Absolutely B****y Disgusting...

Before someone else says it, I shall since I am the OP. If you don't have anything constructive to add to any thread, then please don't add anything. I have seen your (AdAndrews) comments on other threads besides this one and tbh they are only useful as ammunition for those that know what they are on about to beat you down with. Either use this forum as a valued resource or find something else to do with your time, like care for your fish.
For those that helped in this thread, the local Trading Standards dept went to look for themselves. I was stood next to them whilst they did their 'research' (they didn't know it was me) and they then came back to me saying all was okay!!!!
I suppose mumbled swears wouldn't really be constructive - but honestly!
Fish are the most dependent, vulnerable pets most of us will ever keep, and I can't even think of any more so.
But good on you for trying - if enough people spoke up, more would be done.
Taken from the Department Of The Environment, Food & Rural Affairs;

The Pet Animals Act 1951
The Pet Animals Act 1951 (as amended in 1983) protects the welfare of animals sold as pets. The Act requires any person keeping a pet shop to be licensed by the local authority. Before granting a licence the local authority must be satisfied that the animals are kept in accommodation that is both suitable and clean; that they are supplied with appropriate food and drink; and are adequately protected from disease and fire. The local authority may attach any conditions to the licence, may inspect the licensed premises at all reasonable times and may refuse a licence if the conditions at the premises are unsatisfactory or if the terms of the licence are not being complied with.

Local authorities are responsible for enforcing the law in this area and anyone who has reason to believe that a pet shop is keeping animals in inadequate conditions should raise the matter with the local authority who will decide what action to take within the range of its powers.
I'm pretty sure it's illegal to force any animal into conditions where it will be forced to fight to the death, including keeping male betta splendens in the same tank. You can contact the local humane society or you could contact the manager about the problem first and threaten to blow the whistle on him. A lot of cases I've heard that are similar to this, conditions will improve for the fish after someone makes a complaint. I hope something is done about it soon.

You did the right thing by not buying a fish from there. It's easy to buy animals out of pity, but it's not a solution. Even though it's harder to walk away from them, we have to force better standards on these negligent pet shops. This will ensure that in the long run more animals are able to survive to go to good homes.

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