Got a Really nice Catfish!


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
I just got him today. He's really pretty, but very shy. He's hiding under a large peice of Bogwood and he wont come out. I'll try to post some pictures of him later.
:cool: i've heard they like to have a couple more of their kind around though. i've recently seen striped raphael catfish in my lfs and was considering getting a couple...great looking fish. i haven't seen the spotted kind
Dont hold your breath waiting to get photographs, the chances are you will never see your catfish in daylight again :lol: I have 3 in my 200g and havent seen them for 6 months or so :crazy:
Aww, oh well. I'll have to go hunting at night with a little flashlight. ;) Most likely I won't see him because my tank is so heavily stocked with driftwood and rock. My only concern is feeding him. I will probably put in some sinking food or frozen food before I hit the sack. :thumbs:
as long as the gravel and tank isnt completly clean there will be stuff for it to scavange, putting in a couple of sinking tablets is always a help but dont worry too much about feeding etc, they usually do fine :)

Alright then. I don't completely clean my gravel whenever I work on my tank. He should be fine, and I'll put some food in at night. Thanks.
My catfish will come out anytime if he's given a bit of cucumber. It was a good tip from the lfs. You need to weight it down though or it just bobs about on the surface and the guppies play footy with it :rofl: Take it out after an hour or so to avoid rotting.
I have 4 of these litle dudes and there great!!

I have 1 spotted which I don't really see and it's of a descent size, one that was brought in at work. and last week i took home 3 striped ones which I see all the time.

Really cute litle faces!! You might see it more if you put another 2 in there. My 3 striped ones seem to hang together!!

another tip for the cucucmber is to stick it in the microwave in some water for a few minutes on high then it will sink and also be alot softer for them to scoff down!!
Really cute litle faces!! You might see it more if you put another 2 in there. My 3 striped ones seem to hang together!!

I have 1 striped raphael catfish and 1 spotted raphael catfish. My stripped follows my spotted around. It's actually pretty funny to watch because my spotted is extremley fat and my stripped is on the smaller side.

My only concern is feeding him. I will probably put in some sinking food or frozen food before I hit the sack.

I would definatly try some beef-heart. :nod: My raphaels love them.
paul_v_biker said:
I have 4 of these litle dudes and there great!!

I have 1 spotted which I don't really see and it's of a descent size, one that was brought in at work. and last week i took home 3 striped ones which I see all the time.

Really cute litle faces!! You might see it more if you put another 2 in there. My 3 striped ones seem to hang together!!

another tip for the cucucmber is to stick it in the microwave in some water for a few minutes on high then it will sink and also be alot softer for them to scoff down!!
Great tip on the cucumber!! Bloodworms ALWAYS bring my spotter R out. try that. Raphael's are gluttons. Once you find there favorite food you should have no problem getting him to come out for a feeding/pic.
yer just need to find out the spotted's fav food.

the smaller striped seem to like the catfish pellets alot, i was sitting next to the tank with a striped one scoffing it's face out infront of me, i'll get the pics off my phone and post them some time.

might have to try the beefheart, how do you prepare it/make it sink?
:p Ive got 2 striped 1's... they're lovely blessem... i c mine all the time as 1 of them sleeps behind the fluval and the other tries 2 hide himself in a plant... with little success. :p

I have a rapheal in my community tank I love him to peices!

Feeding them sinking shrimp pellets are good, mine will eat 4 of them in a night, YOu should see his belly!

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