Absolutely B****y Disgusting...

Wow, seems like there are those that care and those that don't, I'll leave it up to you to figure out whom is whom....lol No, seriously, the shop has had our private criticisms before, but today was a real horror show. I have never seen anything like it. Had it been a private collection, I would have said enough to get me arrested. The problem is, it's the only pet shop in town for approx 10 miles, so if someone wants something quick, they are inevitably forced to go there.

I do appreciate the support that people have given me in defence of my predicament, it's nice to know that I don't get it wrong all the time...lol

Rest assured that first thing tomorrow morning I will ring anyone and everyone with a badge on their uniform to see if they can do something about it. I will never shop there for anything again, and I will certainly give a bollocking to the manager next time I see him. I just wanted to know if I was a hot head ranting on about nothing (to me it was something but to others might not have been) or justified.

Okay, thanks people for your insight, much appreciated.

Edit: the tanks were your standard LFS tanks, ie 18x12x12inch at the very most.....grrr I am getting mad just remembering it. :angry:
Of course you're entitled to be angry and upset by this. Anyone with an ounce of compassion would have reacted the same way. So good on you :good:
Yeah well, the full moon brings out the animal in me that will bark and bite where necessary, but since it is not yet the full moon, I wanted to get my claws sharpened ready for the Main Event....If I could have my way, that shop would be shut down from all fish sales tomorrow and all stock/tanks given to me :D
This is also a pet shop that sells kittens every now and again, held in 2ft deep by 2ft tall by 4 ft wide 'gerbil' cages....GRRRRRRRRRRR here I go again!!!!
they are only fish for gods sake calm down its not the end of the world

You fail

OP...I too would at least call. They might not do anything, but at least you made the effort. Plus I would have talked to the shop owner and told them the problem.
rspca wond do anything. they are only fish for gods sake calm down its not the end of the world, just dont shop there again, if it was the day of their delivery the damage to fins could be from stress during transport, so is it really their fault for treating it- what else can they do??



and you should try to report it what do you have to loose? do something! it is worth a try!!!!!!!!!!!
A certain store in my area used to keep the bettas in the little plastic bags in which they were shipped until they expired. Ocassionally, rather than let them perish in the bag, they would release six or eight of them into a tank to fight to the death. I contacted the SPCA and almost immediate action was taken. The next time I went to the store, which I was asked by the manager to stop doing, the bettas were in much better shape. Granted, they were being kept in the standard betta cups, but it's far better than being left to die in little plastic bags.

If one prefers to take the "nothing's going to change, so just sit back, do nothing, and talk down to people who try to make a difference" approach, far be it from me to challenge their right to apathy and cowardice. However, it can, and often does make a difference. Even if it doesn't, what have you lost but a few moments of your time?
thats horrible theres a place in crews hill that i will keep nameless that has the most disgusting quality of tanks i have never bought a fish from there just in case it funds the store
they kepy a fully grown redtailed cat in what looked like a 300 litre tank ...... just wrong i then came back a couple of months later and the red tail cat was still there in the same position sittin on a bare floor with no thing to hide under but the worst of it was it wasnt alone there was a large bala in thier with it....... the other tanks were grimy and they cut down on food by leaving the fish in them
I am not going to argue about the situation, but common sence would tell you that nearly all of the shop would have to be filled with fish in bad conditions for the rspca to take it seriously

good night!!
stop being such an ####, you have not got a clue what your on about.

OP ~ call your local environmental dept at the council, ask for pet licensing and they will take it further. THEY WILL investigate trust me on that and THEY WILL bring in the RSPCA if needed. Its the license board you need to approach first as the RSPCA will ony go to them and then wait for a cal if they are needed.

Agree, Thats what i did when i had a Tank infected with Camallanus Worms. After i had bought them from a P@H Branch. I reported them after i saw that they were still selling the infected fish a week after I had told them they had a very contagiuos Parasite problem. Pet Licencing went out and shut down the fish department untill the fish were treated od euthanised. only when the situation was resolved were they allowed to restock the tanks and put fish back on sale.
rspca wond do anything. they are only fish for gods sake calm down its not the end of the world, just dont shop there again, if it was the day of their delivery the damage to fins could be from stress during transport, so is it really their fault for treating it- what else can they do??

Yes they would.. I emailed them a while back now asking if there were any laws and regulations for the safety of fish, and it turns out that there are.. so if you're not happy wiht the way fish are being kept, and its serious, like in this case, then they will actually act on your report.. go on.. call them up!!! get the mean buggers!!!
im sorry i apolagise, i didnt mean to make the comments i did the other night

i didnt mean to offend anyone

good luck

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