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  1. Devorax

    Something Pet Shops Should Do That Could Help Save More Bettas

    Having had a harrowing visit to my LFS last week, which I started a thread about and got resounding feedback on, I would agree with Bronzecat entirely. The big corporations look at profit margins, wholesale units, units losses etc on all goods they sell. If Bettas end up being a loss making...
  2. Devorax

    Bettas With Silver Molly

    lol What did he do to deserve a name like that?
  3. Devorax

    Illegal Importation Of Fish

    Hi Bronzey, just thought I'd acknowledge your efforts, since no-one else I have wondered about the viability of buying from Aquabid because the local supply of bettas only seems to be limited to VTs, but now I have found a few UK suppliers willing to ship them overnight so will use...
  4. Devorax

    Magic "grow Your Own Fish"

    There are sellers on eBay selling killifish eggs, from Thailand....I wouldn't buy them.
  5. Devorax


    We feel it's necessary to do such heavy water changing because we frequently get readings (API Master kit) of 1ppm. There is a definite ammonia problem. Now that the tank has been half emptied of fish, and the filter is very big for the size of tank (250l handling on a 90l, slight...
  6. Devorax


    The BGKs didn't make it, one had mouth rot ( whitish grey lower lip area) and the other one slowly faded away with no external symptoms. I think this was due to chronic ammonia poisoning. The clown loach is still in the 90l, but I didn't mention him because he will be re-homed anytime now...
  7. Devorax

    What To Do?

    (This is a copy and paste job from my first ever thread on here, I'm too lazy to re-type I have come back to this thread as it was the one that got me in to this forum and I feel it is only appropriate to give an update on the current position, for the benefit of those that gave me such...
  8. Devorax


    I have come back to this thread as it was the one that got me in to this forum and I feel it is only appropriate to give an update on the current position, for the benefit of those that gave me such valuable advice in my earlier days of the hobby. I have since acquired a 90l tank, and after...
  9. Devorax

    Betta Smaragdinas.....

    I was wondering though, since they seem more tolerant of their own species, why haven't we seen the level of humanised forms of these fish as we do of B. Splendens? Nothing against our fave B.Splendens but surely if they are more amicable, wouldn't we rather have these fish as they will fight...
  10. Devorax

    Betta Smaragdinas.....

    I just found a small group of these fish for sale and was wondering if the advice given by the seller was accurate. They claim that these bettas can be kept in groups (males included) WITHOUT ripping each other up. Is this true? How common are these fish? This is what they look like.....any...
  11. Devorax

    I Am Becoming Addicted!

    I sure hope so, cos I am waiting for the resident of tank 8! :D BUT I get him Tuesday!! :P :P
  12. Devorax

    Dumb Question

    I should point out that the loaches are still quite small, and the snail is your average 1-2 inch snail....
  13. Devorax

    Dumb Question

    Someone I know has 2 clown loaches (will soon have 3 when we take our loner and today acquired a Golden Apple Snail. She swears blind that her Clown Loaches will kill and eat her new snail. Is this true? Our loach hasn't even looked at our snails, but she won't listen. Expert...
  14. Devorax

    Sttocking Advice

    Can I ask why you are asking this question again? I see another thread only half an hour older than this one in which Bronzecat gave you exactly the same advice/answers....
  15. Devorax

    Absolutely B****y Disgusting...

    Before someone else says it, I shall since I am the OP. If you don't have anything constructive to add to any thread, then please don't add anything. I have seen your (AdAndrews) comments on other threads besides this one and tbh they are only useful as ammunition for those that know what they...
  16. Devorax

    Absolutely B****y Disgusting...

    Are you worried about getting banned again at all? Not that I took any notice of your comments anyways.....
  17. Devorax

    How Many Bettas Does The Entire Forum Have?

    We have three, all males, 1 CT, 1 VT, 1 HM, although the HM isn't arriving until Tuesday (does that count?), cos we spotted a rare find today, SPIKE as he is known (the CT), was found in a not so local LFS and we couuldn't EDIT running total 277?
  18. Devorax

    I Want One!

    Right, well I got him :D :D :D and I just got to wait now until Tuesday........ Might I recommend as an excellent source of fish and the customer service is exceptional.
  19. Devorax

    I Think Its Time.......:( Edit - He's Gone :(

    Sounds like a case of Sod's Law.....hope he gets better real soon back to perfect health.
  20. Devorax

    Betta Toothpaste Prob

    lol, some people really seem to need another hobby.....
  21. Devorax

    I Could Just Spit!

