Are They Usually This Temperamental?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Oxford, UK
I bought a new plant for my betta today, one of those feathery aqua-one things, I came home and put it in and he's been flaring at it, what looks like trying to bonk it vertically and been swimming around really fast and showing off. Is this a normal reaction to a change in his environment? Or should I take the plant out? I don't want to stress him out. Oh I should mention that I swapped his air stone for a proper filter (under gravel only before). Will he be OK? I really don't want him to be unhappy, even though compared to the pics on here, he is a rather ordinary red betta, nothing fancy, but I love him. :rolleyes:
They are all beautiful whether VT or of my most special boys was a VT, such an amazing character :wub:

But to answer your question...........he'll be fine once he gets used to it. I put floating frogbit in a tank once and the male was completely spooked by it. After a couple of days he just ignored it and was fine.
VT HT???? But yes he is deinitely a character? :fun: Seems to respond to me when close to tank or doing water changes, very inquisitive but a little nervy considering he's supposed to be a fighter!! :D Showed him a mirror and he went and hid in his hollow log LOL. I really didn't realise they had such personalities, cos in the community tank only have platys so far and they just hide as soon as I enter the room so I hardly know I have fish at all. Cherry (betta) seems so happy with interaction its mad!!?? I love it. :wub:
I think they like to play. One of my younger bettas flares at the pebbles in his tank, he can probably see himself but if I watch him he stops doing it and just swims round being busy! :rolleyes:
Lol.....they do have great personalities and each one is so different. I mentioned in another thread that my boy Keaper flares at every pellet before he eats it lol

I have another that would jump out of the water to take the pellet from the tip of my finger and I've had others that are really timid but sooooo loveable.

I'm so glad that you are enjoying your really will develop quite a bond with him :good:
I'm already smitten by him, I find myself checking in on him when I should really be doing other things (like entertaining my 3 yr old child). I just can't help it! My husband is working away at the moment and I think his absence is feeding my addiction to fish. Spent close to £100 today on a pair of gouramis and various other stuff, stress coat/zyme, food, additional filter, plants etc. But I still think I might NEED another Betta, there's space for a tank in the lounge, kitchen or bedroom after all....LOL
They are very addictive....we have them in every room except the bathroom lol We ran out of floor space so now have 3 mounted on the walls!!!! See you could redo the whole house while your hubby is away :lol:
I really would go for it if I had the budget. Like I said I'm converted, but money is tight and that is all my treat budget for this month gone on the fish. However, keeping an eye on e-bay etc for cheap little tank set ups etc and I always have next months budget to spend LOL.
Have you checked out Freecycle.....there are quite often tanks being given away on there.
No......I'm merely pointing you in the direction of some possibly free tanks. After all you could just use them for putting plants in :lol:
freecycle craigs list the local paper..

i have paid nothing for a 20long, 20, 2-10s, 2-5s,2-2s and a bunch of random stuff:)

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