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  1. omega59

    Melafix & Cycle

    I still haven't had a chance to buy anything, this morning i was near the shop and totally forgot my wallet :( I did however do a 60% water change last evening, and will be doing it again today.
  2. omega59

    Is Melafix Safe For Bettas?

    It seems a lot of people recommend just doing water changes or use salt, to cure fin-rot.
  3. omega59

    First Dumbo/elephant Ear

    they are very beautiful you are lucky :-)
  4. omega59

    Is Melafix Safe For Bettas?

    So it' a chance we would be taking to use it but with his study there was no findings that it harms bettas. As there was nothing on the surface of the water. Thank you for this article was informative.s
  5. omega59

    Melafix & Cycle

    Again with the bettafix :P
  6. omega59

    Melafix & Cycle

    Hmongol thank you i was looking at this one yesterday evening but was unsure i will go back to buy it today some times. How much do i add for a 5gallon aquarium? (keep in mind this tank is still cycling)
  7. omega59

    Melafix & Cycle

    When you say aquarium salt, do you mean the salt used for saltwater aquariums?
  8. omega59

    Melafix & Cycle

    okay so now bettafix isn't good.. which is it i'm going crazy!
  9. omega59

    Melafix & Cycle

    I did a water change 50% his tail is ragged and now has a long split. i'm heading out to buy bettafix shortly. and i guess i will have to place him in a bowl during treatment.
  10. omega59

    Melafix & Cycle

    Okay thank you. How about the heater 150watts, which setting for a 5gal?
  11. omega59

    Melafix & Cycle

    I have a heater that is 150WATTS, i want to use it in the 5 gallon tank, what should i set it to?
  12. omega59

    Melafix & Cycle

    So my tank is cycling and my Betta has developed fin-rot! Is it okay to treat the tank/fish with Melafix or should I remove him and treat in a bucket or container of sorts?
  13. omega59

    How To Cycle A New Fluval Chi For My Betta. (Fishless Cycle)

    smartdev for a 5gal tank what is the required heater wattage? i know a 30-40gal requires atleast 150watt, does a 5gall work well with a 10-15watt heater?
  14. omega59

    How To Cycle A New Fluval Chi For My Betta. (Fishless Cycle)

    Hi, and welcome. I found this bit of information that may help you... Cycling a new tank can take 6 weeks to 12 weeks depending on the tank/setup.
  15. omega59

    Stang Got An Upgrade ;d

    ahh cool. did you also buy one of those special gravel cleaning vacuums, specifically made for the Chi series?
  16. omega59

    Stang Got An Upgrade ;d

    Hi, how is your new setup going? do you have a concern that there is no lid and he could jump out? edit: sorry i saw yours has a lid, did you purchase this separately?
  17. omega59

    Sick Betta

    okay, i read different opinions on keeping a Betta with a heater or not, some say they don't need and some say otherwise, so i will add a small heater and see how it goes. i think you are correct that the water is not good. After the water change yesterday he seems to have perked up today. I...
  18. omega59

    Sick Betta

    He has a large Anubis on the bottom he goes under, also a Morino Ball about 7 inches in diameter that he likes to rest on. There is not much noise or movement in the room and when i walk by he doesn't get scared or look scared he remains where he is or comes up thinking i'am going to be feeding him.
  19. omega59

    Sick Betta

    no replies :\ I'll be re testing my water this afternoon and will report back. i guess i can also buy Malefix formula. ANy other advices and inputs of the cause of fin-rot?
  20. omega59

    Sick Betta

    So for some reason my betta sits on the sand looking sickly. He has developed fin rot. I been testing my tank and everything is coming good with the stats. So I started doing daily water changes in hopes he will get better. I am fairly new to bettas so unsure if that is even nornal behaviour. He...
  21. omega59

    Has Anyone Seen This Before?

    I've seen candycane shrimp clean a clownfish before.. then i read there could be some parasite on the fish that the shrimps like, so they clean it off.
  22. omega59

    Now What?

    H, your bettas are wonderful. the term "eggy" sounds odd to me LOL! goodluck.
  23. omega59

    Stang Got An Upgrade ;d

    McCool thanks :) His tank looks great. So does his Betta!
  24. omega59

    Stang Got An Upgrade ;d

    cool.... i think i should upgrade mines it's 2gals :P if it is silent like my spec i may go for the 5gal chi.
  25. omega59

    Stang Got An Upgrade ;d

    wow i am jealous :( good job! I have the Spec version, do the Chi ones make a lot of noise with the filter, also how is the surface movement a lot?
  26. omega59

    Homemade Toys For Betta?

    coconut shell upside down works well for a cave. you can also build up a stone one with slates. plastic tubing is good too. Use your imagination and think outside the box i am sure you can think of something. For a few more ideas... terra cotta pots, drift wood, shells. goodluck!
  27. omega59

    My Guy

    Thank you sir. :good:
  28. omega59

    My Guy

    The water flow is good I even had to place a net on the airpump for how strong it is. There is nothing else in with him but a morino and live plant (which is really doing great) he is in a 2gallon fluval spec. I been doing 50% water changes the last two days hoping it will help with his fins and...
  29. omega59

    My Guy

    Hey guys, his fins are slowly getting frailed esp his top one it looks really torn and smaller than it was. ohh man! time to get so meds going :( He's looking more like this now since my post..(not my pic)
  30. omega59

    Your Betta's Characteristics

    awsome betta cool. :)
  31. omega59

    My Guy

    Yeah been changing his water every two days, even though there is a filter :lol:
  32. omega59

    My Guy

    I kind of noticed the ends of his fins were frail.. is it normal , maybe he injured himself on the plants.. though they are not plastic very weird. Fredrick sounds good too!
  33. omega59

    My Guy

    He is a light cream blue and it fades out to blood-red. I was thinking of the name Fonzie not sure lol.
  34. omega59

    My Guy

    I did some better pictures today with my phone, hopefully you will like. I am still trying to name him too. He likes to spend his day on the top side or lower bottom. When the lights come on he hoovers on the top :)
  35. omega59


    Do water changes and treat with API Malefix should do it. I had a platy male get attacked by tiger barbs. after removing the bars his fins healed well with Malefix.
  36. omega59

    Say Hello To Barry

    uh? He's very handsome :D
  37. omega59

    Does My New Betta Have Fin Rot?

    Hi the same thing i noticed is happening to my poor guy. I have been doing daily water changes hoping this will stop it. How did you betta come out, and what were your methods?
  38. omega59

    Female Bettas At Lfs.

    ohh i see lol. I'm going to wait a bit more till my fry are grown out to at least 2 inches.
  39. omega59

    Fail Big Time

    I've knocked a container on the floor once, that's about it :P
  40. omega59

    Female Bettas At Lfs.

    They will probably eat the fry right? I was hoping to get rid of the gupps soon anyways. Maybe i should wait until they have grown out more.