My New Spotted Rafael Catfish!


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
I have not yet named him. I am thinking about "Morris". What do you guys think?

He is a very Handsom little guy. :wub:
(well atleast I think he/she is)

Here is a shot of his underside.

Look at that Face :wub:

Here is a pic of him showing off his fat stomach. :eek:

I also posted this in the Tropical Fish Forum.
Aweome pics :kewlpics:

I have one of the striped ones and it's becoming one of my favorites :wub:

You may get more activity out of you raphael if you have more than one. They like groups of their own kind.
Hi there... I've got 2 striped 1s... they're the sweetest lil things really aren't they!!!!! I called mine Wiggle and Woo. Main reason being the day i got them 1 of them kept wiggling around the glass and staring @ me... then the other went past and i simply said Woo as he went past...... Stupid as hell i know but hey.... seems to have stuck! :thumbs:
samsung was it you that said you fed beef heart for them?

i'm just wondering how to prepare it to feed to the fish so that it sinks?

I'ved asked my mum to pop by the butchers next time she's in town.
i'm just wondering how to prepare it to feed to the fish so that it sinks?

Well I normally buy it from lfs already prepared. Before I freeze it I try and push out all the air in it by pinching it, so it will sink. When I feed it to my catfish it normally floats on the surface for a while then sinks to the bottom. They also really like blood worms.

Hope this helps. :D
wow thats an odd one!! does it come in blister packs? We only get Ruto froozen foods in.

does it seem cooked to you?
wow thats an odd one!! does it come in blister packs? We only get Ruto froozen foods in.

does it seem cooked to you?

I'm not quite sure what you mean by plister packs. It comes in little frozen balls encasde in plastic. It doesn't really seem cooked to me. (My cat fish don't seem to mind it raw, so I don't see why it would matter if it was cooked or not.
Yeah blister packs as it formed plastic sealed with foil over the top, like froozen bloodworm!

I'm give it a try then.
Personally i would not advise feeding any fish beef heart and especially not omnivorous fish like Agamyxis, it is very difficult for fish to digest mamalian proteins and feeding beef heart can seriously mess up water quality. A far better diet for them are small catfish pellets and bloodworms with the occasional earthworm for larger specimins.
Personally i would not advise feeding any fish beef heart and especially not omnivorous fish like Agamyxis, it is very difficult for fish to digest mamalian proteins and feeding beef heart can seriously mess up water quality. A far better diet for them are small catfish pellets and bloodworms with the occasional earthworm for larger specimins.

Thank you very much for telling us that. :D My cats go after it like mad though, but if it bothers thier stomachs I'll have to stop feeding it to them. I geuss I will have to use blood worms and pellets from now on.
Aww he is so cute, I like that name lol I gave up on naming my TOO many fish, Can you have too many fish?

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