Feeding Your Fishies


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2012
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ashford, kent
how many times a day do you feed your fish?

do you feed them the same each time or different foods ?

i feed mine twice a day bloodworm in the morning and pellets in the evening.
twice a day and a variation of

'standard' flake, veg flake, 'colour' flake, micro pellets, pellets, fronze brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworm, mysis, boiled veg or fruit (broccoli, cucumber, pepper, minicorn, apple, mango) and frozen 'greens'

.....my fish are a bit spoilt.
I feed mine once a day, when I switch the lights on with flake, one day a week they have a high protein, granulated food, one day frozen brine shrimp and bloodworm and no food at all on one day a week. The plecs get some fruit or veg once a week too; broccoli stalk, split and lightly cooked is a particular favourite of theirs.

Bloodworm is best not fed more than once a week; it's not actually very nutritious.
Bloodworm is best not fed more than once a week; it's not actually very nutritious.

good to know i will just feed it to them once a week then.
I give a mix of granule and flake in the morning, and a smaller mix of flake and micro pellet in the evening (With courgette replaced every 3 days).
will feeding have any thing to do with nitrite will feeding lees or feeding more have any thing to do with it

I think you mean nitRAte. Yes, the more you feed, the more ammonia & nitITe is produced and therefore the quicker your nitrATe levels will rise.
i feed my fish a mix of 90%flake food, 5% Freezedried daphnia and 5% freezedried bloodworm in small bits throughout the day... normally one bit in the morning, another small bit in the afternoon when i get home and another small bit in the evening.....
i feed my fish a mix of 90%flake food, 5% Freezedried daphnia and 5% freezedried bloodworm in small bits throughout the day... normally one bit in the morning, another small bit in the afternoon when i get home and another small bit in the evening.....

once a day flakes....... treats couple times a week
once every couple of days with a high protein, nutritious hikari pellet, and they scavenge the plants and glass for alae. They get peas every few weeks, and daphnia every few weeks.

My boyfriend doesnt think i feed them enough, and i know i should feed them different types of food, but they do well off what they get :)

Also theyve just eaten about 30 cherry shrimp in the space of 12 hours.
Once a day, around teatime, a different food every day, mainly different types of flakes/pellets/crisps with frozen food as a treat once a week the day before a water change, plus a bit of veg once a week for the otos mainly but they all eat it. And after lights out, every other day only, I add a few catfish pellets.
We feed our fish flakes every other day... I think i'm going wrong! What should I be feeding 4 guppies 4 neons and a panda garra?! And when?

Oh and a plec wafer once a week for the garra but im not sure he eats it lol!
I feed my fish every evening after the familys dinner, flake & algea wafers, somtimes a small piece of veg in place of the wafers, last night I fedd them peas. I miss out tuesday & thursday. I give the fish a treat of frozen bloodworm & brineshrimp after the weekly waterchange as a sort of "sorry" for stressing them out.

We feed our fish flakes every other day... I think i'm going wrong! What should I be feeding 4 guppies 4 neons and a panda garra?! And when?

Oh and a plec wafer once a week for the garra but im not sure he eats it lol!
No, every other day is fine while you work out if your tank is cycled or not (if I'm remebering your other threads properly!).

A useful guide to feeding is that most fish's stomachs are around the size of their eye, so they need about that amount of food daily; not much at all!

Fish don't need much food as they're cold blooded; most of the food that you, or any other mammal, eats goes to towards maintaining body teperature, so fish can manage on a lot less.
flake and catfish pellets twice a day. Frozen bloodworms on a Saturday (day before maintenance) and a dried block of tubiflex stuck to the glass once a week instead of flake and pellets as a treat.

Also still add courgette now and then as they all like it

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