My New Spotted Rafael Catfish!


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
I have not yet named him. I am thinking about "Morris". What do you guys think?

He is a very Handsom little guy. :wub:
(well atleast I think he/she is)

Here is a shot of his underside.

Look at that Face :wub:

Here is a pic of him showing off his fat stomach. :eek:
Wow your actually comes out durning the day? Mine hids all day between two rocks with his head under the sand. (I can't see you you can't see me). Not only that the little bugger is impossible to take a picture of. I'm very impressed that you managed to get so many shots.

One question that I had was, did you hear him croak? They sounds like little frogs when they are removed from the water (don't used a net because they spikes that get caught up on them, I use my hand and as long as he is not overly stessed it doesn't hurt ).
heh doesn't hurt aye!! Lat time i had to catch mine, I was about to lower it back into the water and it wrapped it's tail tight aorund my finger with all though litle spikes......urm that hurt!
One question that I had was, did you hear him croak?

They Croak!? :blink: I never knew that. He has only been out of the water onece, at the lfs. (and he didn't croak)

heh doesn't hurt aye!! Lat time i had to catch mine, I was about to lower it back into the water and it wrapped it's tail tight aorund my finger with all though litle spikes......urm that hurt!

Yeah you can even see the some of the spikes in some of my pictures. :crazy:

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