they just hang out together. Mind you, I don't get much of a chance to sit and watch the tank for any considerable time these days, so the only behavioral traits I see are at feeding time....
Yeah my two males are at it quite a lot, they are both chunky adults and fighting for dominance a fair bit. I introduced an Ellioti to my tank last week, little gits stressed it out and killed it, found it belly up the other night, which was quite a shock as they are supposed to be more agressive than Rams. :( Didnt expect that to happen in the slightest. I thought they might chase it a little at feeding time, but he was eating ok like everything else. Part of me suspects he wasnt all that well when i got him, but feh, who knows.
after thinking about it i dont want any corys now.not too keen on the hatchetfish or pencil fish but thanks for the suggestions tho guys :D any other ideas??
if i added a honey gourami would i really have to remove my 2 rams??

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