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  1. R

    I Lost A Fish!?!?!?

  2. R

    I Lost A Fish!?!?!?

  3. R

    I Lost A Fish!?!?!?

    Yes I know, but since I am almost reaching my 3 month mark, whereabouts in the fishless process should I proceed from?
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    I Lost A Fish!?!?!?

    I returned them to the fish store today. Now, how should I go about my fishless cycle?
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    I Lost A Fish!?!?!?

    Yes that is totally what I meant lol I would never even think of doing such a thing!
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    I Lost A Fish!?!?!?

    Now another question up in the air for me is do I keep the two danios until my filter gets cycled or do I get rid of them now and continue fishless?
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    I Lost A Fish!?!?!?

    Well it's hard to see the fry which is why it's hard to avoid them during a water change, but the ones I do spot I leave them in. And hey, by all means, I am from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, if anyone wants the fry, feel free to pm me.
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    I Lost A Fish!?!?!?

    Last night before going to bed, I noticed I only saw 2 of my 3 Pearl Danio's in my 10 gallon tank, but I didn't think anything of it and just thought he was hiding. So this morning when I woke up I checked again...and still nothing. I have removed all my decorations and even moved around my...
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    Well the thing is that I have to eventually get rid of my Pearl Danio's anyway as they are agressive in my 10 gallon and I'm just waiting for my filter to get cycled so I can get rid of them, and with that I don't think I would want to keep the babies and let them grow if I'll have to eventually...
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    3 pearl danio's
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    So after changing my water today, I was looking at my bucket of dirty water and managed to see these TINY TINY tadpole looking things just squirming around in the bucket, and there must have been between 7-9 of them. My only assumption is...babies! How did it happen? What do I do with them? I'm...
  13. R

    Serious Water Issue!

    Thanks a lot for the advice guys, I truly appreciate it. I'll keep doing what I'm doing and hopefully I can achieve those numbers soon as I would like to add some different species to my tank.
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    Serious Water Issue!

    Yes I still only have the three fish, but from what I've learned since having them I am going to have to get rid of them sooner or later, especially if I would like to add more fish. This is because apparently the Pearl Danio's need a tank bigger then a 10 gallon because they're agressive...
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    Serious Water Issue!

    Okay well after many water changes, I still continue to get the exact same readings, which I guess means that my filter isn't cycled, and I'm at my 2 month mark. I'm going to give that Seachem Prime stuff a try and see if that helps out. I'm just afraid that I'm at 2 months and still getting...
  16. R

    Serious Water Issue!

    Just did a pH and High Range pH and I got these results: pH: 7.6 High Range pH: 7.4 I am using the API Freshwater Master Test Kit by the way.
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    Serious Water Issue!

    Okay so after always getting the same ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate results after 80%+ water changes, I decided to check the levels of my tap water...and sure enough, they're exactly the same! Ammonia: 0.50ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 5.0ppm So my question is, what can be done about this? How can...
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    Serious Water Change Problem!

    I actually did not think about that. When I change my water later today I will definitely rinse my filter cartridge. And yes I use my gravel vacuum everytime I do a water change. I'm using the "API Freshwater Master Test Kit". I was told it's as accurate as you can get.
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    Serious Water Change Problem!

    Its weird though because 2 weeks ago I was getting readings of 0 all across the board. I changed about 80% and I don't use Seachem declorinator I use a Tetra one.
  20. R

    Serious Water Change Problem!

    Okay so yesterday before changing my water I tested for ammonia(0.50ppm) nitrite(0ppm) and nitrate(5.0ppm). About 30 minutes after the water change I conducted the same tests and got the same results. How could this be? I would think that a water change would've dropped my ammonia and nitrate...
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    Filter Cartridge's

    Lol okay so in other words, never replace anything on either filter?
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    Filter Cartridge's

    I know not to clean the biowheel, my question is should I replace the filter cartridge? And on the carbon one I know not to replace the sponge, but was asking about the filter cartridge.
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    Filter Cartridge's

    Does that go for both my carbon filter and my bio-wheel filter?
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    Filter Cartridge's

    Okay well my filter has a cartridge and bio-wheel, and my little brother's is a carbon one(it came with that little carbon meter thing, and its already all the way to top, as it has already been 4 weeks).
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    Filter Cartridge's

    How often should these be replaced? The instructions that came with my filter say to change them every 4 weeks. Should I follow what they say, or should I wait longer? What is a recommended timeframe for changing them?
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    Aggressive Behaviour

    I been changing my water twice a week.
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    Aggressive Behaviour

    Although, I noticed that yesterday, and now today, they are not acting aggressive at all, they're back to how they were when I first got them. Hmmm...weird!
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    Filter Rattling...?

    By trapped air, do you mean it making a rattling noise? If not, how would I know if there is trapped air inside the filter? From the 3-4 times I've taken the filter apart, everything has always seemed fine, and I always make sure everything is tightened as much as possible. I will try that rock...
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    Aggressive Behaviour

    Well the reason I have the fish already is because I went with fish in cycle as opposed to the fishless cycle, and I will try calling, but I highly doubt they'll take them back, especially after it's almost been 3 weeks.
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    Aggressive Behaviour

    It is going to make 3 weeks that I have had the tank this coming Tuesday, and I have had the fish for about 2 and a half weeks. I told the person at the store I had a 10 gallon, and he didn't say anything negative about it, but I was told that they are a great starter fish and beneficial for the...
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    Aggressive Behaviour

    So what should I do?
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    Aggressive Behaviour

    So about 3-4 days ago I really started noticing that one of my fishes seem to be very aggressive. I have 3 Pearl Danio's, and 1 of my 3 seems to be acting very aggressively towards the other 2. For example, what always happens is he goes back and forth, side to side, and whenever another 1 of...
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    Filter Rattling...?

    Just thought I'd close this topic off. I took the filter to the aquarium shop and it was in fact the impellor, which they replaced at no extra charge. Although it still is giving off a little bit of a rattling noise, that it didn't initially, it is much better then it was. The only thing it is...
  34. R

    Filter Rattling...?

    Okay, thanks a lot for the advice, much appreciated.
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    Filter Rattling...?

    How long can my fish be in the tank without the filter? I am planning on heading to my aquarium store tomorrow after school and was thinking of brining the filter with me and passing by on the way home, as it is right along the way. So if I did that the fish would be without the filter for about...
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    Filter Rattling...?

    Anything anyone? :(
  37. R

    Filter Rattling...?

    Yes it is the hang on back type. And the crud is still floating around, almost 24 hours later. And I have stripped down the filter box(right after my water change), I took it as a part as it could get, and saw nothing out of the ordinary.
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    Filter Rattling...?

    I am running a Marineland Bio-Wheel Power Filter Penguin 100
  39. R

    Filter Rattling...?

    Ok so I think my problem just got worse. So I change my water, unplug my filter, have a look at it, give it a shake, everything seems fine so I put it back on my tank. I plug it in, and I hear it working...but no water coming out. Keep in mind that it didn't run dry, I made sure it was filled as...