    Yes BUT (Not wanting to start a war of the sexes it needs a man to check it all over to make sure it is all done correctly, as women think it is right when often it isn't...... :big_boss:
  22. Devorax

    Betta Obsession.

    You could always start a seperate thread in the common livebearers section on this site, there are lots of people that will have all the answers to your questions and more!! :good:
  23. Devorax

    Absolutely B****y Disgusting...

    Yeah well, the full moon brings out the animal in me that will bark and bite where necessary, but since it is not yet the full moon, I wanted to get my claws sharpened ready for the Main Event....If I could have my way, that shop would be shut down from all fish sales tomorrow and all...
  24. Devorax

    Questions About Mating Bettas!

    Errr, probably because it is one!! lol Everyone regularly on here has something medically wrong with them related to Not that it is a bad thing mind, I too have this symptom and am quite happy about it... :D :P :D
  25. Devorax

    Are They Usually This Temperamental?

    Yes, bettas have a rather narcotic
  26. Devorax

    I Think Its Time.......:( Edit - He's Gone :(

    Having never tried it, but going by the reasonably glowing recommendations on this site, the clove oil method seems to be the fairest. I have read several threads today (in case I ever have to do this) and the clove oil method seems to be the fairest. If the testimonies are true, the fish...
  27. Devorax

    Betta Obsession.

    Eeeek! There goes any ambition I might have had for the future then.....
  28. Devorax

    Absolutely B****y Disgusting...

    Wow, seems like there are those that care and those that don't, I'll leave it up to you to figure out whom is No, seriously, the shop has had our private criticisms before, but today was a real horror show. I have never seen anything like it. Had it been a private collection, I would...
  29. Devorax

    Absolutely B****y Disgusting...

    Wondering around town today, I went in to our LFS to buy our dog something special for his 8th birthday, and knowing it was also the day after their aquatic delivery, I thought about having a looksy to see if there was anything worthy of spending a few quid on. And the horror..... There were...
  30. Devorax

    I Want One!

    Yes but before long this house will look like PAH! lol There isn't the room, so might have to consider using a blanked out divider.....hmmmm, that could work....
  31. Devorax

    I Want One!

    Oh no!! I've fallen for tank 2 as well!! I can afford him easy enough, but I don't know if I can house 3 males now cos the missus is on about getting her own 4 footer, so there won't be room for my two 2ft tanks and another home for a 3rd hoo.
  32. Devorax

    I Want One!

    Look, will everyone please STOP adding comments, that way this thread will quickly sink to the bottom of the page and no-one will notice...... :shifty: No, seriously, thanks to everyone for the feedback.
  33. Devorax

    Billy The Betta

    I agree with Wilder on this one, the bloodworm for a fish is like candy to a child: they are okay in moderation but too many and you will cause problems. I have both rasboras and danios and guppies in with Boris (my veiltale male) and there has been no problems whatsoever between them, but...
  34. Devorax

    Bettas With Silver Molly

    If it's of any use, I have Boris (my male veiltail) in with 3 sailfins (1m,2f) and they get along very well, they don't glare at each other or move out of each other's way at all. That may be because Boris is so damned placid he wouldn't kill a live so don't take this as...
  35. Devorax

    And One More For The Collection

  36. Devorax

    And One More For The Collection

    Lol Ain't that the way it is..... :blink:
  37. Devorax

    I Want One!

    Right, so everyone GO AWAY and pretend you never read this
  38. Devorax

    I Want One!

    If it didn't violate the site rules, I'd pay for him now Devon and have him by the I have somewhere suitable for him to go until his main home is Actually, is the site in 'real time', that is, as soon as a fish is sold it shows as sold, or is there a delay?
  39. Devorax

    I Want One!

    Anyways, you just got a new one of 'Fleabay', so what do you want another one for? :huh: Be thankful Netty is so generous in her appreciation of the hobby, if her comment in your recent thread is anything to go Nah, seriously, I do want that fish and I will be GUTTED if I don't get...
  40. Devorax

    I Want One!

    No offence Bronzy but I saw him first!! Let a newbie have a stunna for once, might encourage me to go bigger, better, faster (??) in my hobby to get up in the big league with the rest of you boys/