So i went to buy some cat food for my little one, and snooped around the fish tank section. They had a tank with about 30-50ish female bettas all together very lively healthy and pretty. They have them on sale regular price $2.49each or 3/$5 not bad! i said to myself good deal. Now my question is.. would they be okay in a 10 gallon if i get all 3. My 10 gallon is cycled and houses some guppy fry and 2 Panda Corydora's. I do have a single male betta in my bedroom he's in the Fluval Spec 2gallon setup doing well. I know that Guppies will be a challenge and considering that they are still small in size (less than an inch or so). I am very tempted to buy the betta's because they are so pretty and most of all very healthy looking compared to the other shop near here.