Betta Obsession.


Fish Fanatic
Feb 16, 2009
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I live in a college dorm that currently houses 4 tanks :p
two of them are betta homes..and i cant help but want more!!
make it stop!
i just cant help but feel bad for the poor little guys trapped in walmart and petsmart, so right now i've only got two but i just keep eyeing the CT's and HM's and i would really like to start breeding them.
this isnt really important or anything..i just wanna talk about bettas :)
you need to fight the addiction! I did and am glad to say I now have 12 small tanks instead of about 15! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :rolleyes:
that doesnt sound like a fight :p
or if it was you barely came out alive...
once my boyfriend gets an apartment i forsee this problem growing ugly..i'll have a tank in every room!!!
plus im breeding guppies...jeez he bought me a tank for valentines day, he had no idea what he was getting into
yea so far i've just got the red one in my avatar, and a really cool CT..i'll post a pic in a minute of him
Your CT is one of the most gorgeous bettas i've seen, but then again i've a big soft spot for CT's :wub:

I say don't fight too hard - there's always room for one more :fun:
Lol....the trouble is with the saying of only one end up like us with the fry!!!!!!
how difficult is it to breed bettas? I'd like to make a little pleasurable buiseness out of my little already trying to sell some of my guppy fry..of course i wanna keep atleast a trio :)


this is my ten gal...i wanna upload a pic of my roomates tank but she has three huge goldfish, 2 gouramis about 3 inches and a large common pleco :( youd all be in shock if you saw that!
but luckily im on my college committee and im pushing for a pond in front of the hopefully we can put the KOI there
There is info on our website on breeding (just click on my siggie).

Be warned though. You do need alot of space and the equipment to house and heat lots and lots and lots of babies. Minimum 10 gal spawning tank plus bigger grow out tanks. You also need to have cultures of live food for the babies.

It is a lot of work but very rewarding if you're prepared to spend every day feeding and doing water changes on all of them.
see..ive seen all sorts of posts with cultures, but i have no idea what exactly that is...someone define please??
and hopefully, when he gets his apartment, ill have room for stuff like that..i've got another 10 gal at home (chicago) and my grandpa was going to give me his 30 gal
Some of the cultures that you can get are Microworm or Vinegar eel. We usually feed this during the first week to the fry as they are soooooo tiny, they need almost microscopic food. Then by week two we hatch baby shrimp every day and feed 3 times a day.

Some people have raised fry on Betta Starter, which is a powder but for the first two weeks it would need to be ground up even more.
i see...well do you know anything about guppies?
mine are coming up on 5 weeks and im not sure how big they should be by now. I've seperated the males and females from what i could tell (gravid spots) and the males seem to be getting color...they are all doing fine in my main tank but i just dont know how long it will be til they are full grown

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