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  1. S

    Martha puffed!!!

    LOL THAT IS AWSOME! Im no laughing with Martha I'm laughing at her. :D Great Pic. I haven't been on the forums for over a month, and the first thing I clicked on was "Martha puffed!!!" So I got a really big reaction from it. ;)
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    Butterfly fish problem!

    I posted about this problem a little while back. Click here to view past post. Some people told me it was old age, but I do not think that anymore. He is now swimming completely verticle with his mouth touching the surface. He is also doing rolls, sitting on his side on the the bottom, and...
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    Agian With the Butterfly problem.

    I posted about this problem a little while back. Click here to view past post. Some people told me it was old age, but I do not think that anymore. He is now swimming completely verticle with his mouth touching the surface. He is also doing rolls, sitting on his side on the the bottom, and...
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    brown ghost knife fish

    By brown gohst knife do you mean black gohst knife? If so here is some information about them. Tank size: At least 50 u.s. gallons. Feeding: They will eat just about any normal fish foods. There favorites are blood and tubifex worms. Size: They can reach a length of 47 cm, but captive ones...
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    Hungry 10inch pleco, inlove Cories, khulis

    snowyangel, sorry if it sounded like I was suggesting that you didn't know that your cories were emriled. I was just saying what they were. :D
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    Hungry 10inch pleco, inlove Cories, khulis

    If I'm not mistaken those cories are emriled cories, also known as the hog-nosed cory. (Brochis Multiradiatus) They are absolutley gorgeous :D :wub: I have a pair myself, but they are both female.
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    Leopard ctenopomas

    Only 12 bucks ?!?!?!?!?! :o I almost paid 35 dollars for just one. :crazy:
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    Butterfly fish Problem

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I woke up this fine thanks giving morning to find my Butterfly swimming at an even more steeper angle. He is almost at a 90 degree angle with the water's surface. What should I do?! :-(
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    55 Gallon

    Yes I would very much. :nod:
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    Butterfly fish Problem

    Yes he is pretty old, but he still has all of his color and seems to be in perfect physical health. The day before he started acting funny I had done a water change, so the change in the water chemistry might have caused this. (He is still acting funny though and it has been three days.) If it...
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    My New Spotted Rafael Catfish!

    Thank you very much for telling us that. :D My cats go after it like mad though, but if it bothers thier stomachs I'll have to stop feeding it to them. I geuss I will have to use blood worms and pellets from now on.
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    Feeding corys and plecos vegetables.

    The ony vegie that you guys listed that I have right now is cucumber, so I think I will try that. Thank you for your help. :D
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    Looking for an Eel

    Kuhils are nice but I think if they ever venture to the surface my Butterfly fish would turn them into lunch. Is this a tyre track eel? That is a cool idea, can you give me a little info about them?
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    Feeding corys and plecos vegetables.

    I have recentley discovered that you can feed plecos and corys vegeatbles. I would love to try and feed some to mine, but I have no idea which vegies to use. Which ones would be the best to use ????
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    Butterfly fish Problem

    My butterfly fish seems to be acting very strange. He is no longer swimming around, now he just sits there on top of my drift wood. When ever he manages to move him self about his body is at an angle, with his head at the surface and his tail pointing down at about a 30 degree angle. He also...
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    My New Spotted Rafael Catfish!

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by plister packs. It comes in little frozen balls encasde in plastic. It doesn't really seem cooked to me. (My cat fish don't seem to mind it raw, so I don't see why it would matter if it was cooked or not.
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    Good sites to buy fish

    Does anybody know of any good online websites that sell fish, if so please list them. :D
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    55 Gallon

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! I wanted you to do the 20g Peacock Gudgeon tank. :angry:
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    Looking for an Eel

    I had an adult spiney and a rope fish. (The rope fish was to big for the tank anyway)
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    How do you sex plecos?

    Thank you for the help. I currently only have 2 males (I think) so it looks like I'm going to have to take a trip to the lfs to get some females. :rolleyes:
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    My New Balloon Molly!!

    WOW he is gorgeous!!!!!! :wub: Are you planning on breeding him?
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    How do you sex plecos?

    I have absolutley no idea on how to breed clown plecos, I don't even know how to sex them. -_- Can somone give me some info on how to breed and sex them?
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    My New Spotted Rafael Catfish!

    Well I normally buy it from lfs already prepared. Before I freeze it I try and push out all the air in it by pinching it, so it will sink. When I feed it to my catfish it normally floats on the surface for a while then sinks to the bottom. They also really like blood worms. Hope this helps. :D
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    Looking for an Eel

    Just thought I would try somethin new. :/
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    pics of my two tanks

    Oh ok :D I was just wondering. I hope he is happy in his bigger tank.
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    pics of my two tanks

    Great looking tanks. :D I'm no arowanna expert but I think that tank is to small. Are you planning on moving him/her when it gets bigger? -_-
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    Looking for an Eel

    My 30 u.s. gallon has recently lost its eels do to an ich infestation. :byebye: I am now looking for some eel replacements. Any suggestions? -_-
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    My New Spotted Rafael Catfish!

    They Croak!? :blink: I never knew that. He has only been out of the water onece, at the lfs. (and he didn't croak) Yeah you can even see the some of the spikes in some of my pictures. :crazy:
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    My New Spotted Rafael Catfish!

    I like Stanley, any other suggestions from anybody?
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    Not a fan of 'ordinary' species

    Definatly a she :nod:
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    My New Spotted Rafael Catfish!

    I would have to agree :nod:
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    My New Spotted Rafael Catfish!

    I have a striped one two, but he is alot more active then my spotted.
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    My New Spotted Rafael Catfish!

    I have not yet named him. I am thinking about "Morris". What do you guys think? He is a very Handsom little guy. :wub: (well atleast I think he/she is) Here is a shot of his underside. Look at that Face :wub: Here is a pic of him showing off his fat stomach. :o I also posted this in...
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    My New Spotted Rafael Catfish!

    I tricked him to come out into the open by putting some beef-heart about 10 inches in front of his cave :P .
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    My New Spotted Rafael Catfish!

    I have not yet named him. I am thinking about "Morris". What do you guys think? He is a very Handsom little guy. :wub: (well atleast I think he/she is) Here is a shot of his underside. Look at that Face :wub: Here is a pic of him showing off his fat stomach. :o
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    Got a Really nice Catfish!

    I have 1 striped raphael catfish and 1 spotted raphael catfish. My stripped follows my spotted around. It's actually pretty funny to watch because my spotted is extremley fat and my stripped is on the smaller side. I would definatly try some beef-heart. :nod: My raphaels love them.
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    Assorted 30g "Darkwater" Pictures!

    Love the pics man. :D We spent the whole day looking for snails. We found like a million and Bob is the only one left. That is because we used the rest for puffer chow. :whistle:
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    leaf fish

    Very pretty :wub: I love his/hers coloration.
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    My fish, some old and new friends!

    Well for some reason my comp will not let me upload any more of my pics. So I will just show you some pics of the fish that I bougt today that I got off some websites. :P